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治疗Breast cancer开发了哪些药物?


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更多 “问答题治疗Breast cancer开发了哪些药物?” 相关考题
考题 共用题干 Breast Cancer Deaths Record LowThe number of women dying from breast cancer has fallen to a record low by dropping under 12,000 a year for the first time since records began.The Cancer Research UK data showed that 11,990 women died in the UK in 2007.The previous lowest figure had been recorded in 1 97 1一 the year records began一after which it rose steadily year by year until the late 1980s.Professor Peter Johnson,Cancer Research UK's chief clinician,said,"It's incredibly encouraging to see fewer women dying from breast cancer now than at any time in the last 40 years,despite breast cancer being diagnosed more often.""Research has played a crucial role in this progress,leading to improved treatments and better management for women with the disease.""The introduction of the NHS(国民保健制度)breast screening program has also contributed as the earlier cancer is diagnosed,women are more likely to survive."Breast cancer is now the nost common cancer in the UK with 45,500 women every year diagnosed with the disease一a 50% rise in 25 years.The number of deaths peaked in 1989,when 15,625 women died.It then fell by between 200 and 400 deaths each year until 2004.There was a slight rise in 2005 and then two years of falls.Dr. Sarah Cant,policy manager at Breakthrough Breast Cancer,said,"It is great news that fewer women are dying from breast cancer and highlights the impact of improved treatments,breast screening and awareness of the disease.""However,there are still too many women affected and the incidence of the disease is increasing year byyear.,,The rising rate of breast cancer diagnosis has been put down to a variety of factors including obesity (肥胖)and alcohol consumption.11,990 women died from breast cancer in the UK in 2007.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Many Women Who Beat Cancer Don't Change HabitsMany women who battle breast cancer will tell you it's a life-changing experience. However,a new study shows that for many___1___ ,the changes aren't always positive or permanent.Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast ___2___.So when she was diagnosed,there was no doubt in her mind ___3___ she had to do.“I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that I'm on,as ___4___ as the vitamins,the diet,and the fitness. And I can't stress enough___5___ important that is,”saysBeth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that___ 6___ every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact,nearly 40% of them say even___7___ surviving breast cancer,they haven't made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exer- cise.“Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in___9___life,”says Electra Paskett,PhD,at Ohio State University's Cornprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment,they may___10___play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back.___ 11___ growing evidence,some women just aren't listening.“Colon cancer survivors ___12___ exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates.So,yes,it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health,”says Paskett.As a breast cancer survivor ___13___ ,Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can___14___.The challenge,she says,is to get more survivors to be more like Beth,during and after treatment.Experts-say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut___15___on stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors liv-ing in the U. S. of those,nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines.3._________A: whichB: thatC: whatD: those

考题 共用题干 1. Do you know a child who survived leukemia(白血病)?Do you have a mother , sister or aunt whose breast cancer was found early thanks to a mammogram(乳腺X光照片)?Do you have a friend or coworker who quit smoking to reduce their risk of lung cancer? Each of these individuals benefited from the American Cancer Society's research program.2.Each day scientists supported by the American Cancer Society work to find breakthroughs that will take US one step closer to a cure.The American Cancer Society has long recognized that research holds the ultimate answers to the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of cancer.3.As the largest source of nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States,the American Cancer Society devotes over $100 million each year to research.Since 1946,they've invested more than $2. 4 billion in research. The investment has paid rich dividends(回报、效益).In 1946,only one in four cancer patients was alive five years after diagnosis;today 60 percent live longer than five years.4.Investigators and health professionals in universities,research institutes and hospitals throughout the country receive grants from the American Cancer Society.Of the more than 1,300 new applications received each year,only 11 percent can be funded.If the American Cancer Society had more money available for research funding,nearly 200 more applications considered outstanding could be funded each year.5.You can help fund more of these applications by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay(接力)for Life,a team event to fight cancer. More funding means more cancer breakthroughs and more lives being saved.To learn more,call Donna Hood,chair with the Neosho Relay for Life of the American Cancer Society at 451-4880.More cancer breakthroughs can be made with__________.A:lack of fundingB:many cancer patientsC:more lives being savedD:more than five yearsE:the ultimate answers F: more funding

