

我每次问那些 ACCA学员们为什么要学ACCA时,绝大多数回答就是“ACCA是四大敲门砖呀”、“学了ACCA能快速进四大”等等。毋庸置疑,ACCA是一张国际高端财会证书,在ACCAer进军四大时绝对是一张强而有力的证明。但是,不要小看它了, ACCA能够敲开的,可绝对不止“四大”这一扇门。 下面将介绍ACCA能敲开的那些门。


四大隶属外企,但其主要业务还是以审计为主。而审计在ACCA课程中只是其中的一两门课,除此之外,还有很多全面的财务会计、管理会计、财务管理等内容,可以说跟会计有关的内容都包含在内了。 而且,对于外企财务部门,尤其是有全球财务共享中心的大型外企来说,学过ACCA,懂得国际会计准则,会看全英文财务报表在职场竞争中更具有优势。当然,我们熟知的还有阿里巴巴、腾讯、宝洁、联合利华等国际知名公司,都是ACCA的认可雇主企业,对于ACCA人才的需求非常大,可以成为ACCAer考虑的一个方向。


商科学生基本都知道,金融财会不分家。金融学得好的人不一定能做财务工作,财会学得好的人却能在金融界大展身手。有些不了解的人把ACCA想得过分狭隘了,认为一本财会证书在金融场没有用武之地。其实不然,在投资界素有“VC女王”之称的今日资本集团掌门人徐新,就是在中国银行工作期间,考出了ACCA。除了会计知识, ACCA的知识体系之中还有不少风险评估、商业管理等内容,结合财务知识,与金融可谓相当匹配。






下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:

(i) It focuses on the short-term by identifying costs at the beginning of a product’s life cycle

(ii) It identifies all costs which arise in relation to the product each year and then calculates the product’s profitability on an annual basis

(iii) It accumulates a product’s costs over its whole life time and works out the overall profitability of a product

(iv) It allocates costs to each stage of a product’s life cycle and writes them off at the end of each stage

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A.(i) and (iii)

B.(iii) only

C.(i) and (iv)

D.(ii) only


All of the statements are false except statement (iii).

(ii) Briefly discuss FOUR non-financial factors which might influence the above decision. (4 marks)

(ii) Four factors that could be considered are as follows:
(i) The quality of the service provided by NSC as evidenced by, for example, the comfort of the ferries, on-board
facilities, friendliness and responsiveness of staff.
(ii) The health and safety track record of NSC – passenger safety is a ‘must’ in such operations.
(iii) The reliability, timeliness and dependability of NSC as a service provider.
(iv) The potential loss of image due to redundancies within Wonderland plc.

(b) What advantages and disadvantages might result from outsourcing Global Imaging’s HR function?

(8 marks)

(b) It is important to note that there is nothing in the nature of the activities carried out by HR staff and departments that prevents
outsourcing being looked at as a serious option. Indeed, amongst larger companies the outsourcing of some parts of the HR
function is already well under way, with one source estimating that HR outsourcing is growing by 27% each year. Paul,
therefore, needs to look at the HR activities identified above and assess the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing a
particular HR activity. Outsourcing certain parts of the recruitment process has long been accepted, with professional
recruitment agencies and ‘head-hunters’ being heavily involved in the advertising and short listing of candidates for senior
management positions. Some HR specialists argue that outsourcing much of the routine personnel work, including
maintaining employees’ records, frees the HR specialist to make a real contribution to the strategic planning process. One
study argues that ‘HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution’.
If Paul is able to outsource the routine HR activities this will free him to contribute to the development of the growth strategy
and the critical people needs that strategy will require. In many ways the HR specialist is in a unique position to assess current
skills and capabilities of existing staff and the extent to which these can be ‘leveraged’ to achieve the desired strategy. In
Hamel and Prahalad’s terms this strategy is likely to ‘stretch’ the people resources of the company and require the recruitment
of additional staff with the relevant capabilities. Paul needs to show how long it will take to develop the necessary staff
resources as this will significantly influence the time needed to achieve the growth strategy.
Outsourcing passes on to the provider the heavy investment needed if the company sets up its own internal HR services with
much of this investment now going into web-based systems. The benefits are reduced costs and improved service quality.
The downside is a perceived loss of control and a reduced ability to differentiate the HR function from that of competitors.
Issues of employee confidentiality are also relevant in the decision to outsource.

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