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"I'm not meddling,"Mary said mildly."I'm just curious."



解析:本句意思:“我不是在管闲事,”玛丽温和地说,“我只是好奇。” mildly意为“和善地”,与gently(温柔地)意思相近。shyly害羞地;weakly虚弱地;sweetly甜蜜地。
更多 “"I'm not meddling,"Mary said mildly."I'm just curious."A:gently B:shyly C:weakly D:sweetly” 相关考题
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考题 Mary: What are you working on? Susan: I'm doing some embroidery. Mary: ______ Susan: I don't do very much, just for very special occasions.A.I didn't know you did needlework.B.I think you have done a good job.C.Where did you learn to do needlework?D.Why do you do needlework?

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考题 一Well, Mary, how are you?一_____________A. I'm goodB. I'm niceC. I' m fine

考题 -Well, Mary, how are you? -(). A、I’m goodB、I’m pleasedC、I’m fineD、I’m nice

考题 A: Is Mary very sick? B: I’m afraid so.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 Why do you look unhappy. What's the matter?()A. I'm satisfied with the good performance of the radio I've just bought.B. I'm glad to have bought this radio at such a price.C. I'm rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio I've just bought.

考题 —Mary, can I use your computer now? —(). It doesn’t work. A、That’s all rightB、I’m afraid notC、You’re welcomeD、It doesn’t matter

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考题 -How's your brother these days?-He hasn't been too well just recently.-________. What's the matter?-I think he's been overworking.A、It'll be pleased to hear you ask after himB、That's not too badC、I'm sorry to hear thatD、I'll tell him what you said

考题 – Do you agree with what I’ve said? -- ____________.A、I think so.B、Yes, I do.C、Maybe next time.D、I’m fine.

考题 Linda: Mary, I'm afraid I have to be leaving now.Mary: __________A、That sounds wonderful.B、Oh,so early?C、Not at all.D、Good luck!

考题 --I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us. --She is ______ than unfriendly, I'm afraid.A. shyer B. much shyer C. shy more D. more shy

考题 “I am not meddling.”Mary said mildly ,“I'm just curious.”A: gently B: shyly C:weakly D: sweetly

考题 “I am not meddling.”Mary said mildly ,“I'm just curious.”A: gently B: shyly C:weakly D:sweetly

考题 "I think you've made a mistake,"he said mildly.A: gently B: shyly C: weakly D: sweetly

考题 "I'm not meddling,"Mary said mildly."I'm just curious.”A:gently B:shyly C:weakly D:sweetly

考题 “很抱歉,这里没有这个人。”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、I’ m sorry ,there is no one here.B、I’ m sorry ,there is no one by that name here.C、I’ m sorry ,I don’ t know him.D、I don’ t understand what you said.

考题 “很抱歉,这里没有这个人.”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、I’m sorry,there is no one here.B、I’m sorry,there is no one by that name here.C、I’m sorry,I don’t know him.D、I don’t under stand what you said.

考题 –Well, Mary, how are you? --()A、I’m goodB、I’m pleasedC、I’m fine

考题 I regret()that I'm unable to help you.A、sayingB、to sayC、sayD、said

考题 Is Mary there?()A、Speaking.B、I'm not Mary.C、Who are you?D、Mary is well today

考题 单选题Anne: Come in please. Ah! It’s you, Mary. How are you? Please sit down.  Mary: I’m very well, thank you.  Anne: ______It’s been a long time since we last saw each other. You see, I’ve lived here for almost a month.  Mary: I know. Since I was passing by, I thought I’d just drop in. (Looking around) What a nice view, with windows facing the harbor!A Do you smoke?B I’m glad to see you.C What’s up?D Help yourself to some cakes.

考题 单选题M: Mary, er... Last Friday. Do you remember how much time you spent working?  W: Well, I was spring-cleaning at home actually, and it just seems______. I suppose about six hours actually.A to do happilyB to go quicklyC to do nothingD to go on and on