1. 第一阶段F1-F3
学名又叫‘Knowledge“,即是从零开始的学习ACCA,没有任何专业常识背景,理论上讲:只需具有高中毕业后的英语水平的学员是能够开始学习ACCA的(由于第一期间涉及到的会计类和管理类的单词都是很基础的,比如说Financial Statement—财务报表,Assets-财物)都十分简单了解。
2. 第二阶段的课程有六门(F4--F9)
知识方面也是循序渐进的。两门纯粹考理论的F4和F8,没有任何的计算。其中F4是以大量的记忆为主的(因为是法律方面的课程)。所以,非常具有记忆的性质(法律条文相对来说要的是语言的严谨)。F8的课程和F4很 相像,因为审计也是强调程序和方法,以及流程图表的。F5、6、7、9都是计算部分占比较大比例的考试科目。中国学生向来喜欢计算题--一是做题的速度很快,贰是准确度很高。所以 第二阶段课程平均通过率是百分之七十左右。
3. ACCA的P阶段的课程是专业级的课程
ACCA专业资质在就业市场上具有极高的竞争力。ACCA课程优势十五门课程,触及会计、审计 、税法、财务管理、管理系统、公司战略、金融出资等多方面的内容。覆盖了一个财务总监一般应把握的常识系统。学习起来,也不是那么单调,仍是对比重视常识与实习相结合。
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
13 At 1 January 2005 a company had an allowance for receivables of $18,000
At 31 December 2005 the company’s trade receivables were $458,000.
It was decided:
(a) To write off debts totalling $28,000 as irrecoverable;
(b) To adjust the allowance for receivables to the equivalent of 5% of the remaining receivables based on past
What figure should appear in the company’s income statement for the total of debts written off as irrecoverable
and the movement in the allowance for receivables for the year ended 31 December 2005?
A $49,500
B $31,500
C $32,900
D $50,900
430,000 x 5% = 21,500 – 18,000 + 28,000
(d) Corporate annual reports contain both mandatory and voluntary disclosures.
(i) Distinguish, using examples, between mandatory and voluntary disclosures in the annual reports of
public listed companies. (6 marks)
(d) (i) Mandatory and voluntary disclosures
Mandatory disclosures
These are components of the annual report mandated by law, regulation or accounting standard.
Examples include (in most jurisdictions) statement of comprehensive income (income or profit and loss statement),
statement of financial position (balance sheet), cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, operating segmental
information, auditors’ report, corporate governance disclosure such as remuneration report and some items in the
directors’ report (e.g. summary of operating position). In the UK, the business review is compulsory.
Voluntary disclosures
These are components of the annual report not mandated in law or regulation but disclosed nevertheless. They are
typically mainly narrative rather than numerical in nature.
Examples include (in most jurisdictions) risk information, operating review, social and environmental information, and
the chief executive’s review.
(b) Describe the audit work to be performed in respect of the carrying amount of the following items in the
balance sheet of GVF as at 30 September 2005:
(i) goat herd; (4 marks)
(b) Audit work on carrying amounts
Tutorial note: This part concerns audit work to be undertaken in respect of non-current tangible assets (the production
animals in the goat herd and certain equipment) and inventories (the for-sale animals and cheese). One of the ‘tests’ for
assessing whether or not a point is worthy of a mark will be whether or not the asset to which it relates is apparent. Points
which are so vague that they could apply to ANY non-current asset for ANY entity, rather than those of GVF are unlikely to
attract many marks, if any, at this level.
(i) Goat herd
■ Physical inspection of the number and condition of animals in the herd and confirming, on a test basis, that they
are tagged (or otherwise ‘branded’ as being owned by GVF).
■ Tests of controls on management’s system of identifying and distinguishing held-for-sale animals (inventory) from
the production herd (depreciable non-current assets).
■ Comparison of GVF’s depreciation policies (including useful lives, depreciation methods and residual values) with
those used by other farming entities.
■ ‘Proof in total’, or other reasonableness check, of the depreciation charge for the herd for the year.
■ Observing test counts or total counts of animals held for sale.
■ Comparing carrying amounts of the kids, according to their weight and age, as at 30 September 2005 with their
market values. (These may approximate to actual invoiced selling prices obtained by GVF.)
Tutorial note: Market value of the production herd could also be compared with its carrying amount to assess possible
impairment. However, if value in use appears to be less than market value the herd should be sold rather than used
for production.
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