



提前报名截止  2019年11月11日

常规报名截止  2020年1月27日

后期报名截止  2020年2月3日


提前报名截止  2020年2月10日

常规报名截止  2020年4月27日

后期报名截止  2020年5月4日


提前报名截止  2020年5月11日

常规报名截止:  2020年7月27日

后期报名截止  2020年8月3日


提前报名截止  2020年8月10日

常规报名截止  2020年10月26日

后期报名截止  2020年11月2日


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Excluding the number of complaints by patients, identify and briefly explain THREE quantitative

non-financial performance measures that could be used to assess the ‘quality of service’ provided by the

Dental Health Partnership. (3 marks)

(c) In order to assess the quality of patient care provided by the Dental Health Partnership the following performance measures
might be used:
– The percentage of ‘on time’ treatment of those patients who arrived prior to their appointment time would provide an
indication regarding the effectiveness of the scheduling of appointments by the Dental Health Partnership.
– the percentage of patient appointments which were re-arranged at the request of the Dental Health Partnership.
Rearranged appointments represent the provision of a lower level of service provision to clients who may, as a result,
switch to an alternative dental practice.
– the percentage of patients who return for treatment after their first appointment would provide an indication that they
were satisfied with the service they received.
– the percentage of patients who were able to gain an appointment at their preferred date and time is an indication of the
availability of the service to clients.
Note: Candidates were only required to discuss three measures.

(ii) Service quality; and (7 marks)

(ii) Quality of service is the totality of features and characteristics of the service package that bear upon its ability to satisfy
client needs. To some extent the number of complaints and the need to provide non-chargeable consultations associated
with the remedying of those complaints is indicative of a service quality problem that must be addressed. Hence this
problem needs to be investigated at the earliest opportunity. Assuming consultants could have otherwise undertaken
chargeable work, the revenue foregone as a consequence of the remedial consultations relating to commercial work
amounted to (180 x £1500) = £27,000. Client complaints received by HLP during the year amounted to 1·24% of
consultations undertaken by commercial advisors whereas none were budgeted. In contrast, competitor MAS received
135 complaints which coincided with the number of non-chargeable consultations undertaken by them. This may
indicate that MAS operate a policy of a remedial consultation in respect of all complaints received from clients.
With regard to the number of on-time consultations, HLP only achieved an on-time consultation percentage of 94·4%
which is far inferior to that of 99% achieved by competitor MAS. Also, HLP re-scheduled the appointment times of
1,620 (3%) of its total consultations whereas competitor MAS only re-scheduled 0·5% of its consultation times. The
percentage number of successful consultations provided by HLP and MAS was 85% and 95% respectively which
indicates that competitor MAS possesses a superior skills-base to that of HLP.
The most alarming statistic lies in the fact that HLP was subject to three successful legal actions for negligence. This
may not only account for the 150% increase in the cost of professional indemnity insurance premiums but may also
result in a loss of client confidence and precipitate a considerable fall in future levels of business should the claims
become much publicised.

(b) Describe to the Beth Group the possible advantages of producing a separate environmental report.

(8 marks)

(b) An environmental report allows an organisation to communicate with different stakeholders. The benefits of an environmental
report include:
(i) evaluating environmental performance can highlight inefficiencies in operations and help to improve management
systems. Beth could identify opportunities to reduce resource use, waste and operating costs.
(ii) communicating the efforts being made to improve social and environmental performance can foster community support
for a business and can also contribute towards its reputation as a good corporate citizen. At present Beth has a poor
reputation in this regard.
(iii) reporting efforts to improve the organisation’s environmental, social and economic performance can lead to increased
consumer confidence in its products and services.
(iv) commitment to reporting on current impacts and identifying ways to improve environmental performance can improve
relationships with regulators, and could reduce the potential threat of litigation which is hanging over Beth.
(v) investors, financial analysts and brokers increasingly ask about the sustainability aspects of operations. A high quality
report shows the measures the organisation is taking to reduce risks, and will make Beth more attractive to investors.
(vi) disclosing the organisation’s environmental, social and economic best practices can give a competitive market edge.
Currently Beth’s corporate image is poor and this has partly contributed to its poor stock market performance.
(vii) the international trend towards improved corporate sustainability is growing and access to international markets will
require increasing transparency, and this will help Beth’s corporate image.
(viii) large organisations are increasingly requiring material and service suppliers and contractors to submit performance
information to satisfy the expectations of their own shareholders. Disclosing such information can make the company a
more attractive supplier than their competitors, and increase Beth’s market share.
It is important to ensure that the policies are robust and effective and not just compliance based.

11 The following information is available for Orset, a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records:


Inventory 1 July 2004 138,600

30 June 2005 149,100

Purchases for year ended 30 June 2005 716,100

Orset makes a standard gross profit of 30 per cent on sales.

Based on these figures, what is Orset’s sales figure for the year ended 30 June 2005?

A $2,352,000

B $1,038,000

C $917,280

D $1,008,000


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