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可以,这个问题和文字处理题型有关。该项操作可以通过工具栏表格的菜单完成。因为我比较倾向用 T 字账户编制现金流量表,因此能否在FR的机考中放置 T 字账户?就像在纸质考试中一样,你可以选择任何布局来陈列他们的运算过程。在要求用电子表格来完成现金流量表的题目中,可以用 T 字账户来陈列运算过程。






下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

3 Mark Howe, Managing Director of Auto Direct, is a victim of his own success. Mark has created an innovative way

of selling cars to the public which takes advantage of the greater freedom given to independent car distributors to

market cars more aggressively within the European Union. This reduces the traditional control and interference of the

automobile manufacturers, some of whom own their distributors. He has opened a number of showrooms in the

London region and by 2004 Auto Direct had 20 outlets in and around London. The concept is deceptively simple;

Mark buys cars from wherever he can source them most cheaply and has access to all of the leading volume car

models. He then concentrates on selling the cars to the public, leaving servicing and repair work to other specialist

garages. He offers a classic high volume/low margin business model.

Mark now wants to develop this business model onto a national and eventually an international basis. His immediate

plans are to grow the number of outlets by 50% each year for the next three years. Such growth will place

considerable strain on the existing organisation and staff. Each showroom has its own management team, sales

personnel and administration. Currently the 20 showrooms are grouped into a Northern and Southern Sales Division

with a small head office team for each division. Auto Direct now employs 250 people.

Mark now needs to communicate the next three-year phase of the company’s ambitious growth plans to staff and is

anxious to get an understanding of staff attitudes towards the company and its growth plans. He is aware that you

are a consultant used to advising firms on the changes associated with rapid growth and the way to generate positive

staff attitudes to change.


(a) Using appropriate strategies for managing change provide Mark with a brief report on how he can best create

a positive staff response to the proposed growth plans. (12 marks)

(a) To: Mark Howe – Managing Director, Auto Direct
Strategies to manage growth
Successfully convincing others in the firm of the need for, and nature of change is sometimes referred to as internal marketing
and in many ways when substantial change is involved may be just as vital as external marketing aimed at the customer.
Classic strategies for managing include participation, education/communication, power/coercion, manipulation and
negotiation. The preferred strategy, or combination of strategies, will be influenced by leadership style. and where on the
continuum from autocratic through to democratic the management style. rests. Participation in the change process sounds an
ideal strategy but may delay implementation of the change, require high trust levels between management and staff and
encounter resistance to proposed change. Education and communication is often argued to be a strategy used in conjunction
with another strategy. Interestingly, many studies point to communication being the key weakness when change is being
implemented. Clearly there are many choices as to how to educate and communicate and choosing the right strategy for the
right situation is by no means easy. The level of change at Auto Direct may be seen as a quantum change in that it affects
all parts of the organisation and you should be aware of the complex linkages between these parts. Power/coercion may be
needed if the change planned needs to be implemented quickly as in crisis situations, when the survival of the organisation
may be at stake. Such an approach may alienate the staff and have a number of unanticipated and unfortunate
consequences. Manipulation, as its name implies, may have many negative consequences and reflects the power of the
management to implement change. Finally, negotiation is a traditional way of seeking to resolve differences between different
groups, each with its own goals and objectives. Again issues of time, trust and resistance may affect the effectiveness of this
Many other change management models are available to help you overcome resistance to change including Lewin’s threestep
change and force field analysis and the Gemini 4Rs framework. The Gemini model aims at the sort of transformation
required by the scope and pace of the proposed growth strategy, where the reframing step communicates the vision, the need
for involvement and measures of successful change and the renewal step aligns the individual’s skills and competences withthe organisation’s needs in order to implement the change strategy.
I trust this overview of strategies for managing change is helpful.

(b) Discuss the relative costs to the preparer and benefits to the users of financial statements of increased

disclosure of information in financial statements. (14 marks)

Quality of discussion and reasoning. (2 marks)