考题 共用题干 Breast Cancer Deaths Record LowThe number of women dying from breast cancer has fallen to a record low by dropping under 12,000 a year for the first time since records began.The Cancer Research UK data showed that 11,990 women died in the UK in 2007.The previous lowest figure had been recorded in 1 97 1一 the year records began一after which it rose steadily year by year until the late 1980s.Professor Peter Johnson,Cancer Research UK's chief clinician,said,"It's incredibly encouraging to see fewer women dying from breast cancer now than at any time in the last 40 years,despite breast cancer being diagnosed more often.""Research has played a crucial role in this progress,leading to improved treatments and better management for women with the disease.""The introduction of the NHS(国民保健制度)breast screening program has also contributed as the earlier cancer is diagnosed,women are more likely to survive."Breast cancer is now the nost common cancer in the UK with 45,500 women every year diagnosed with the disease一a 50% rise in 25 years.The number of deaths peaked in 1989,when 15,625 women died.It then fell by between 200 and 400 deaths each year until 2004.There was a slight rise in 2005 and then two years of falls.Dr. Sarah Cant,policy manager at Breakthrough Breast Cancer,said,"It is great news that fewer women are dying from breast cancer and highlights the impact of improved treatments,breast screening and awareness of the disease.""However,there are still too many women affected and the incidence of the disease is increasing year byyear.,,The rising rate of breast cancer diagnosis has been put down to a variety of factors including obesity (肥胖)and alcohol consumption.Obesity and alcohol consumption may also lead to some other diseases.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love. Thanks to Joyce's suggestion,Mary Ellen gotA:an opportunity to work as a nurse.B: the same surgical procedure as her sister.C: a timely check and treatment for breast cancer.D:a chance to work for the Breast Cancer Program.

考题 共用题干 第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love. What did Mary Ellen do for her cancer-stricken sister?A: She recommended Dr. Walker.B:She kept her from being disturbed.C: She asked her a lot of questions.D: She comforted her as much as she could.

考题 共用题干 第一篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,,published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking , swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting,watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at, two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atianta Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women." " More strenuous(紧张的) and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."It can be inferred from Dr.Alpa Patel's study that______.A:daily walking could cut the chance of breast cancerB:women have fewer chances of physical activityC:leisure-time activity is not associated with cancer riskD:walking is not recommended for women with breast cancer

考题 共用题干 第一篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,,published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking , swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting,watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at, two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atianta Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women." " More strenuous(紧张的) and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."Dr.Alpa Patel was______.A:chief editor of Cancer EpidemiologyB:chair of the American Cancer SocietyC:chief executive of Breast Cancer CampaignD:head of the survey study

考题 共用题干 第一篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,,published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking , swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting,watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at, two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atianta Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women." " More strenuous(紧张的) and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A:Most women take walking as their only recreational activity.B:The study aims to track the health conditions of its subjects.C:Irregular walking increased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women.D:Walking was the only recreational activity for about half of the women surveyed.

考题 共用题干 第一篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,,published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking , swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting,watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at, two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atianta Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women." " More strenuous(紧张的) and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."The word," sustainable"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to______.A:affordableB:availableC:persistentD:continuable

