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直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了。It was not until dark ______ I realized it was too late to visit him.

更多 “直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了。It was not until dark ______ I realized it was too late to visit him.” 相关考题
考题 I don’t like him. He speaks with too many “ifs”, “ands” and “buts”. (英译汉)

考题 直到最近我才意识到语言与文化密切相关。

考题 I got . _____very late this morning. I watched too much TV last night.A. inB. upC. together

考题 I think that is ( ) for him. A、very much expensiveB、too much more expensiveC、too much expensiveD、much too expensive

考题 I didn't get home until it got dark last night and all my family () (be) worried about me.

考题 Jack is good, hard working and intelligent. __________. I can’t speak too highly of him. A、As a resultB、By the wayC、On the contraryD、In a word

考题 A: Don't you think this colour is too dark? B: Yes, I think so.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 I’m trying to break the ( )of getting up too late .A. traditionB. convenienceC. habitD. leisure

考题 Not until I began to work__how much time I had wasted.A.didn't I realize B.did I realize C.I didn't realize D.I realized

考题 Because it was too dark at night, I could see _____people on the street. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

考题 — How's the movie? Interesting? —()A、I was seated far away in the cornerB、Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVC、It was shown late until midnight

考题 I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story.()A、对是否支持他我一直犹豫不决,在了解整个情况后就站在他一边了。B、在了解全部真相之前我一直拿不定主意,是否支持他。C、我在完全了解事实真相后,才打消顾虑,改为支持他的立场。D、我一直在犹豫,不过后来了解全面的情况后,就站在他一边了。

考题 Upon getting the order ,can I lower the anchor until it is clear of hawse pipe ? ()A、接到命令时,我可以等到清空锚链筒后才抛锚吗?B、一接到抛锚命令,我能将锚抛下直到锚链筒清爽吗?C、A+BD、AB都不对。

考题 单选题这个(zhège)杯子(bēizi)太(tài)大(dà)了(1e),我(wǒ)不(bù)喜欢(xǐhuān)。问(wèn):这个(zhège)杯子(bēizi)怎(zěn)么(me)样(yàng)?A 太(tài)小(xiǎo)B 太(tài)大(dà)C 不(bù)漂亮(piàoliang)

考题 判断题对(duì)不(bu)起(qǐ),请(qǐng)你(nǐ)说(shuō)慢(màn)一(yī)点(diǎn)儿(ér)。★我(wǒ)觉(jué)得(de)他(tā)说(shuō)得(dé)太(tài)快(kuài)了(le)。(  )A 对B 错

考题 填空题他(tā)说(shuō)得(dé)太(tài)快(kuài)了(le),我(wǒ)都(dōu)没(méi)听(tīng)懂(dǒng)。____

考题 单选题女(nǚ):你(nǐ)会(huì)游(yóu)泳(yǒng)吧(bɑ)?想(xiǎng)不(bu)想(xiǎng)去(qù)游(yóu)泳(yǒng)?男(nán):现(xiàn)在(zài)?现(xiàn)在(zài)太(tài)热(rè)了(le)吧(bɑ)。问(wèn):男(nán)的(de)为(wèi)什(shén)么(me)不(bù)去(qù)游(yóu)泳(yǒng)?A 天(tiān)太(tài)热(rè)B 他(tā)不(bù)会(huì)C 他(tā)太(tài)忙(máng)了(le)

考题 单选题女:你怎么才来?我都等了半个小时了。男:真不好意思,可是我开了两个街区才找到停车位!问:男的为什么来晚了?A 堵车B 他忘记了约会时间C 停车位很难找D 他迷路了

考题 单选题I think you should end it ______ it is too late, or you will be sorry for it.A beforeB afterC so thatD because

考题 单选题这些(zhèxiē)衣服(yīfu)都(dōu)太(tài)小(xiǎo)了(le),我(wǒ)不(bù)想(xiǎng)买(mǎi)。问(wèn):这(zhè)些(xiē)衣(yī)服(fu)怎(zěn)么(me)样(yàng)?A 太(tài)大(dà)了(le)B 太(tài)小(xiǎo)了(le)C 太(tài)漂亮(piàoliang)了(le)

考题 单选题Not until that day _____ the importance of good manners in a job interview.A did I realizeB I did realizeC I have realizedD have I realized

考题 单选题_____ he realized it was too late to return home.A No sooner it grew dark whenB It was not until dark thatC Scarcely it grew dark thanD While it grew dark that

考题 单选题It was not _____ she took off her dark glasses _____ I realized she was a famous actress.A when; thatB until; thatC until; whenD when; then

考题 填空题我(wǒ)这几天(zhèjǐtiān)学习(xuéxí)太(tài)累(lèi)了(le),身体(shēntǐ)也(yě)不(bù)太(tài)好(hǎo)。____

考题 填空题天黑(tiānhēi)了(1e),我(wǒ)要(yào)回去(huíqù)了(1e)。____

考题 单选题Upon getting the order ,can I lower the anchor until it is clear of hawse pipe ? ()A 接到命令时,我可以等到清空锚链筒后才抛锚吗?B 一接到抛锚命令,我能将锚抛下直到锚链筒清爽吗?C A+BD AB都不对。

考题 单选题Because it was too dark at night, I could see _____ people on the street.A fewB a fewC littleD a little

考题 判断题昨天是我的生日,朋友们为我开了一个生日晚会。我们唱歌、跳舞,玩儿得非常开心,直到一点半才睡觉。今天早上我起床晚了,上课迟到了二十分钟。★他今天没去上课。A 对B 错