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Discuss the principles and practices which should be used in the financial year to 30 November 2008 to account

for:(c) the purchase of handsets and the recognition of revenue from customers and dealers. (8 marks)

Appropriateness and quality of discussion. (2 marks)


Handsets and revenue recognition
The inventory of handsets should be measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value (IAS2, ‘Inventories’, para 9). Johan
should recognise a provision at the point of purchase for the handsets to be sold at a loss. The inventory should be written down
to its net realisable value (NRV) of $149 per handset as they are sold both to prepaid customers and dealers. The NRV is $51
less than cost. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the normal course of business less the estimated selling costs.
IAS18, ‘Revenue’, requires the recognition of revenue by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting
date. Revenue associated with the provision of services should be recognised as service as rendered. Johan should record the
receipt of $21 per call card as deferred revenue at the point of sale. Revenue of $18 should be recognised over the six month
period from the date of sale. The unused call credit of $3 would be recognised when the card expires as that is the point at which
the obligation of Johan ceases. Revenue is earned from the provision of services and not from the physical sale of the card.
IAS18 does not deal in detail with agency arrangements but says the gross inflows of economic benefits include amounts collected
on behalf of the principal and which do not result in increases in equity for the entity. The amounts collected on behalf of the
principal are not revenue. Revenue is the amount of the ‘commission’. Additionally where there are two or more transactions, they
should be taken together if the commercial effect cannot be understood without reference to the series of transactions as a whole.
As a result of the above, Johan should not recognise revenue when the handset is sold to the dealer, as the dealer is acting as an
agent for the sale of the handset and the service contract. Johan has retained the risk of the loss in value of the handset as they
can be returned by the dealer and the price set for the handset is under the control of Johan. The handset sale and the provision
of the service would have to be assessed as to their separability. However, the handset cannot be sold separately and is
commercially linked to the provision of the service. Johan would, therefore, recognise the net payment of $130 as a customer
acquisition cost which may qualify as an intangible asset under IAS38, and the revenue from the service contract will be recognised
as the service is rendered. The intangible asset would be amortised over the 12 month contract. The cost of the handset from the
manufacturer will be charged as cost of goods sold ($200).

(c) Discuss how the manipulation of financial statements by company accountants is inconsistent with their

responsibilities as members of the accounting profession setting out the distinguishing features of a

profession and the privileges that society gives to a profession. (Your answer should include reference to the

above scenario.) (7 marks)

Note: requirement (c) includes 2 marks for the quality of the discussion.

(c) Accounting and ethical implications of sale of inventory
Manipulation of financial statements often does not involve breaking laws but the purpose of financial statements is to present
a fair representation of the company’s position, and if the financial statements are misrepresented on purpose then this could
be deemed unethical. The financial statements in this case are being manipulated to show a certain outcome so that Hall
may be shown to be in a better financial position if the company is sold. The retained earnings of Hall will be increased by
$4 million, and the cash received would improve liquidity. Additionally this type of transaction was going to be carried out
again in the interim accounts if Hall was not sold. Accountants have the responsibility to issue financial statements that do
not mislead the public as the public assumes that such professionals are acting in an ethical capacity, thus giving the financial
statements credibility.
A profession is distinguished by having a:
(i) specialised body of knowledge
(ii) commitment to the social good
(iii) ability to regulate itself
(iv) high social status
Accountants should seek to promote or preserve the public interest. If the idea of a profession is to have any significance,
then it must make a bargain with society in which they promise conscientiously to serve the public interest. In return, society
allocates certain privileges. These might include one or more of the following:
– the right to engage in self-regulation
– the exclusive right to perform. particular functions
– special status
There is more to being an accountant than is captured by the definition of the professional. It can be argued that accountants
should have the presentation of truth, in a fair and accurate manner, as a goal.

25 What should the minority interest figure be in the group’s consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2005?

A $240,000

B $80,000

C $180,000

D $140,000

20% x (400,000 + 800,000)

(b) Draft a report suitable for inclusion in a Management Commentary for Jones and Cousin which deals with:

(i) the key risks and relationships of the business (9 marks)

(b) Jones and Cousin, a public quoted company
Annual Report 2006
Management Commentary
(i) Introduction
Jones and Cousin is a global company engaged in the medical products sector. This report provides information to assist
the assessment of strategies adopted by the company and the future potential of those strategies.
Principal risks and relationships
Expenditure in the medical sector is often controlled by governments and is, therefore, affected by government policy.
Thus the Group is largely dependent on governments providing funds for health care. Product innovation and the
resultant increase in competition could lead to downward pressure on the price of goods and a decline in the Group’s
market share which could affect the operational results and hinder the growth of the Group.
Currency fluctuations:
The Group reports its results using the dollar as its functional currency. As there is only five per cent of the business in
the country of incorporation, fluctuations in exchange rates may have a material effect on the Group. If the exchange
rate of the dollar strengthens against the Dinar and Euro, then group turnover and operating profit would be lower on
translation into dollars. As the manufacturing base is worldwide, the finished products when sold to the Group’s selling
operations could expose the Group to fluctuations in exchange rates.
Product liability claims and loss of reputation:
Although the products are not inherently high risk, there is a possibility of malfunction which could entail risk of product
liability claims or recalls on the product. Both these events could be costly and harmful to the Group’s reputation which
is dependent upon product safety. Any product liability claims or product recalls would have a negative effect on cash
flow and profit, and are likely to adversely affect sales of the product.
Highly Competitive markets:
The principal business units compete across many diverse geographic and product markets. Technical advances and
product innovations by competitors could adversely affect the operating results. Some of the Group’s competitors could
have greater resources and may be able to sell products on more competitive terms. If the Group were to lose market
share or have lower than expected sales growth, there could be an adverse impact on the Group’s share price and future
Patents and Products;
The Group protects its intellectual rights in its products and opposes third parties where there is a conflict with the
group’s patents. The Group may itself be subject to patent infringement claims. If the Group failed to protect its position,
its competitive position could suffer and operating results be harmed. Similarly if any claims are successful then damages
may have to be paid, or non patent infringing products developed, both of which would adversely affect results.
Product innovations will occur constantly in the sector and, therefore, the Group has to continually develop products to
satisfy consumer needs and to provide cost and other advantages. Not all products will be brought to the market for
several reasons, including failure to receive regulatory approval or infringement of patents. Thus there is a significant
cost implication in the research and development of products. However, if new products do not remain competitive with
competitors’ products, then Group sales revenue could decline.
The Group has developed a set of corporate social responsibility principles which is the responsibility of the Board of
Directors, and the Managing Director in particular. The Group contributes to the treatment and recovery of patients within
its product range by providing solutions to health care needs. Although having a relatively minor impact on the
environment compared to some companies, any obsolete products are disposed of in an environmentally friendly way
so as not to potentially compromise the health of its customers. Reusable materials are used in the manufacture of
The Group fosters ethical relationships with its suppliers and encourages them to share the same social and
environmental standards. In this way a long term relationship is expected to be developed with suppliers.
The Group’s employment policies are based on equality of opportunity and the performance standards and goals are
communicated to the employees. Jones and Cousin is committed to the provision of continuous training and
development and open communication with its employees. Additionally the group encourages its subsidiaries to reinvestprofits in local educational projects.

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