考题 共用题干 第三篇 Joyce Sipes and Mary Ellen DodgeWhen Joyce Sipes was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999,she shared the news immediately with her sister Mary Ellen Dodge.Mary Ellen was there for her-helDina her through the terror,and the fear,and the thousand questions that are inevitably a Dart of hearing the word"cancer".Fortunately,a friend at work who had had a similar diagnosis highly recommended Alonzo Walker,MD,Medical College of Wisconsin suraical oncoloaist(外科肿瘤学家) and director of the Froedtertshe cancelled her appointment to get a secondopinion elsewhere.Ultimately, Joyce's cancer required a mastectomy(乳房切除术).Reconstructive surgery took place right away.She came to think of Dr. Walker as her partner."not just my doctor."And the Froedtert nurses,she says,were"very unusual and impressive".As it turned out,Joyce would soon have the chance to do something important for her sister Mary Ellen.During her own cancer treatment,Joyce suqqested that Mary Ellen should get herself checked through the Froedtert&Medical College of Wisconsin Breast Cancer Program.In addition to its opportunities for examination and screenina.the hospital had established a program especially for women in families at high risk for cancer. Sure enough , it turned out that Mary Ellen had some cysts(囊肿),one of which was dangerous enough that it needed to be surgically removed.She's fine now一thanks to Joyce's suggestion.Both sisters experienced firsthand how Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin offers more than leading-edge technology and the unmatched experience of physicians in an academic medical center. It offers a comprehensive team approach一of consultation,collaboration,and care一all focused on the individual patient.That's why Joyce came to think of Froedtert,throughout the orocess of her treatment,as being her "security blanket".Joyce Sipes has been cancer-free five years now一an important milestone(里程碑) tor breast cancer survivors.Joyce and Mary Ellen are together once aciain in their workshop in Joyce's home , making the beautiful market baskets , bread baskets , muffin(松饼) baskets,and Nantucket baskets that they and their customers love. It can be seen from the last paragraph that the two sistersA: are leading a sad and lonely life.B: are still at high risk of breast cancer.C: are learning to make various kinds of baskets.D:very much enjoy their present life and work.

考题 共用题干 第三篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancersignificantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in CancerEpidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spentsitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as ahealthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."The word"sustainable"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to______.A:affordableB:continuableC:availableD:persistent

考题 共用题干 第三篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancersignificantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in CancerEpidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spentsitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as ahealthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."It can be inferred from Dr.Alpa Patel's study that______.A:daily walking could cut the chance of breast cancerB:women have fewer chances of physical activityC:leisure-time activity is not associated with cancer riskD:walking is not recommended for women with breast cancer

考题 共用题干 第三篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancersignificantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in CancerEpidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spentsitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as ahealthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."Dr.Alpa Patel was______.A:chief editor of Cancer EpidemiologyB:chair of the American Cancer SocietyC:chief executive of Breast Cancer CampaignD:head of the survey study

考题 共用题干 第三篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancersignificantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in CancerEpidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spentsitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as ahealthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."All of the following factors relating to cancer risk were mentioned in the passage EXCEPT______.A:regular walkingB:breathing exerciseC:recreational activityD:lifestyle choices

考题 共用题干 第三篇A New Strategy to Overcome Breast CancerPost-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancersignificantly,a study has suggested.The report,which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking.UK experts said there was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.A recent poll for the charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study,published in CancerEpidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73,615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spentsitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.Of the women,47%said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14%lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.Dr.Alpa Patel,a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta,Georgia,who led the study,said:"Given that more than 60%of women report some daily walking,promoting walking as ahealthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity,just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women."" More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more."Baroness Delyth Morgan,chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:"This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference."She added:"We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place.The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer."Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A:Most women take walking as their only recreational activity.B:The study aims to track the health conditions of its subjects.C:Walking was the only recreational activity for about half of the women.D:Irregular walking increased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women.

