ACCA 机考题型介绍
(一)客观题(Objective test questions/ OT questions)客观题是指这些单一的,题干较短的,并且自动判分的题目。每道客观题的分值为2分,考生必须回答的完全正确才可以得分,即使回答正确一部分,也不能得到分数。
(二)案例客观题 (OT case questions)
(三) 主观题 (Constructed response questions/ CR
ACCA F1 (机考)考试科目 : 企业会计
时间 : 2 hours ;通过分数 : 50 ,F1 考试包含2个sections:
Section A
:46 道题目,其中30道题,每题2分;16道题,每题1分。总分值是76分。
Section B
ACCA F2 (机考)考试科目 : 管理会计
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50 ; F2 考试包含2个sections:
Section A
Section B
(机考)考试科目 : 财务会计
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50,F3 考试包含2个sections
Section A
Section B
ACCA F4 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 企业法和商法
时间 : 2 hours 通过分数 : 50 ,F4包含2个sections
Section A
Section B
ACCA F5 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 绩效管理
时间 : 3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F5包含了3个sections
Section A
: 15道客观题,每题2分,总分30分。
Section B
: 3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分,总分30分
Section C
: 2道案例分析题,每题20分,总分40分
ACCA F6 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 税法 (UK版本)
时间 : 3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F6包含了3个sections:
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
:3道案例分析题,每题10或 15分。Section C 总分40分
ACCA F7 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 :财务报告
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50 F7包含了3个sections
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
: 3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
: 2道案例分析题,每题20分。Section C 总分40分。
ACCA F8 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 :审计
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F8包含了2个sections:
Section A:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section A 总分30分
Section B:3道案例分析题,每道题目20或30分。Section B 总分 70分。
ACCA F9 (机考 & 纸考)考试科目 : 财务管理
时间 :3 hours 通过分数 : 50,F9包含了3个sections:
Section A
:15道客观题,每题2分。Section A 总分30分。
Section B
:3道案例题,每道案例题由5道客观题构成,每题2分。Section B 总分30分
Section C
:2道案例分析题,每题20分。Section C 总分40分。
P1 公司治理、P2 高级财务报告、P3 战略管理、P4 高级财务管理、P5 高级绩效管理
Section A
Section B
P6 高级税法、P7 高级审计 分为2个section:
Section A
2道必做题 总分60分。
Section B
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
5 A management accounting focus for performance management in an organisation may incorporate the following:
(1) the determination and quantification of objectives and strategies
(2) the measurement of the results of the strategies implemented and of the achievement of the results through a
number of determinants
(3) the application of business change techniques, in the improvement of those determinants.
(a) Discuss the meaning and inter-relationship of the terms (shown in bold type) in the above statement. Your
answer should incorporate examples that may be used to illustrate each term in BOTH profit-seeking
organisations and not-for-profit organisations in order to highlight any differences between the two types of
organisation. (14 marks)
5 (a) Objectives may be viewed as profit and market share in a profit-oriented organisation or the achievement of ‘value for money’
in a not-for-profit organisation (NFP). The overall objective of an organisation may be expressed in the wording of its mission
In order to achieve the objectives, long-term strategies will be required. In a profit-oriented organisation, this may incorporate
the evaluation of strategies that might include price reductions, product design changes, advertising campaign, product mix
change and methods changes, embracing change techniques such as BPR, JIT, TQM and ABM. In NFP situations, strategies
might address the need to achieve ‘economy’ through reduction in average cost per unit; ‘efficiency’ through maximisation of
the input:output ratio, whilst checking on ‘effectiveness’ through monitoring whether the objectives are achieved.
The annual budget will quantify the short-term results anticipated of the strategies. These results may be seen as the level of
financial performance and competitiveness achieved. This quantification may be compared with previous years and with
actual performance on an ongoing basis. Financial performance may be measured in terms of profit, liquidity, capital structure
and a range of ratios. Competitiveness may be measured by sales growth, market share and the number of new customers.
In a not-for-profit organisation, the results may be monitored by checking on the effectiveness of actions aimed at the
achievement of the objectives. For instance, the effectiveness of a University may be measured by the number of degrees
awarded and the grades achieved. The level of student ‘drop-outs’ each year may also be seen as a measure of ineffectiveness.
The determinants of results may consist of a number of measures. These may include the level of quality, customer
satisfaction, resource utilisation, innovation and flexibility that are achieved. Such determinants may focus on a range of nonfinancial
measures that may be monitored on an ongoing basis, as part of the feedback information in conjunction with
financial data.
