1、进入ACCA官网,在My ACCA里登陆个人账户,在左边找到Fees,Payment and
2、在Transaction Summary中找到open的annual
subscription fee(年费)。特别注意的是,ACCAer要确认一下自己有没有除了年费以外其他的未交的费用(注册费或者考试费),如果没缴纳,也会显示为open的状态。
7、缴费之后还是不放心的话,也可以返回到Transaction Summary里看一下所有transaction是不是已经是close的状态,Account Balance为0。如果显示还是95的话,刷新一下,刷新不出来就等两天后再来查看一下。
不管由于何种原因,ACCA年费没有在规定时间内缴纳, ACCA的头衔会被暂时取消。(不想继续考ACCA的话也可以不交年费)
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
(c) Assess the likely criteria which would need to be satisfied for software to be regarded as ‘quality software’.
(4 marks)
(c) The following are important considerations regarding the quality of the business software:
– The software is error-free as this will improve its reliability. Whilst in practice this might not always be achievable the
directors of SSH must recognise the dangers involved in supplying bespoke software which may prove damaging to their
clients’ businesses with the resulting loss of client goodwill.
– The software should meet quality control standards such as those specified by the ISO (International Standards
– The software must be delivered on time. Late delivery of business software will prove problematic since clients may rely
on updated software to meet new customer needs or to fulfil revised business objectives.
– The software must meet the initial specification of the customer. In meeting the specification SSH will be demonstrating
that the software has been produced correctly with an appropriate focus on the requirements of end users.
– The software must be usable i.e. as well as being able to do what it is supposed to do it is important that it is easy to
– The software should be capable of being updated in the light of future changes that occur in the clients’ requirements.
4 (a) ISA 701 Modifications to The Independent Auditor’s Report includes ‘suggested wording of modifying phrases
for use when issuing modified reports’.
Explain and distinguish between each of the following terms:
(i) ‘qualified opinion’;
(ii) ‘disclaimer of opinion’;
(iii) ‘emphasis of matter paragraph’. (6 marks)
(a) Independent auditor’s report terms
(i) Qualified opinion – A qualified opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that an unqualified opinion cannot be
expressed but that the effect of any disagreement with management, or limitation on scope is not so material and
pervasive as to require an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion.
(ii) Disclaimer of opinion – A disclaimer of opinion is expressed when the possible effect of a limitation on scope is so
material and pervasive that the auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and accordingly
is unable to express an opinion on the financial statements.
(iii) Emphasis of matter paragraph – An auditor’s report may be modified by adding an emphasis of matter paragraph to
highlight a matter affecting the financial statements that is included in a note to the financial statements that more
extensively discusses the matter. Such an emphasis of matter paragraph does not affect the auditor’s opinion. An
emphasis of matter paragraph may also be used to report matters other than those affecting the financial statements
(e.g. if there is a misstatement of fact in other information included in documents containing audited financial
(iii) is clearly distinguishable from (i) and (ii) because (i) and (ii) affect the opinion paragraph, whereas (iii) does not.
(i) and (ii) are distinguishable by the degree of their impact on the financial statements. In (i) the effects of any disagreement
or limitation on scope can be identified with an ‘except for …’ opinion. In (ii) the matter is pervasive, that is, affecting the
financial statements as a whole.
(ii) can only arise in respect of a limitation in scope (i.e. insufficient evidence) that has a pervasive effect. (i) is not pervasive
and may also arise from disagreement (i.e. where there is sufficient evidence).
(d) (i) Discuss why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance over the stated key performance
indicators; and (4 marks)
(d) (i) The main reason why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance is that the KPIs are not defined
– The value of donated pharmaceutical products is compared to revenue to provide a percentage. However, it will be
difficult to accurately value the donated products – are they valued at cost, or at sales price? Are delivery costs
included in the valuation? The intrinsic value may be lower than sales value as Sci-Tech Co may decide to donate
products which are not useful or relevant to the charities they are donated to.
– The value of ‘cost of involvement with local charities’ is also not defined. If the donations are purely cash, then it
should be easy to verify donations using normal audit procedures to verify cash payments. However, the
‘involvement with local charities’ is not defined and will be difficult to quantify as a percentage of revenue. For
example, involvement may include:
? Time spent by Sci-Tech Co employees at local charity events
? Education and training provided to members of the local community in health care matters
– Number of serious accidents is also difficult to quantify as what constitutes a ‘serious’ accident is subjective. For
example, is an accident serious if it results in a hospitalisation of the employee? Or serious if it results in more than
five days absence from work while recovering?
In addition, the sufficiency of evidence available is doubtful, as such matters will not form. part of the accounting records
and thus there may be limited and possibly only unreliable sources of evidence available.
– Donated goods may not be separately recorded in inventory movement records. It may not be possible to
distinguish donated goods from sold or destroyed items.
– Unless time sheets are maintained, there is unlikely to be any detailed records of ‘involvement’ in local charities.
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