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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) With reference to CF Co, explain the ethical and other professional issues raised. (9 marks)

(b) There are several issues that must be addressed as a matter of urgency:
Extra work must be planned to discover the extent of the breakdown in internal controls that occurred during the year. It is
important to decide whether the errors were isolated, or continued through the accounting period and whether similar errors
have occurred in other areas e.g. cash receipts from existing customers or cash payments. A review of the working papers of
the internal audit team should be carried out as soon as possible. The materiality of the errors should be documented.
Errors discovered in the accounting systems will have serious implications for the planned audit approach of new customer
deposits. Nate & Co must plan to expand audit testing on this area as control risk is high. Cash deposits will represent a
significant class of transaction in CF Co. A more detailed substantive approach than used in prior year audits may be needed
in this material area if limited reliance can be placed on internal controls.
A combination of the time spent investigating the reasons for the errors, their materiality, and a detailed substantive audit on
this area means that the audit is likely to take longer than previously anticipated. This may have cost and recoverability
implications. Extra staff may need to be assigned to the audit team, and the deadline for completion of audit procedures may
need to be extended. This will need to be discussed with CF Co.
Due to the increased audit risk, Nate & Co should consider increasing review procedures throughout the audit. In addition CF
Co is likely to be a highly regulated company as it operates in financial services, increasing possible attention focused on the
audit opinion. These two factors indicate that a second partner review would be recommended.
A separate issue is that of Jin Sayed offering advice to the internal audit team. The first problem raised is that of quality control.
A new and junior member of the audit team should be subject to close direction and supervision which does not appear to
have been the case during this assignment.
Secondly, Jin Sayed should not have offered advice to the internal audit team. On being made aware of the errors, he should
have alerted a senior member of the audit team, who then would have decided the action to be taken. This implies that he
does not understand the limited extent of his responsibilities as a junior member of the audit team. Nate & Co may wish to
review the training provided to new members of staff, as it should be made clear when matters should be reported to a senior,
and when matters can be dealt with by the individual.
Thirdly, Jin Sayed must be questioned to discover what exactly he advised the internal audit team to do. Despite his academic
qualification, he has little practical experience in the financial information systems of CF Co. He may have given inappropriate
advice, and it will be crucial to confirm that no action has been taken by the internal audit team.
The audit partner should consider if Nate & Co are at risk because of the advice that has been provided by Jin Sayed. As he
is a member of the audit team, his advice would be considered by the client as advice offered by Nate & Co, and the partner
should ascertain by discussion with the client whether this advice has been acted upon.
Finally Nate & Co should consider whether as a firm they could provide the review of the financial information technology
system, as requested by CF Co. IFAC’s Code of Ethics, and ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct places restrictions on the
provision of non-audit services. Nate & Co must be clear in what exactly the ‘review’ will involve.
Providing a summary of weaknesses in the system, with appropriate recommendations is considered part of normal audit
procedures. However, given the errors that have arisen in the year, CF Co may require Nate & Co to design and implement
changes to the system. This would constitute a self-review threat and should only be considered if significant safeguards are
put in place, for example, using a separate team to provide the non-audit service and/or having a second partner review of
the work.

3 The directors of Panel, a public limited company, are reviewing the procedures for the calculation of the deferred tax

provision for their company. They are quite surprised at the impact on the provision caused by changes in accounting

standards such as IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’ and IFRS2 ‘Share-based

Payment’. Panel is adopting International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time as at 31 October 2005 and

the directors are unsure how the deferred tax provision will be calculated in its financial statements ended on that

date including the opening provision at 1 November 2003.


(a) (i) Explain how changes in accounting standards are likely to have an impact on the provision for deferred

taxation under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’. (5 marks)


(a) (i) IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’ adopts a balance sheet approach to accounting for deferred taxation. The IAS adopts a full
provision approach to accounting for deferred taxation. It is assumed that the recovery of all assets and the settlement
of all liabilities have tax consequences and that these consequences can be estimated reliably and are unavoidable.
IFRS recognition criteria are generally different from those embodied in tax law, and thus ‘temporary’ differences will
arise which represent the difference between the carrying amount of an asset and liability and its basis for taxation
purposes (tax base). The principle is that a company will settle its liabilities and recover its assets over time and at that
point the tax consequences will crystallise.

