










1“Confirm availability”过程中提示“Open registration”

答:点击页面左侧的小房子 logo 回到报考系统“Your plan”页面,点击要预定的科目旁的“x”符号删除还未成功预定的科目,退出 myACCA

务必把浏览器的缓存清空后再打开浏览器登录 myACCA 访问报考系统,添加考试后(如有多门考试想进行预定,也请先单科考试确认付款后再进行下一科的考试预定),进入第二步的“Confirm availability”进行考位确认时,请点击“Select exam”下方显示的科目标题,按照页面提示完成考位确认。



2、报考 SP 阶段考试日历中选哪一天?

答:每一科 SP 阶段考试都只在考试周的某一天有考试,具体的考试日期请通过官网查看:


3、考点没有考位,考点显示“None availability”

答:遇到以上提示,请致电ACCA中文客服,ACCA客服会协助学员确认是否的确是没考位还是报考系统 issue



答:可以尝试清除浏览历史记录、更换其它浏览器、关闭VPN或者链接手机网络的热点,如果依旧无法支付,可以通过电话进行付款,请联系: +44 (0)141 582 2000


答:完成扣费后有可能缴费仍在到账过程中,费用到账后,考试预定才会完成。通常情况下,立刻到账或 5 日内到账都正常都有可能,所以小伙伴们请耐心等候。



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

15 A trader who fixes her prices by adding 50% to cost actually achieved a mark-up of 45%.

Which of the following factors could account for the shortfall?

1 Sales were lower than expected.

2 The opening inventories had been overstated.

3 The closing inventories of the business were higher than the opening inventories.

4 Goods taken from inventories by the proprietor were recorded by debiting drawings and crediting purchases with

the cost of the goods.

A All four factors

B 1, 2 and 4 only

C 2 only

D 3 and 4 only


(b) Draft a report as at today’s date advising Cutlass Inc on its proposed activities. The report should cover the

following issues:

(i) The rate at which the profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxed. This section of the report should explain:

– the company’s residency position and what Ben and Amy would have to do in order for the company

to be regarded as resident in the UK under the double tax treaty;

– the meaning of the term ‘permanent establishment’ and the implications of Cutlass Inc having a

permanent establishment in Sharpenia;

– the rate at which the profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxed on the assumption that it is resident in the

UK under the double tax treaty and either does or does not have a permanent establishment in

Sharpenia. (9 marks)

(b) Report to the management of Razor Ltd
To           The management of Razor Ltd
From       Tax advisers
Date         6 June 2007
Subject    The proposed activities of Cutlass Inc
(i) Rate of tax on profits of Cutlass Inc
When considering the manner in which the profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxed it must be recognised that the system of
corporation tax in Sharpenia is the same as that in the UK.
The profits of Cutlass Inc will be subject to corporation tax in the country in which it is resident or where it has a
permanent establishment. It is desirable for the profits of Cutlass Inc to be taxed in the UK rather than in Sharpenia as
the rate of corporation tax in the UK on annual profits of £120,000 will be 19% whereas in Sharpenia the rate of tax
would be 38%.
Residency of Cutlass Inc
Cutlass Inc will be resident in Sharpenia, because it is incorporated there. However, it will also be resident in the UK if
it is centrally managed and controlled from the UK. For this to be the case, Amy and Ben should hold the company’s
board meetings in the UK.
Under the double tax treaty between the UK and Sharpenia, a company resident in both countries is treated as being
resident in the country where it is effectively managed and controlled. For Cutlass Inc to be treated as UK resident under
the treaty, Amy and Ben would need to ensure that all key management and commercial decisions are made in the UK
and not in Sharpenia.
Permanent establishment
A permanent establishment is a fixed place of business, including an office, factory or workshop, through which the
business of an enterprise is carried on. A permanent establishment will also exist in a country if contracts in the
company’s name are habitually concluded there.
The trading profits of Cutlass Inc will be taxable in Sharpenia if they are derived from a permanent establishment in
Sharpenia even if it can be established that Cutlass Inc is UK resident under the double tax treaty.
Double taxation
If Cutlass Inc is UK resident but has a permanent establishment in Sharpenia, its trading profits will be subject to
corporation tax in both the UK and Sharpenia with double tax relief available in the UK. The double tax relief will be the
lower of the UK tax and the Sharpenian tax on the trading profits. Accordingly, as the rate of tax is higher in Sharpenia
than it is in the UK, there will be no UK tax to pay on the company’s trading profits and the rate of tax on the profits
would be the rate in Sharpenia, i.e. 38%.
If Cutlass Inc is UK resident and does not have a permanent establishment in Sharpenia, its profits will be taxable in
the UK at the rate of 19% and not in Sharpenia.

(ii) Identify the points that must be confirmed and any action necessary in order for capital treatment to

apply to the transaction. (4 marks)

(ii) Ensuring capital treatment
For the capital treatment to apply, a number of conditions need to be satisfied such that the following points need to be
– The business of Acrux Ltd consists wholly or mainly of the carrying on of a trade as opposed to the making of
– Spica is UK resident and ordinarily resident despite living in both the UK and Solaris.
– The transaction is being carried out for the purpose of the company’s trade and is not part of a scheme intended
to avoid tax. This is likely to be the case as HMRC accept that a management disagreement over the running of
the company has an adverse effect on the running of the business.
In addition, Spica must have owned the shares for at least five years so the transaction must not take place until
1 October 2008.

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