


ACCA F阶段(AB-FM)课程考试已正式取消考试期限,换句话说,已经考完的各F阶段科目的考试成绩永久有效,不必重新考试。








1)会计学专业 - 获得学士或硕士学位(金融/财务管理/审计专业也享受等同会计学专业的免试政策,下同) 免试5门课程;(即是本科或者研究生毕业)

2)会计学 - 辅修专业 免试3门课程;(双学位的,且第二专业是会计的)

3)法律专业 免试1门课程;

4)商务及管理专业 免试1门课程;

5)MPAcc专业(获得MPAcc学位或完成MPAcc大纲规定的所有课程、只有论文待完成) 免试5门课程*;

6)MBA - 获得MBA学位 免试3门课程;

7)非相关专业 无免试课程。

*注:部分院校的MPAcc专业已专门申请ACCA总部的免试审核,因此有多于5门的免试,具体请查询 ACCA总部官网。


1)会计学专业 - 完成第一学年课程 可以注册为ACCA正式学员 无免试;

2)会计学专业 - 完成第二学年课程 免试3门课程;

3)其他专业 - 在校生 ACCA全球网站查询。


1)CICPA - 2009年“6+1”制度前获得全科合格证或者会员资格证 免试5门课程;

2)CICPA - 2009年“6+1”制度后获得全科合格证或者会员资格证 免试9门课程;

3)FIA(Foundation in Accountancy) 通过FIA(Foundation in Accountancy)所有考试并取得相关工作经验 免试4门课程。



根据以前的规则,学员必须在首次报名注册后10年内通过所有考试,否则将注销其学员资格。后特许公认会计师公会ACCA对学员通过ACCA资格认证所有考试的时限做出了重要调整。F段成绩永久有效,P段要在7年内考完。根据新规则,专业阶段考试的时限将为7年。因此,国际财会基础资格(Foundations in Accountancy,简称FIA)的考试以及ACCA资格考试的基础阶段F1-F9考试将不再有通过时限。



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) State any reliefs Bob could claim regarding the fall in value of his shares in Willis Ltd, and describe how the

operation of any such reliefs could reduce Bob’s taxable income. (4 marks)

Relevant retail price index figures are:

September 1990 129·3

April 1998 162·6

December 2004 189·9

(c) Claims for capital losses
Where the value of shares (a chargeable asset) has become negligible (defined as <5% of the original cost), a claim can be
made to treat the asset as though it was sold and then immediately reacquired for its current market value. This is known as
a negligible value claim.
The sale and reacquisition is treated as taking place at the time that the claim is made or at a specified time (up to 2 years
before the start of the tax year in which the claim was made) if the asset was of negligible value at that time.
As the loss is on unquoted shares, a further relief (s.574 ICTA 1988) allows the loss to be relieved against the total income
of the taxpayer for the year in which the loss arose, and/or against the total income of the previous year.
Losses are first relieved against current year income, with any excess being available for offset against the prior year’s income.
Bob can therefore make a negligible value claim as at 1 December 2004. This will give rise to a loss of £14,500
(£500 – £15,000) which will be deemed to arise in the year 2004/05. By doing so, his taxable income for that year will be
reduced from £36,875 to £22,375.

(b) Describe the content of a reference. (5 marks)

Part (b)
A simple standard form. to be completed by the referee is acceptable to provide all the required details. A standard form. should
ask about the existing job title, the main duties and responsibilities of the current job, period of employment, present pay or salary
and the attendance record.

22 Which of the following items may appear in a company’s statement of changes in equity, according to IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements?

1 Unrealised revaluation gains.

2 Dividends paid.

3 Proceeds of equity share issue.

4 Profit for the period.

A 2, 3 and 4 only

B 1, 3 and 4 only

C All four items

D 1, 2 and 4 only


(c) State one advantage to a business of keeping its working capital cycle as short as possible.

(2 Marks)

(c) The advantage to a company of keeping its working capital cycle short is that fewer resources are tied up in working capital,
thus freeing them for other purposes.
(Other answers considered on their merits)

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