A range of business change techniques may be used to enhance performance management.
Techniques may include:
Business process re-engineering (BPR) which involves the examination of business processes with a view to improving the
way in which each is implemented. A major focus may be on the production cycle, but it will also be applicable in areas such
as the accounting department.
Just-in-time (JIT) which requires commitment to the pursuit of ‘excellence’ in all aspects of an organisation.
Total quality management (TQM) which aims for continuous quality improvement in all aspects of the operation of an
Activity based management systems (ABM) which focus on activities that are required in an organisation and the cost drivers
for such activities, with a view to identifying and improving activities that add value and eliminating those activities that do
not add value.
Long-term performance management is likely to embrace elements of BPR, JIT, TQM and ABM. All of these will be reflected
in the annual budget on an ongoing basis.
2 Helen Bradshaw, a recent graduate with a degree in catering management, has spotted a market opportunity during
her first job with a large supermarket chain. She knows there is a growing market for distinctive, quality cakes in the
bakery sections of the supermarket chains, as well as in supplying independent individual premium cake shops, and
also for catering wholesalers supplying restaurants and hotels.
Helen is very determined to set up her own business under the brand name of ‘Helen’s cakes’, and has bought some
equipment – industrial food mixers, ovens, cake moulds – and also rented a small industrial unit to make the cakes.
Helen has created three sets of recipes – one for the premium cake shop market, one for the supermarkets and one
for the catering wholesalers but is uncertain which market to enter first. Each channel of distribution offers a different
set of challenges. The premium cake shop market consists of a large number of independent cake shops spread
through the region, each looking for daily deliveries, a wide product range and low volumes. The supermarkets are
demanding good quality, competitive prices and early development of a product range under their own brand name.
The catering wholesalers require large volumes, medium quality and low prices.
Helen has learnt that you are a consultant specialising in start-up enterprises and is looking to you for advice.
(a) Acting as a consultant, prepare a short report for Helen advising her on the advantages and disadvantages
each channel offers and the implications for a successful start-up. (12 marks)
(a) To: Helen Bradshaw
Entry strategies for ‘Helen’s cakes’
Your choice of market entry strategy is a crucial one for you and one which will have significant consequences for the
operational side of the business. Your choice of distribution channel will determine the customers you reach, the volume of
sales you will achieve and ultimately the level of profitability attained. Key questions will include – is there a market for my
cakes, how big is this market, what segments of the market will I reach and is this the most appropriate channel for accessing
my customers? These are key questions that will influence your marketing strategy and its implementation through the
marketing mix detailed below. This choice of channel will effectively position your cakes in the market.
Your intention to produce ‘distinctive quality cakes’ suggests you are intent on differentiating your cakes from those of your
competitors. I have provided an assessment of the implications of choosing a particular entry strategy. Each entry strategy
will have a different combination of costs and benefits and involve different levels of risk. Although you will be supplying
basically the same product into each market, each market is very different and will require a different marketing approach.
Premium cake market
Here there is the opportunity to establish your brand and develop your reputation for meeting the demands of discerning
customers. There is also the opportunity to obtain premium prices based on the exclusivity of your cakes. New quality brands
are likely to be welcomed by the specialist cake shops and cafes and there is the advantage of relatively few brands with
which you have to compete. Entry barriers are therefore relatively low and the product range can be developed in a planned
way. Volumes, at least initially, are likely to be low and your existing capacity should be able to cope. However, entry into this
premium market may have some disadvantages. Clearly, for a premium product, commanding premium prices, quality is an
absolute must. Therefore, rigorous quality systems must be in place to ensure customer satisfaction. Equally, the demand will
be for fresh cakes with a short shelf life and this again will require small batch production and careful scheduling and
planning. Your distributors are likely to want many varieties of cakes, but in small volumes again has cost implications and
your ability to make-to-order may be an important factor in generating sales. As you are likely to be supplying a large number
of outlets spread over a wide area, this is likely to lead to high distribution costs per unit sold. Opportunity should be taken
to supply cakes to any chains of cake shops or cafes and thus lower the costs of distribution. You will clearly have to work
out the break-even position for each customer so as to avoid having large numbers of small customers who order insufficient
quantities to cover costs.
Here there is the advantage of generating high volume sales and achieving some economies of scale. Equally, if you are able
to convince the buyers to stock your product using your brand this will gain you excellent exposure in the market. The fact
that you are supplying to a small number of large customers will also have a beneficial effect on your distribution costs.