考题 共用题干 Screen Test1 Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happens early enough,the disease can often be treated successfully.According to a survey published last year,2 1 countries have screening programs.Nine of them,including Australia,Canada,the US and Spain, screen women under 50.2 But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial,partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also,younger women must be given higher doses of X-raysbecause their breast tissue is denser.3 Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia analyzed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local clinics.After estimating the women's cumulative dose of radiation,they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause.4 The mathematical model recommended by Britain's National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)predicted that the screening program would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women,18 of them fatal.The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers.5 The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is"not very significant"compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.The Valencia program,they say,detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.6 But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead of 45,because they would be exposed to less radiation.The results of their study,they suggest,could help"optimize the technique"for breast cancer screening.7 "There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks," admits Michael Clark of the NRPB.But he warns that the study should be interpreted with caution."On the basis of the current data,for every 10 cancers successfully detected and prevented there is a risk of causing one later in life.That'S why radiation exposure should be minimized in any screening program."Paragraph 4_________A:Harm Screening May Do to a Younger WomanB:Investigating the Effect of ScreeningC:Effects Predicted by Two Different ModelsD:Small Risk of Inducing Cancers From RadiationE:Treatment of CancersF:Factors That Trigger Cancers

考题 共用题干 Screen Test1 Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happens early enough,the disease can often be treated successfully.According to a survey published last year,2 1 countries have screening programs.Nine of them,including Australia,Canada,the US and Spain, screen women under 50.2 But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial,partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also,younger women must be given higher doses of X-raysbecause their breast tissue is denser.3 Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia analyzed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local clinics.After estimating the women's cumulative dose of radiation,they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause.4 The mathematical model recommended by Britain's National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)predicted that the screening program would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women,18 of them fatal.The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers.5 The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is"not very significant"compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.The Valencia program,they say,detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened.6 But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead of 45,because they would be exposed to less radiation.The results of their study,they suggest,could help"optimize the technique"for breast cancer screening.7 "There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks," admits Michael Clark of the NRPB.But he warns that the study should be interpreted with caution."On the basis of the current data,for every 10 cancers successfully detected and prevented there is a risk of causing one later in life.That'S why radiation exposure should be minimized in any screening program."Early discovery of breast cancer may________.A:be costlyB:harmfulC:save a lifeD:still open to debateE:reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancerF:reduced to the minimum

考题 前横缆()A、breast lineB、aft breast lineC、fore stern lineD、fore breast line

考题 单选题阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。 Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,BiomarkersPrevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.””More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.” Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.” She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.” It can be inferred from Dr. Alpa Patel’s study that____.A women have fewer chances of physical activityB daily walking could cut the chance of breast cancerC leisure-time activity is not associated with cancer riskD walking is not recommended for women with breast cancer

考题 单选题阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。 Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,BiomarkersPrevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.””More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.” Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.” She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.” All of the following factors relating to cancer risk were mentioned in the EXCEPT________.A breathing exerciseB regular walkingC recreational activityD lifestyle choices

考题 单选题阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。 Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,BiomarkersPrevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.””More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.” Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.” She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.” The word “sustainable” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_____.A affordableB availableC persistentD continuable

考题 单选题阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。 Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,BiomarkersPrevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.””More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.” Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.” She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.” Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A Most women take walking as their only recreational activity.B Walking was the only recreational activity for about half of the women.C The study aims to track the health conditions of its subjects.D Irregular walking increased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women

考题 单选题阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。 Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk. A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,BiomarkersPrevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group. They were asked to complete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were active and participating in activities such as walking,swimming and aerobics(有氧运动)and how much time they spent sitting watching television or reading.They completed the same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women,47% said walking was their only recreational activity.Those who walked for at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week. Dr. Alpa Patel, a senior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, who led the study, said:”Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy for increasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women.We were pleased to find that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.””More strenuous(紧张的)and longer activities lowered the risk even more.” Baroness Delyth Morgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign,said:”This study adds further evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporate into our normal day-to-day activity can make a difference.” She added:”We know that the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the first place. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identify other sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.” Dr. Alpa Patel was_____.A chief editor of Cancer Epidemiology.B chair of the American Cancer Society.C head of the survey study.D chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign.

考题 单选题What did the report at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium illustrate?A Flaxseed is the most effective treatment for breast cancer.B Breast cancer is the main cause of death for women.C It’s hard to cure breast cancer.D Flaxseed is a potential arsenal against breast cancer.