



ACCA在国内被称为"国际注册会计师",是全球含金量高的财会金融领域的证书之一,在国际上的认可范围很广的财务人员资格证书。ACCA全称:英国特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)。













平时注重积累实践经验, 采用各种方式了解会计、审计、财务管理和管理信息系统的实际运转流程, 这对ACCA的备考很有帮助。同时利用这个宝贵的学习机会,可以了解到国际的会计、审计和管理知识,接受国际上的教育,使自己开阔眼界,提高素质,更好地开展审计工作。一举两得,何乐而不为呢?


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Briefly describe the way in which a ‘person specification’ differs from a ‘job description’. (3 marks)

Part (b):
The difference between a person specification and a job description is that a person specification sets out the qualities of an ideal
candidate whereas a job description defines the duties and responsibilities of the job.

(d) (i) Discuss why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance over the stated key performance

indicators; and (4 marks)

(d) (i) The main reason why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance is that the KPIs are not defined
– The value of donated pharmaceutical products is compared to revenue to provide a percentage. However, it will be
difficult to accurately value the donated products – are they valued at cost, or at sales price? Are delivery costs
included in the valuation? The intrinsic value may be lower than sales value as Sci-Tech Co may decide to donate
products which are not useful or relevant to the charities they are donated to.
– The value of ‘cost of involvement with local charities’ is also not defined. If the donations are purely cash, then it
should be easy to verify donations using normal audit procedures to verify cash payments. However, the
‘involvement with local charities’ is not defined and will be difficult to quantify as a percentage of revenue. For
example, involvement may include:
? Time spent by Sci-Tech Co employees at local charity events
? Education and training provided to members of the local community in health care matters
– Number of serious accidents is also difficult to quantify as what constitutes a ‘serious’ accident is subjective. For
example, is an accident serious if it results in a hospitalisation of the employee? Or serious if it results in more than
five days absence from work while recovering?
In addition, the sufficiency of evidence available is doubtful, as such matters will not form. part of the accounting records
and thus there may be limited and possibly only unreliable sources of evidence available.
– Donated goods may not be separately recorded in inventory movement records. It may not be possible to
distinguish donated goods from sold or destroyed items.
– Unless time sheets are maintained, there is unlikely to be any detailed records of ‘involvement’ in local charities.

(c) You have been making preliminary inquiries regarding matters arising from the previous year’s audit of Di Rollo.

It has been revealed that no action has been taken in response to the management letter prepared by the previous

auditors. Di Rollo’s management has explained that this was because it was ‘poorly prepared’ and ‘unhelpful’.


Briefly describe various criteria against which the effectiveness of a management letter may be assessed.

(7 marks)

(c) Management letter effectiveness criteria
Tutorial note: Candidates at this level must know that a management letter is a letter of weakness (also called post-audit
letter). NO marks will be awarded for consideration of any other letters (e.g. management representation letters, engagement
■ Timeliness – a management letter should be issued as soon as possible after completion of the audit procedures giving
rise to comment. This is particularly important when audit work is carried out on more than one audit visit and where
it is a matter of urgency that management make improvements to their procedures (e.g. where there is evidence of
serious weakness).
■ Clarity – wording must be clear so that recipients understand the significance of weaknesses that are being drawn to
their attention. It is particularly important that implications are explained clearly in terms that will prompt management
to respond positively (e.g. drawing attention to the risks of financial loss arising).
■ Illustrative – specific illustrative examples (e.g. of where controls have not been evidenced) should aid management in
understanding the nature of the problem(s).
■ Constructive comments/advice – recommendations for improvements must be practicable (i.e. appropriate and costeffective
in the light of the client’s resources) if the client is to take corrective action.
■ Conciseness – unnecessary volume will distract management from new/additional matters that require their attention.
For example, matters adequately dealt with in the internal auditor’s report should not be repeated.
■ Factual accuracy is essential. Inaccuracies will not only aggravate the client and appear unprofessional but could, in rare
circumstances, result in liability. Similarly, the letter should not criticise (or ‘cast aspersions’) on individual staff members
if it is the system that is inadequate.
■ A suitable structure – for example ‘tiered’, where the report contains matters of varying levels of significance. By directing
different classes of matters to the appropriate level or area of responsibility action by management can be taken more
speedily and constructively.
Tutorial note: An alternative structure might be one that sequences those recommendations that improve
profitability/cash flows before those that deal with information systems.
■ Inclusion of staff responses – both to advise senior management of action proposed/being taken by their staff and to give
credit to recommendations for improvements where it is due (e.g. where client’s staff have proposed recommendations).
■ Inclusion of management’s response – an indication of the actions that management intends to take is more likely to
result in action being taken. Discussing findings with management first should also ensure their factual accuracy.
■ Client’s perspective – implications from the client’s viewpoint (e.g. in terms of cost savings) are more likely to be acted
on than those expressed from an audit perspective (e.g. in terms of lowered audit risk).
■ Professional tone – should not be offensive. Comments that fault management’s knowledge, competence, motives or
integrity are likely to provoke defensive reactions. Comments should be positive/constructive by emphasising
Tutorial notes: Other points that candidates may include:
■ Inclusion of matters of future relevance
■ Cost effectiveness – minutes of discussions with management instead of a formal weakness letter
■ Not raising ‘people problems’ in such a formal communication (a confidential discussion is preferable).

(e) Internal controls are very important in a complex civil engineering project such as the Giant Dam Project.


Describe the difficulties of maintaining sound internal controls in the Giant Dam Project created by working

through sub-contractors. (4 marks)

(e) Control and sub-contractors
Specifically in regard to the maintenance of internal controls when working with sub-contractors, the prominent difficulties
are likely to be in the following areas:
Configuring and co-ordinating the many activities of sub-contractors so as to keep progress on track. This may involve taking
the different cultures of sub-contractor organisations into account.
Loss of direct control over activities as tasks are performed by people outside R&M’s direct employment and hence its
management structure.
Monitoring the quality of work produced by the sub-contractors. Monitoring costs will be incurred and any quality problems
will be potentially costly.
Budget ‘creep’ and cost control. Keeping control of budgets can be a problem in any large civil engineering project (such the
construction of the new Wembley Stadium in the UK) and problems are likely to be made worse when the principal contractor
does not have direct control over all activities.
Time limit over-runs. Many projects (again, such as the new Wembley Stadium, but others also) over-run significantly on time.
Tutorial note: only four difficulties need to be described.

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