


首先,何为ACCA呢?ACCA在国内称为"国际注册会计师",实际上是特许公认会计师公会(The Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants)的缩写,它是英国具有特许头衔的4家注册会计师协会之一,总部设立在英国,也是当今最知名的国际性会计师组织之一。ACCA资格被认为是"国际财会界的通行证"。许多国家立法许可ACCA会员从事审计、投资顾问和破产执行工作。它最有价值的地方是这个证书是全球都认可的,无论是你加入国企还是海外企业,相信这个证书一定会为你的履历上增添一抹光彩,从而增加你应试成功的几率。





















下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iii) Advice in connection with the sale of the manufacturing premises by Tethys Ltd; (7 marks)

(iii) Tethys Ltd – Sale of the manufacturing premises
Value added tax (VAT)
– The building is not a new building (i.e. it is more than three years old). Accordingly, the sale of the building is an
exempt supply and VAT should not be charged unless Tethys Ltd has opted to tax the building in the past.
Taxable profits on sale
– There will be no balancing adjustment in respect of industrial building allowances as the building is to be sold on
or after 21 March 2007.
– The capital gain arising on the sale of the building will be £97,760 (£240,000 – (£112,000 x 1·27)).
Rollover relief
– Tethys Ltd is not in a capital gains group with Saturn Ltd. Accordingly, rollover relief will only be available if Tethys
Ltd, rather than any of the other Saturn Ltd group companies, acquires sufficient qualifying business assets.
– The amount of sales proceeds not spent in the qualifying period is chargeable, i.e. £40,000 (£240,000 –
£200,000). The balance of the gain, £57,760 (£97,760 – £40,000), can be rolled over.
– Qualifying business assets include land and buildings and fixed plant and machinery. The assets must be brought
into immediate use in the company’s trade.
– The assets must be acquired in the four-year period beginning one year prior to the sale of the manufacturing
Further information required:
– Whether or not Tethys Ltd has opted to tax the building in the past for the purposes of VAT.

(iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc as

a holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these tax

costs. (4 marks)

You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates

and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

(iii) Bold plc will be making a taxable supply of services, likely to exceed the VAT threshold. It should therefore consider
registering for VAT – either immediately on a voluntary basis, or when its cumulative taxable supplies in the previous
twelve months exceed £60,000.
As an alternative, the new group can apply for a group VAT registration. This will simplify its VAT administration as intragroup
transactions are broadly disregarded for VAT purposes, and only one VAT return is required for the group as a
Stamp duty normally applies at 0·5% on the consideration payable in respect of transactions in shares. However, an
exemption is available in the case of a takeover, reconstruction or amalgamation where there is no real change in
ownership, i.e. the new shareholdings mirror the old shareholdings, and the transaction is for commercial purposes. The
insertion of a new holding company over an existing company, as proposed here, would qualify for this exemption.
There is no VAT on transactions in shares.

(ii) Determine whether your decision in (b)(i) would change if you were to use the Maximin and Minimax

regret decision criteria. Your answer should be supported by relevant workings. (6 marks)


(c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculations

of the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)



However, an exemption from corporation tax exists for any gain arising when a trading company (or member of a trading
group) sells the whole or any part of a substantial shareholding in another trading company.
A substantial shareholding is one where the investing company holds 10% of the ordinary share capital and is beneficially
entitled to at least 10% of the
(i) profits available for distribution to equity holders and
(ii) assets of the company available for distribution to equity holders on a winding up.
In meeting the 10% test, shares owned by a chargeable gains group may be amalgamated. The 10% test must have been
met for a continuous 12 month period during the 2 years preceding the disposal.
The companies making the disposals must have been trading companies (or members of a trading group) throughout the
12 month period, as well as at the date of disposal. In addition, they must also be trading companies (or members of a trading
group) immediately after the disposal.
The exemption is given automatically, and acts to deny losses as well as eliminate gains.
While Alantech Ltd has owned its holding in Mobile Ltd for 33 months, its ownership of the Boron holding has only lasted
for 10 months (at 1 June 2005) since Boron was acquired on 1 July 2004. Selling the shares in June 2005 will fail the
12 month test, and the gain will become chargeable.
It would be better for the companies to wait for a further month until July 2005 before selling the amalgamated shareholding.
By doing so, they will both be able to take advantage of the substantial shareholdings relief, thereby saving tax of £29,625
assuming a corporation tax rate of 19%.

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