(b) Increased information disclosure benefits users by reducing the likelihood that they will misallocate their capital. This is
obviously a direct benefit to individual users of corporate reports. The disclosure reduces the risk of misallocation of capital
by enabling users to improve their assessments of a company’s prospects. This creates three important results.
(i) Users use information disclosed to increase their investment returns and by definition support the most profitable
companies which are likely to be those that contribute most to economic growth. Thus, an important benefit of
information disclosure is that it improves the effectiveness of the investment process.
(ii) The second result lies in the effect on the liquidity of the capital markets. A more liquid market assists the effective
allocation of capital by allowing users to reallocate their capital quickly. The degree of information asymmetry between
the buyer and seller and the degree of uncertainty of the buyer and the seller will affect the liquidity of the market as
lower asymmetry and less uncertainty will increase the number of transactions and make the market more liquid.
Disclosure will affect uncertainty and information asymmetry.
(iii) Information disclosure helps users understand the risk of a prospective investment. Without any information, the user
has no way of assessing a company’s prospects. Information disclosure helps investors predict a company’s prospects.
Getting a better understanding of the true risk could lower the price of capital for the company. It is difficult to prove
however that the average cost of capital is lowered by information disclosure, even though it is logically and practically
impossible to assess a company’s risk without relevant information. Lower capital costs promote investment, which can
stimulate productivity and economic growth.
However although increased information can benefit users, there are problems of understandability and information overload.
Information disclosure provides a degree of protection to users. The benefit is fairness to users and is part of corporate
accountability to society as a whole.
The main costs to the preparer of financial statements are as follows:
(i) the cost of developing and disseminating information,
(ii) the cost of possible litigation attributable to information disclosure,
(iii) the cost of competitive disadvantage attributable to disclosure.
The costs of developing and disseminating the information include those of gathering, creating and auditing the information.
Additional costs to the preparers include training costs, changes to systems (for example on moving to IFRS), and the more
complex and the greater the information provided, the more it will cost the company.
Although litigation costs are known to arise from information disclosure, it does not follow that all information disclosure leads
to litigation costs. Cases can arise from insufficient disclosure and misleading disclosure. Only the latter is normally prompted
by the presentation of information disclosure. Fuller disclosure could lead to lower costs of litigation as the stock market would
have more realistic expectations of the company’s prospects and the discrepancy between the valuation implicit in the market
price and the valuation based on a company’s financial statements would be lower. However, litigation costs do not
necessarily increase with the extent of the disclosure. Increased disclosure could reduce litigation costs.
Disclosure could weaken a company’s ability to generate future cash flows by aiding its competitors. The effect of disclosure
on competitiveness involves benefits as well as costs. Competitive disadvantage could be created if disclosure is made relating
to strategies, plans, (for example, planned product development, new market targeting) or information about operations (for
example, production-cost figures). There is a significant difference between the purpose of disclosure to users and
competitors. The purpose of disclosure to users is to help them to estimate the amount, timing, and certainty of future cash
flows. Competitors are not trying to predict a company’s future cash flows, and information of use in that context is not
necessarily of use in obtaining competitive advantage. Overlap between information designed to meet users’ needs and
information designed to further the purposes of a competitor is often coincidental. Every company that could suffer competitive
disadvantage from disclosure could gain competitive advantage from comparable disclosure by competitors. Published figures
are often aggregated with little use to competitors.
Companies bargain with suppliers and with customers, and information disclosure could give those parties an advantage in
negotiations. In such cases, the advantage would be a cost for the disclosing entity. However, the cost would be offset
whenever information disclosure was presented by both parties, each would receive an advantage and a disadvantage.
There are other criteria to consider such as whether the information to be disclosed is about the company. This is both a
benefit and a cost criterion. Users of corporate reports need company-specific data, and it is typically more costly to obtain
and present information about matters external to the company. Additionally, consideration must be given as to whether the
company is the best source for the information. It could be inefficient for a company to obtain or develop data that other, more
expert parties could develop and present or do develop at present.
There are many benefits to information disclosure and users have unmet information needs. It cannot be known with any
certainty what the optimal disclosure level is for companies. Some companies through voluntary disclosure may have
achieved their optimal level. There are no quantitative measures of how levels of disclosure stand with respect to optimal
levels. Standard setters have to make such estimates as best they can, guided by prudence, and by what evidence of benefits
and costs they can obtain.

(ii) Explain the organisational factors that determine the need for internal audit in public listed companies.

(5 marks)

(ii) Factors affecting the need for internal audit and controls
(Based partly on Turnbull guidance)
The nature of operations within the organisation arising from its sector, strategic positioning and main activities.
The scale and size of operations including factors such as the number of employees. It is generally assumed that larger
and more complex organisations have a greater need for internal controls and audit than smaller ones owing to the
number of activities occurring that give rise to potential problems.
Cost/benefit considerations. Management must weigh the benefits of instituting internal control and audit systems
against the costs of doing so. This is likely to be an issue for medium-sized companies or companies experiencing
Internal or external changes affecting activities, structures or risks. Changes arising from new products or internal
activities can change the need for internal audit and so can external changes such as PESTEL factors.
Problems with existing systems, products and/or procedures including any increase in unexplained events. Repeated or
persistent problems can signify the need for internal control and audit.
The need to comply with external requirements from relevant stock market regulations or laws. This appears to be a
relevant factor at Gluck & Goodman.

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