

大家都知道ACCA 是会计师界行业名副其实的的“金饭碗”——ACCA 根据ACCA的调查,会员的年薪主要在10万至100万之间,收入超过研究生平均年收入,以及MBA毕业生的平均年收入。其薪资待遇要远远高于普通的财务工作者,正因如此历年来吸引了大批的人才报考ACCA。不过,即便如此在国内ACCA人才仍未稀缺性资源,北上广、长沙、成都等全国各地区纷纷定制了一系列的人才福利政策。就快看看51题库考试学习网给大家带来各地各政策内容吧!

一、西安 西安高新区“五八八二”三次创业战略列为“积极吸引高端金融人才”,根据西安公布的《西安市加快金融业发展的若干扶持办法》中,明确将ACCA人才列为“具备国际资质的高端金融人才”,获得ACCA专业资质的金融从业人员,给予每人最高50万元的工作生活补贴。 二、珠海 珠海宣布出台《关于实施“珠海英才计划”加快集聚新时代创新创业人才的若干措施》,新政提到珠海每年将为人才引进投入25亿,提供福利包括落户补贴,住房产权,医疗,子女入学等一系列优惠。 在珠海出台的人才引进政策中,ACCA人才作为获得国际权威资格认证证书的金融审计师,被列入《珠海市紧缺人才开发目录》当中,持有ACCA证书的财务人,一旦落户珠海,可以直接获得20万落户补贴。对于被评定为高端稀缺人才的,补贴额度还会更高。 三、重庆 重庆市渝北区印发了《大力实施创新驱动发展战略加快建设创新生态圈的若干政策》及相关配套文件,落实引进临空创新人才。 购房补贴 ACCA被列入临空创新人才目录,最高可获200万元项目资金,60万元人才补贴,25万元一次性购房补贴。临空创新人才及其配偶、子女户口可随调随迁。 人才补贴 文件中明确指出,将国际权威的职业资格认证ACCA列入临空经营管理B类及C类人才目录,分别享60万元和10万元人才补贴及其他优惠政策。 四、成都 成都天府新区成都直管区召开发布会,重磅推出成都《天府新区成都直管区“天府英才计划”实施办法》计划中指出,55周岁以下,近5年取得ACCA专业资格证书,且在直管区注册的金融机构担任高级管理职务两年以上的财会人可以直接申请成为B类高端人才。按照“天府英才计划”,高端人才B类可以获得高达80万的落户安家补贴,医疗,子女入学等优惠福利。 五、上海 已办理上海居住证的ACCA持证人,凭ACCA证书可获得落户30积分,此外,对于想去会计师事务所的ACCA持证人,可根据《上海市注册会计师协会行业人才管理培养办法》获得10,000元奖励。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) The chief executive of Xalam Co, an exporter of specialist equipment, has asked for advice on the accounting

treatment and disclosure of payments made for security consultancy services. The payments, which aim to

ensure that consignments are not impounded in the destination country of a major customer, may be material to

the financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2006. Xalam does not treat these payments as tax

deductible. (4 marks)


Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what

action, if any, Dedza should now take.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations.

(b) Advice on payments
■ As compared with (a) there is no obvious tax issue. Xalam is not overstating expenditure for tax purposes.
■ The payments being made for security consultancy services amount to a bribe. Corruption and bribery (and extortion)
are designated categories of money laundering offence under ‘The Forty Recommendations’ of the Financial Action Task
Force on Money Laundering (FATF).
■ Xalam clearly benefits from the payments as it receives income from the contract with the major customer. This is
criminal property and possession of it is a money laundering offence.
■ Dedza should consider the seriousness of the disclosure made by the chief executive in the context of domestic law.
■ Dedza should consider its knowledge of import duties etc in the destination country before recommending a course of
action to Xalam.
■ Dedza may be guilty of a money laundering offence if the matter is not reported. If a report to the FIU is considered
necessary then Dedza should encourage Xalam to make voluntary disclosure. If Xalam does not, Dedza will not be in
breach of client confidentiality for reporting knowledge of a suspicious transaction.
Tutorial note: Making a report takes precedence over client confidentiality.

(ii) job enlargement; (5 marks)

(ii) Job enlargement is often referred to as ‘horizontal job enlargement’ and is aimed at widening the content of jobs by increasing the number of operations in which the job holder is involved and is another method by which employees at Bailey’s might become more involved. It reduces the level of repetition and dullness by providing a horizontal extension to activity, reducing monotony and boredom inherent in the operations at Bailey’s.

2 Assume that today’s date is 1 July 2005.

Jan is aged 45 and single. He is of Danish domicile but has been working in the United Kingdom since 1 May 2004

and intends to remain in the UK for the medium to long term. Although Jan worked briefly in the UK in 1986, he

has forgotten how UK taxation works and needs some assistance before preparing his UK income tax return.

Jan’s salary from 1 May 2004 was £74,760 per annum. Jan also has a company car – a Jaguar XJ8 with a list price

of £42,550 including extras, and CO2 emissions of 242g/km. The car was available to him from 1 July 2004. Free

petrol is provided by the company. Jan has other taxable benefits amounting to £3,965.

Jan’s other 2004/05 income comprises:

Dividend income from UK companies (cash received) 3,240

Interest received on an ISA account 230

Interest received on a UK bank account 740

Interest remitted from an offshore account (net of 15% withholding tax) 5,100

Income remitted from a villa in Portugal (net of 45% withholding tax) 4,598

The total interest arising on the offshore account was £9,000 (gross). In addition, Jan has not remitted other

Portuguese rental income arising in the year, totalling a further £1,500 (gross).

Jan informs you that his employer is thinking of providing him with rented accommodation while he looks for a house

to buy. The accommodation would be a two bedroom flat, valued at £155,000 with an annual value of £6,000. It

would be made available from 6 August 2005. The company will pay the rent of £600 per month for the first six

months. All other bills will be paid by Jan.

Jan also informs you that he has 25,000 ordinary shares in Gilet Ltd (‘Gilet’), an unquoted UK trading company. He

has held these shares since August 1986 when he bought 2,500 shares at £4.07 per share. In January 1994, a

bonus issue gave each shareholder nine shares for each ordinary share held. In the last week all Gilet’s shareholders

have received an offer from Jumper plc (‘Jumper’) who wishes to acquire the shares. Jumper has offered the following:

– 3 shares in Jumper (currently trading at £3.55 per share) for every 5 shares in Gilet, and

– 25p cash per share


(a) Calculate Jan’s 2004/05 income tax (IT) payable. (11 marks)



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