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EXAM STATUS REPORT Your status report provides details of the ACCA exams you have already passed and those you have still to complete EXAM STATUS REPORT Your status report provides details of the ACCA exams you have already passed and those you have still to complete View your status report——这个是超级链接,点击进入就可以查看学员全部的考试分数记录。



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(2):点击“Exam Status and Results”里面有“Administrative Review”





下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) the factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL; (7 marks)

(ii) The factors that should be considered in the design of a reward scheme for BGL.
– Whether performance targets should be set with regard to results or effort. It is more difficult to set targets for
administrative and support staff since in many instances the results of their efforts are not easily quantifiable. For
example, sales administrators will improve levels of customer satisfaction but quantifying this is extremely difficult.
– Whether rewards should be monetary or non-monetary. Money means different things to different people. In many
instances people will prefer increased job security which results from improved organisational performance and
adopt a longer term-perspective. Thus the attractiveness of employee share option schemes will appeal to such
individuals. Well designed schemes will correlate the prosperity of the organisation with that of the individuals it
– Whether the reward promise should be implicit or explicit. Explicit reward promises are easy to understand but in
many respects management will have their hands tied. Implicit reward promises such as the ‘promise’ of promotion
for good performance is also problematic since not all organisations are large enough to offer a structured career
progression. Thus in situations where not everyone can be promoted there needs to be a range of alternative reward
systems in place to acknowledge good performance and encourage commitment from the workforce.
– The size and time span of the reward. This can be difficult to determine especially in businesses such as BGL
which are subject to seasonal variations. i.e. summerhouses will invariably be purchased prior to the summer
season! Hence activity levels may vary and there remains the potential problem of assessing performance when
an organisation operates with surplus capacity.
– Whether the reward should be individual or group based. This is potentially problematic for BGL since the assembly
operatives comprise some individuals who are responsible for their own output and others who work in groups.
Similarly with regard to the sales force then the setting of individual performance targets is problematic since sales
territories will vary in terms of geographical spread and customer concentration.
– Whether the reward scheme should involve equity participation? Such schemes invariably appeal to directors and
senior managers but should arguably be open to all individuals if ‘perceptions of inequity’ are to be avoided.
– Tax considerations need to be taken into account when designing a reward scheme.

(ii) Briefly discuss TWO factors which could reduce the rate of return earned by the investment as per the

results in part (a). (4 marks)

(ii) Two factors which might reduce the return earned by the investment are as follows:
(i) Poor product quality
The very nature of the product requires that it is of the highest quality i.e. the cakes are made for human
consumption. Bad publicity via a ‘product recall’ could potentially have a catastrophic effect on the total sales to
Superstores plc over the eighteen month period.
(ii) The popularity of the Mighty Ben character
There is always the risk that the popularity of the character upon which the product is based will diminish with a
resultant impact on sales volumes achieved. In this regard it would be advisable to attempt to negotiate with
Superstores plc in order to minimise potential future losses.

3 Palm plc recently acquired 100% of the ordinary share capital of Nikau Ltd from Facet Ltd. Palm plc intends to use

Nikau Ltd to develop a new product range, under the name ‘Project Sabal’. Nikau Ltd owns shares in a non-UK

resident company, Date Inc.

The following information has been extracted from client files and from a meeting with the Finance Director of Palm


Palm plc:

– Has more than 40 wholly owned subsidiaries such that all group companies pay corporation tax at 30%.

– All group companies prepare accounts to 31 March.

– Acquired Nikau Ltd on 1 November 2007 from Facet Ltd, an unrelated company.

Nikau Ltd:

– UK resident company that manufactures domestic electronic appliances for sale in the European Union (EU).

– Large enterprise for the purposes of the enhanced relief available for research and development expenditure.

– Trading losses brought forward as at 1 April 2007 of £195,700.

– Budgeted taxable trading profit of £360,000 for the year ending 31 March 2008 before taking account of ‘Project


– Dividend income of £38,200 will be received in the year ending 31 March 2008 in respect of the shares in Date


‘Project Sabal’:

– Development of a range of electronic appliances, for sale in North America.