Supplying the supermarkets with your cakes will bring some problems however. Here the attention to quality will be
considerable and the product must be consistent to prevent product rejection. You are likely to have to meet demands for
recipe change and price variations may also be required. Above all, the buying power of the supermarkets will put extreme
pressure on your prices and is likely to result in small profit margins. Equally important is the likely pressure to make cakes
to be sold under the supermarkets’ own label brands. Again the pressure on costs is likely to be intense and there is no
opportunity to develop your brand. Getting space on the supermarket shelves is likely to be expensive – you may be under
pressure to reduce prices to support in-store promotions. Also, the power of electronic point-of-sale equipment means that
underperforming products are soon deleted from the product list and removed from the shelves. Overall this is a high
volume/low margin market entry and getting your product accepted may take considerable time and effort.
Catering market
Here, typically, supplying catering wholesalers who in turn supply catering establishments. Volumes are likely to be
significant, with large bulk orders being placed. The product range is likely to be less extensive than with the other two
markets and there will be less need to offer recipe variations. This market is likely to be less quality conscious provided the
cakes meet the demands of the caterers. There is less pressure to produce cakes under the caterer’s own brand and therefore
the opportunity to build your own brand. Barriers to entry would be relatively low with the caterers having little brand or supply
loyalty. Batches of cakes are likely to be large with lower production costs as a result. Distribution costs are also likely to
benefit from delivery to a few large wholesalers.
The downside of supplying this market segment is meeting the particular demands of the caterers – they may be more
interested in products that can be stored as opposed to being fresh. As wholesalers operate on narrow margins, there will be
pressure on prices. The volume demands will also place pressure on your ability to deliver the right sort of cakes from the
limited capacity at your disposal. Also, having your brand associated with a mass catering market with its modest reputation
for quality may limit your ability to move the brand into higher quality segments of the market.
From the above analysis you can see that each distribution channel has particular demands. It is unlikely that in starting your
business you will be able to supply all three outlets. It is important that you choose your distribution policy carefully with a
view to where you want to be in the future. Each route to market will have a significant impact on the whole of the companyand place different demands on you.
3 An organisation has decided to compare the benefits of promoting existing staff with those of appointing external
candidates and to assess whether the use of external recruitment consultants is appropriate.
(a) Describe the advantages of internal promotion. (5 marks)
3 All organisations rely upon their staff for success. However, recruitment of staff can be time consuming; a drain on resources and the necessary expertise may not exist within the organisation.
(a) Internal promotion describes the situation where an organisation has an explicit policy to promote from within and where there is a clear and transparent career structure. This is typical of many professional bodies, large organisations and public services.
The advantages of internal promotion are that it acts as a source of motivation, provides good general morale amongst employees and illustrates the organisation’s commitment to encouraging advancement. Recruitment is expensive and internal promotion is relatively inexpensive in terms of time, money and induction costs and since staff seeking promotion are known to the employer, training costs are minimised. Finally, the culture of the organisation is better understood by the individual.
(b) The chief executive of Xalam Co, an exporter of specialist equipment, has asked for advice on the accounting
treatment and disclosure of payments made for security consultancy services. The payments, which aim to
ensure that consignments are not impounded in the destination country of a major customer, may be material to
the financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2006. Xalam does not treat these payments as tax
deductible. (4 marks)
Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state what
action, if any, Dedza should now take.
NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations.
(b) Advice on payments
■ As compared with (a) there is no obvious tax issue. Xalam is not overstating expenditure for tax purposes.
■ The payments being made for security consultancy services amount to a bribe. Corruption and bribery (and extortion)
are designated categories of money laundering offence under ‘The Forty Recommendations’ of the Financial Action Task
Force on Money Laundering (FATF).
■ Xalam clearly benefits from the payments as it receives income from the contract with the major customer. This is
criminal property and possession of it is a money laundering offence.
■ Dedza should consider the seriousness of the disclosure made by the chief executive in the context of domestic law.
■ Dedza should consider its knowledge of import duties etc in the destination country before recommending a course of
action to Xalam.
■ Dedza may be guilty of a money laundering offence if the matter is not reported. If a report to the FIU is considered
necessary then Dedza should encourage Xalam to make voluntary disclosure. If Xalam does not, Dedza will not be in
breach of client confidentiality for reporting knowledge of a suspicious transaction.
Tutorial note: Making a report takes precedence over client confidentiality.
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