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The () of the lubricant should be sufficient to hold the film together, but it should allow the lubricant to flow easily.

specific gravity




acid value


calorific value


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更多 “单选题The () of the lubricant should be sufficient to hold the film together, but it should allow the lubricant to flow easily.A specific gravityB viscosityC acid valueD calorific value” 相关考题
考题 Dr. Myers and other researchers hold that ________.[A] people should look for a baseline that can’t work for a longer time[B] fisheries should keep the yield below 50% of the biomass[C] the ocean biomass should restored its original level[D] people should adjust the fishing baseline to changing situation

考题 以读写方式打开一个二进制文件fil2,fopen函数的正确的调用方式是:() A、FILE *FP; FP=fopen("fil2","r");B、FILE *FP; FP=fopen("fil2","rb");C、FILE *FP; FP=fopen("fil2","wb+");D、FILE *FP; FP=fopen("fil2","rb+");

考题 Dr Myers and other researchers hold thatA. people should look for a baseline that can’t work for a longer time. B. fisheries should keep the yield below 50% of the biomass C. the ocean biomass should restored its original level. D. people should adjust the fishing baseline to changing situation

考题 Should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient temperature is lower than might be encountered later on in the voyage,______.A.the hold should be ventilatedB.the hold should not be ventilatedC.the hold should be half-ventilatedD.hot air should be introduced into the hold

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考题 How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?

考题 If there is a fire in a hold, what should you do?()A、Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.B、Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood CO2 into hold.C、Close the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.D、Open the hatch, accesses and ventilators at once. Flood water into hold.

考题 在Windows操作环境下,下列文件命名错误的是()。A、Fil-E.DocB、Fil/E.DocC、FilE.DocD、Fi-l-E.Doc

考题 A customer is ordering a new p650 server to be placed into an existing OEM 42U 19-inch rack containing only two p630 servers.  This is the first p650 in the enterprise.  What is the most important question that the pSeries technical specialist should ask the customer before the order is placed?()A、Have the PDU requirements been met?B、Are there sufficient KVM connections?C、Is there sufficient service clearance?D、Is there sufficient space in the existing rack?

考题 问答题How many seats in the House of Commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?

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考题 单选题To function properly, oil control rings used on a diesel engine piston must distribute sufficient oil to all parts of the cylinder wall and must also().A prevent any lubricant from reachingB prevent excessive lubrication from reaching the combustion spaceC Provide metal-to-metal contact to seal the cylinder against blow-byD assure a positive means of scraping carbon accumulation from the cylinder

考题 单选题The SART should have sufficient battery capacity to operate in the stand-by condition for()hours and should continuously work for()hours.A 120/20B 56/18C 100/16D 96/8

考题 单选题While loading cargo,a white trimming light on the starboard side comes on. This indicates that().A the vessel has a list of about 1` to starboardB the chutes should be directed to the starboard sideC the chutes in No. 1 hold should be directed to the starboard sideD a severe list to starboard has developed and all loading should cease

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning hawser towing? ()A The catenary in a hawser should be sufficient so that the hawser just touches the bottomB The hawser is of sufficient length for towing when taut between tug and towC Increasing speed usually increases the catenary in the hawserD Shortening the tow hawser generally decreases the maneuverability of the tug

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考题 单选题If the coxswain of your lifeboat gives the command HOLD WATER you should().A complete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swinging the oar slightly forward,and place it in the boatB lift the oar in a vertical positionC complete the stroke and hold the oar out of the waterD dip the blade of your oar into the water vertically and hold it perpendicular to the keel line

考题 单选题Dirt should not be allowed to contaminate a grease lubricant because the ().A dirt will cause corrosion of bearingB bearings will leak oil excessivelyC dirt is very abrasive when mixed with greaseD grease will become inflammable

考题 单选题A customer is ordering a new p650 server to be placed into an existing OEM 42U 19-inch rack containing only two p630 servers.  This is the first p650 in the enterprise.  What is the most important question that the pSeries technical specialist should ask the customer before the order is placed?()A Have the PDU requirements been met?B Are there sufficient KVM connections?C Is there sufficient service clearance?D Is there sufficient space in the existing rack?

考题 单选题All the ()in hold No.3 should be bagged.A sweepB sweepingC sweepingsD dunnage

考题 单选题You have determined that you are in the right semicircle of a tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere.What action should you take to avoid the storm().A Place the wind on the starboard quarter and hold that courseB Place the wind on the port quarter and hold that courseC Place the wind on the port bow and hold that courseD Place the wind on the starboard bow and hold that course

考题 单选题The oil quantity for bearing lubrication should be applied in such an amount as to be sufficient to carry away the () caused by the friction at the bearings.A acidsB additivesC heatD gear

考题 单选题What should all countries do to help solve the problem of global warming?A They should replace all the harmful substances.B They should willingly undertake legal commitments about their energy uses.C They should hold another world conference on climate change.D They should provide advanced technology.

考题 单选题Before using or operating any equipment, you should first () its manual thoroughly and understand its contents().A read/sufficientB consult/sufficientlyC read/sufficientlyD consult/sufficient

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考题 单选题The () of the lubricant should be sufficient to hold the film together, but it should allow the lubricant to flow easily.A specific gravityB viscosityC acid valueD calorific value

考题 单选题If you change from a low pour point lubricant to a high pour point lubricant in a refrigeration system, ().A compressor lubrication will be improvedB oil will not leave the crankcaseC compressor valves will be damagedD oil may congeal in the evaporator

考题 单选题Which device is designed to automatically hold the load if power should fail to an electric winch?()A Pneumatic brakeB Electromagnetic brakeC Hand brakeD Motor controller