学习ACCA,不仅是为了给自己的简历上增添一个拿的出手的证书,更是因为ACCA完整的知识体系,充实自己的大学生活。我认为,每一份努力都会有回报,只要功夫下的多,就没有什么事情做不好。这一份ACCA MA(F2)的备考技巧请大家收藏起来哦~
① 备考初期:F2主要以刷题为主。F2是管理会计,偏计算,但是计算水平要求其实也很低,重要的是细心点,把题看懂。
② 临考准备:如果大家已经看完网课,也做了一定量的习题了后,这个时候应该要明确自己薄弱的地方在哪里。哪部分知识点比较薄弱,就花费多一点的时间去复习,反之就少花费一点时间。建议大家可以像考试一样,在电脑上认真地花两个小时做一套模拟卷,并且进行批改,看看自己在考试中会遇到什么问题。
1. Data
and information:
--->data; Processed --->information
Quality of good information
Mission statement(abstract) ---> Objective(SMART) --->Strategy(Possible
course of action)
Planning (establishing the objectives& selecting appropriate strategies)
Control(compare plans with actual results, reviewed and made changes)
6. The
relationship between planning, decision making and control
Management information Strategic information
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the development
of international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has
been at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,
auditing and education.
Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered Certified
(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)
Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
be given suitable credit.
(a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’
Since its issue in 1996, IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ (‘The Code’) has undergone several revisions
(1996, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2005). IFAC holds the view that due to national differences (of culture, language, legal and
social systems) the task of preparing detailed ethical requirements is primarily that of the member bodies in each country
concerned (and that they also have the responsibility to implement and enforce such requirements).
In recognizing the responsibilities of the accountancy profession, IFAC considers its own role to be in providing guidance and
promoting harmonization. IFAC has established ‘The Code’ to provide a basis on which the ethical requirements for
professional accountants in each country should be founded.
IFAC’s conceptual approach is principles-based. It provides a route to convergence that emphasises the profession’s integrity.
This approach may be summarised as:
■ identifying and evaluating circumstances and relationships that create threats (e.g. to independence); and
■ taking appropriate action to:
– eliminate these threats; or
– reduce them to an acceptable level by the application of safeguards.
If no safeguards are available to reduce a threat to an acceptable level an assurance engagement must be refused or
This approach was first introduced to Section 8 of The Code, on independence, and is applicable to assurance engagements
when the assurance report is dated on or after 31 December 2004.
Further to the cases of Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat, IFAC issued a revised Code in July 2005 that applies to all professional
accountants, whether in public practice, business, industry or government2.
A member body of IFAC may not apply less stringent standards than those stated in the Code. The Code is effective from
30 June 2006.
Practicing accountants and members in business must maintain the high standards of professional ethics that are expected
by their professional bodies (such as ACCA). These developments codify current best practice in the wake of the
aforementioned recent corporate scandals.
The developments in The Code have wider application in that it:
■ applies to all assurance services (not just audit);
■ considers the standpoints of the firm and of the assurance team.
Since ACCA is a member-body of IFAC the elevation of The Code to a standard will affect all Chartered Certified Accountants.
5 Ambush, a public limited company, is assessing the impact of implementing the revised IAS39 ‘Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement’. The directors realise that significant changes may occur in their accounting treatment
of financial instruments and they understand that on initial recognition any financial asset or liability can be
designated as one to be measured at fair value through profit or loss (the fair value option). However, there are certain
issues that they wish to have explained and these are set out below.
(a) Outline in a report to the directors of Ambush the following information:
(i) how financial assets and liabilities are measured and classified, briefly setting out the accounting
method used for each category. (Hedging relationships can be ignored.) (10 marks)
5 Report to the Directors of Ambush, a public limited company
(a) The following report sets out the principal aspects of IAS 39 in the designated areas.
(i) Classification of financial instruments and their measurement
Financial assets and liabilities are initially measured at fair value which will normally be the fair value of the
consideration given or received. Transaction costs are included in the initial carrying value of the instrument unless it
is carried at ‘fair value through profit or loss’ when these costs are recognised in the income statement.
Financial assets should be classified into four categories:
(i) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
(ii) loans and receivables
(iii) held-to-maturity investments (HTM)
(iv) available-for-sale financial assets (AFS).
The first category above has two sub categories which are ‘held for trading’ and those designated to this category at
inception/initial recognition. This latter designation is irrevocable.
Financial liabilities have two categories: those at fair value through profit or loss, and ‘other’ liabilities. As with financial
assets those liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss have two sub categories which are the same as
those for financial assets.
Reclassifications between categories are uncommon and restricted under IAS 39 and are prohibited into and out of the
fair value through profit or loss category. Reclassifications between AFS and HTM are possible but it is not possible from
loans and receivables to AFS. The held to maturity category is limited in its application as if the company sells or
reclassifies more than an immaterial amount of the portfolio, it is barred from using the category for at least two years.
Also all remaining HTM investments would be reclassified to AFS.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets and liabilities depends on the classification. The following tablesummarises the position:
Amortised cost is the cost of an asset or liability adjusted to achieve a constant effective interest rate over the life of the
asset or liability.
It is not possible to compute amortised cost for instruments that do not have fixed or determinable payments, such as
for equity instruments, and such instruments therefore cannot be classified into these categories.
A company must apply the effective interest rate method in the measurement of amortised cost. The effective interest
rate method determines how much interest income or interest expense should be reported in profit and loss.
For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, all
changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss when they occur. This includes unrealised holding gains and losses.
For available-for-sale financial assets, unrealised holding gains and losses are deferred in reserves until they are realised
or impairment occurs. Only interest income and dividend income, impairment losses, and certain foreign currency gains
and losses are recognised in profit or loss.
Investments in unquoted equity instruments that cannot be reliably measured at fair value are subsequently measureat cost. Unrealised holding gains/losses are not normally recognised in profit/loss.
(iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc as
a holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these tax
costs. (4 marks)
You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates
and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(iii) Bold plc will be making a taxable supply of services, likely to exceed the VAT threshold. It should therefore consider
registering for VAT – either immediately on a voluntary basis, or when its cumulative taxable supplies in the previous
twelve months exceed £60,000.
As an alternative, the new group can apply for a group VAT registration. This will simplify its VAT administration as intragroup
transactions are broadly disregarded for VAT purposes, and only one VAT return is required for the group as a
Stamp duty normally applies at 0·5% on the consideration payable in respect of transactions in shares. However, an
exemption is available in the case of a takeover, reconstruction or amalgamation where there is no real change in
ownership, i.e. the new shareholdings mirror the old shareholdings, and the transaction is for commercial purposes. The
insertion of a new holding company over an existing company, as proposed here, would qualify for this exemption.
There is no VAT on transactions in shares.
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