











许多考生们也一样,考证的 初动机就是为了摆脱现在的岗位和不满意的薪水,在职场走的更高。但即便有这样的动机,许多人却没有相应的执行力将自己的决定变为现实。

执行力差这件事, 大的坏处是会损害自信。一次计划未能成功执行,往往会导致对于自己能力的怀疑,次数多了之后,就更不敢再制定计划了,“随缘”“佛系”考生,就诞生了。




在ACCA复习上流行一句话,客观题考的是点,主观题考的是面。ACCA考到 后会发现,如何形成这个面才是问题关键所在。而历年高分通过ACCA的那些考生们都有自己的总结归纳法宝。







下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

4 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a joint project to revisit its conceptual framework for

financial accounting and reporting. The goals of the project are to build on the existing frameworks and converge them

into a common framework.


(a) Discuss why there is a need to develop an agreed international conceptual framework and the extent to which

an agreed international conceptual framework can be used to resolve practical accounting issues.

(13 marks)

(a) The IASB wish their standards to be ‘principles-based’ and in order for this to be the case, the standards must be based on
fundamental concepts. These concepts need to constitute a framework which is sound, comprehensive and internally
consistent. Without agreement on a framework, standard setting is based upon the personal conceptual frameworks of the
individual standard setters which may change as the membership of the body changes and results in standards that are not
consistent with each other. Such a framework is designed not only to assist standard setters, but also preparers of financial
statements, auditors and users.
A common goal of the IASB is to converge their standards with national standard setters. The IASB will encounter difficulties
converging their standards if decisions are based on different frameworks. The IASB has been pursuing a number of projects
that are aimed at achieving short term convergence on certain issues with national standard setters as well as major projects
with them. Convergence will be difficult if there is no consistency in the underlying framework being used.
Frameworks differ in their authoritative status. The IASB’s Framework requires management to expressly consider the
Framework if no standard or interpretation specifically applies or deals with a similar and related issue. However, certain
frameworks have a lower standing. For example, entities are not required to consider the concepts embodied in certain
national frameworks in preparing financial statements. Thus the development of an agreed framework would eliminate
differences in the authoritative standing of conceptual frameworks and lead to greater consistency in financial statements
The existing concepts within most frameworks are quite similar. However, these concepts need revising to reflect changes in
markets, business practices and the economic environment since the concepts were developed. The existing frameworks need
developing to reflect these changes and to fill gaps in the frameworks. For example, the IASB’s Framework does not contain
a definition of the reporting entity. An agreed international framework could deal with this problem, especially if priority was
given to the issues likely to give short-term standard setting benefits.
Many standard setting bodies attempted initially to resolve accounting and reporting problems by developing accounting
standards without an accepted theoretical frame. of reference. The result has been inconsistency in the development of
standards both nationally and internationally. The frameworks were developed when several of their current standards were
in existence. In the absence of an agreed conceptual framework the same theoretical issues are revisited on several occasions
by standard setters. The result is inconsistencies and incompatible concepts. Examples of this are substance over form. and
matching versus prudence. Some standard setters such as the IASB permit two methods of accounting for the same set of
circumstances. An example is the accounting for joint ventures where the equity method and proportionate consolidation are
Additionally there have been differences in the way that standard setters have practically used the principles in the framework.
Some national standard setters have produced a large number of highly detailed accounting rules with less emphasis on
general principles. A robust framework might reduce the need for detailed rules although some companies operate in a
different legal and statutory context than other entities. It is important that a framework must result in standards that account
appropriately for actual business practice.
An agreed framework will not solve all accounting issues, nor will it obviate the need for judgement to be exercised in resolving
accounting issues. It can provide a framework within which those judgements can be made.
A framework provides standard setters with both a foundation for setting standards, and concepts to use as tools for resolving
accounting and reporting issues. A framework provides a basic reasoning on which to consider the merits of alternatives. It
does not provide all the answers, but narrows the range of alternatives to be considered by eliminating some that are
inconsistent with it. It, thereby, contributes to greater efficiency in the standard setting process by avoiding the necessity of
having to redebate fundamental issues and facilitates any debate about specific technical issues. A framework should also
reduce political pressures in making accounting judgements. The use of a framework reduces the influence of personal biases
in accounting decisions.
However, concepts statements are by their nature very general and theoretical in their wording, which leads to alternative
conclusions being drawn. Whilst individual standards should be consistent with the Framework, in the absence of a specific
standard, it does not follow that concepts will provide practical solutions. IAS8 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors’ sets out a hierarchy of authoritative guidance that should be considered in the absence of a standard.
In this case, management can use its judgement in developing and applying an accounting policy, albeit by considering the
IASB framework, but can also use accounting standards issued by other bodies. Thus an international framework may nottotally provide solutions to practical accounting problems.

(b) Explain the principal audit procedures to be performed during the final audit in respect of the estimated

warranty provision in the balance sheet of Island Co as at 30 November 2007. (5 marks)

(b) ISA 540 Audit of Accounting Estimates requires that auditors should obtain sufficient audit evidence as to whether an
accounting estimate, such as a warranty provision, is reasonable given the entity’s circumstances, and that disclosure is
appropriate. One, or a combination of the following approaches should be used:
Review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate
– Review contracts or orders for the terms of the warranty to gain an understanding of the obligation of Island Co
– Review correspondence with customers during the year to gain an understanding of claims already in progress at the
year end
– Perform. analytical procedures to compare the level of warranty provision year on year, and compare actual to budgeted
provisions. If possible disaggregate the data, for example, compare provision for specific types of machinery or customer
by customer
– Re-calculate the warranty provision
– Agree the percentage applied in the calculation to the stated accounting policy of Island Co
– Review board minutes for discussion of on-going warranty claims, and for approval of the amount provided
– Use management accounts to ascertain normal level of warranty rectification costs during the year
– Discuss with Kate Shannon the assumptions she used to determine the percentage used in her calculations
– Consider whether assumptions used are consistent with the auditors’ understanding of the business
– Compare prior year provision with actual expenditure on warranty claims in the accounting period
– Compare the current year provision with prior year and discuss any fluctuation with Kate Shannon.
Review subsequent events which confirm the estimate made
– Review any work carried out post year end on specific faults that have been provided for. Agree that all costs are included
in the year end provision.
– Agree cash expended on rectification work in the post balance sheet period to the cash book
– Agree cash expended on rectification work post year end to suppliers’ invoices, or to internal cost ledgers if work carried
out by employees of Island Co
– Read customer correspondence received post year end for any claims received since the year end.

A manufacturing company, Man Co, has two divisions: Division L and Division M. Both divisions make a single standardised product. Division L makes component L, which is supplied to both Division M and external customers.

Division M makes product M using one unit of component L and other materials. It then sells the completed

product M to external customers. To date, Division M has always bought component L from Division L.

The following information is available:

Division L charges the same price for component L to both Division M and external customers. However, it does not incur the selling and distribution costs when transferring internally.

Division M has just been approached by a new supplier who has offered to supply it with component L for $37 per unit. Prior to this offer, the cheapest price which Division M could have bought component L for from outside the group was $42 per unit.

It is head office policy to let the divisions operate autonomously without interference at all.


(a) Calculate the incremental profit/(loss) per component for the group if Division M accepts the new supplier’s

offer and recommend how many components Division L should sell to Division M if group profits are to be

maximised. (3 marks)

(b) Using the quantities calculated in (a) and the current transfer price, calculate the total annual profits of each division and the group as a whole. (6 marks)

(c) Discuss the problems which will arise if the transfer price remains unchanged and advise the divisions on a suitable alternative transfer price for component L. (6 marks)


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