– Project Sabal will represent a significant advance in the technology of domestic appliances.

– Nikau Ltd will spend £70,000 on staffing costs and consumables researching and developing the necessary

technology between now and 31 March 2008. Further costs will be incurred in the following year.

– Sales to North America will commence in 2009 and are expected to generate significant profits from that year.

Shares in Date Inc:

– Nikau Ltd owns 35% of the ordinary share capital of Date Inc.

– The shares were purchased from Facet Ltd on 1 June 2003 for their market value of £338,000.

– The sale was a no gain, no loss transfer for the purposes of corporation tax.

– Facet Ltd purchased the shares in Date Inc on 1 March 1994 for £137,000.

Date Inc:

– A controlled foreign company resident in the country of Palladia.

– Annual chargeable profits arising out of property investment activities are approximately £120,000, of which

approximately £115,000 is distributed to its shareholders each year.

The tax system in Palladia:

– No taxes on income or capital profits.

– 4% withholding tax on dividends paid to shareholders resident outside Palladia.


(a) Prepare detailed explanatory notes, including relevant supporting calculations, on the effect of the following

issues on the amount of corporation tax payable by Nikau Ltd for the year ending 31 March 2008.

(i) The costs of developing ‘Project Sabal’ and the significant commercial changes to the company’s

activities arising out of its implementation. (8 marks)

(a) Nikau Ltd – Effect on corporation tax payable for the year ending 31 March 2008
(i) Project Sabal
Research and development expenditure
The expenditure incurred in respect of research and development will give rise to an enhanced deduction for the
purposes of computing the taxable trading profits of Nikau Ltd. The enhanced deduction is 125% of the qualifying
expenditure as Nikau Ltd is a large enterprise for this purpose.
The expenditure will reduce the profits chargeable to corporation tax of Nikau Ltd by £87,500 (£70,000 x 1·25) and
its corporation tax liability by £26,250 (£87,500 x 30%).
The budgeted expenditure will qualify for the enhanced deduction because it appears to satisfy the following conditions.
– It is likely to qualify as research and development expenditure within generally accepted accounting principles as
it will result in new technical knowledge and the production of a substantially improved device for use in the
– It exceeds £10,000 in Nikau Ltd’s accounting period.
– It relates to staff costs, consumable items or other qualifying expenditure as opposed to capital items.
– It will result in further trading activities for Nikau Ltd.
Use of brought forward trading losses
The development of products for the North American market is likely to represent a major change in the nature and
conduct of the trade of Nikau Ltd. This is because the company is developing new products and intends to sell them in
a new market. It is a major change as sales to North America are expected to generate significant additional profits.
Because this change will occur within three years of the change in the ownership of Nikau Ltd on 1 November 2007,
any trading losses arising prior to that date cannot be carried forward beyond that date.
Accordingly, the trading losses brought forward may only be offset against £158,958 ((£360,000 – £87,500) x 7/12)
of the company’s trading profits for the year. The remainder of the trading losses £36,742 (£195,700 – £158,958) will
be lost resulting in lost tax relief of £11,023 (£36,742 x 30%).
Tutorial note
The profits for the year ending 31 March 2008 will be apportioned to the periods pre and post 1 November 2007 on
either a time basis or some other basis that is just and reasonable.

(b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s share options in Memphis

plc to be exempt from income tax and the tax implications if this condition is not satisfied.

(2 marks)

(b) (i) Paul has options in an HMRC approved share scheme. Under such schemes, no tax liabilities arise either on the grant
or exercise of the option. The excess of the proceeds over the price paid for the shares (the exercise price) is charged to
capital gains tax on their disposal.
However, in order to secure this treatment, one of the conditions to be satisfied is that the options cannot be exercised
within three years of the date of grant. If Paul were to exercise his options now (i.e. before the third anniversary of the
grant), the exercise would instead be treated as an unapproved exercise. At that date, income tax would be charged on
the difference between the market value of the shares on exercise and the price paid to exercise the option.

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