Thus a change in an accounting standard will often affect the carrying value of an asset or liability which in turn will
affect the amount of the temporary difference between the carrying value and the tax base. This in turn will affect the
amount of the deferred taxation provision which is the tax rate multiplied by the amount of the temporary differences(assuming a net liability for deferred tax.)


(b) Calculate the corporation tax (CT) liabilities for Alantech Ltd, Boron Ltd and Bubble Ltd for the year ending

31 December 2004 on the assumption that loss reliefs are taken as early as possible. (9 marks)


(b) Schedule D Case I calculation
The three companies form. a group for both group relief and capital gains purposes as all shareholdings pass the 75%
ownership test. The calculation of the corporation tax liabilities is as follows:

(c) Assess how the fundamental ethical principles of IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants should

be applied to the provision of a forensic investigation service. (6 marks)

(c) Application of ethical principles to a fraud investigation
IFAC’s Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants applies to all ACCA members involved in professional assignments,
including forensic investigations. There are specific considerations in the application of each of the principles in providing
such a service.
The forensic investigator is likely to deal frequently with individuals who lack integrity, are dishonest, and attempt to conceal
the true facts from the investigator. It is imperative that the investigator recognises this, and acts with impeccable integrity
throughout the whole investigation.
As in an audit engagement, the investigator’s objectivity must be beyond question. The report that is the outcome of the
forensic investigation must be perceived as independent, as it forms part of the legal evidence presented at court. The
investigator must adhere to the concept that the overriding objective of court proceedings is to deal with cases fairly and justly.
Any real or perceived threats to objectivity could undermine the credibility of the evidence provided by the investigator.
This issue poses a particular problem where an audit client requests its auditors to conduct a forensic investigation. In this
situation, the audit firm would be exposed to threats to objectivity in terms of advocacy, management involvement and selfreview.
The advocacy threat arises because the audit firm may feel pressured into promoting the interests and point of view
of their client, which would breach the overriding issue of objectivity in court proceedings. Secondly, the investigators could
be perceived to be involved in management decisions regarding the implications of the fraud, especially where the investigator
acts as an expert witness. It is however the self-review threat that would be the most significant threat to objectivity. The selfreview
threat arises because the investigation is likely to involve the estimation of an amount (i.e. the loss), which could be
material to the financial statements.
For the reasons outlined above, The Code states that the firm should evaluate threats and put appropriate safeguards in place,
and if safeguards cannot reduce the threats to an acceptable level, then the firm cannot provide both the audit service and
the forensic investigation.
Professional competence and due care
Forensic investigations will involve very specialist skills, which accountants are unlikely to possess without extensive training.
Such skills would include:
– Detailed knowledge of the relevant legal framework surrounding fraud,
– An understanding of how to gather specialist evidence,
– Skills in the safe custody of evidence, including maintaining a clear ‘chain’ of evidence, and
– Strong personal skills in, for example, interview techniques, presentation of material at court, and tactful dealing with
difficult and stressful situations.
It is therefore essential that forensic work is only ever undertaken by highly skilled individuals, under the direction and
supervision of an experienced fraud investigator. Any doubt over the competence of the investigation team could severely
undermine the credibility of the evidence presented at court.
Normally accountants should not disclose information without the explicit consent of their client. However, during legal
proceedings arising from a fraud investigation, the court will require the investigator to reveal information discovered during
the investigation. There is an overriding requirement for the investigator to disclose all of the information deemed necessary
by the court.
Outside of the court, the investigator must ensure faultless confidentiality, especially because much of the information they
have access to will be highly sensitive.
Professional behaviour
Fraud investigations can become a matter of public interest, and much media attention is often focused on the work of the
forensic investigator. A highly professional attitude must be displayed at all times, in order to avoid damage to the reputation
of the firm, and of the profession. Any lapse in professional behaviour could also undermine the integrity of the forensic
evidence, and of the credibility of the investigator, especially when acting in the capacity of expert witness.
During legal proceedings, the forensic investigator may be involved in discussions with both sides in the court case, and here
it is essential that a courteous and considerate attitude is presented to all parties.

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