


IAS 1 (revised) Presentation of financial statements

- Dividend cannot be shown in profit or loss (income statement). Dividends must be presented on the face of the statement of changes in equity or in the notes

- Statement of changes in equity for owner changes in equity. Non-owner changes in equity. Non-owner changes must be shown in the statement of comprehensive income.

- Revaluation gains must be shown the other comprehensive income

IAS 8 (revised) Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors

Accounting policies are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices adopted by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.

IFRS 8 Operating segments (replaced IAS 14 Segment reporting)

IFRS 8 is a disclosure standard:

- Segment reporting is necessary for a better understanding and assessment of:

. Past performance

. Risks and returnswww.Examw.com

. Informed judgements

- IFRS 8 adopts the managerial approach to identifying segments.

- The standard gives guidance on how segment should be identified and what information should be disclosed for each

It also sets out requirements for related disclosures about products and services, geographical areas and major customers.

IAS 33 Earnings per share

Earnings per share is a measure of the amount of profits earned by a company for each ordinary share. Earnings are profits after tax and preferred dividends

Ordinary share: an equity instrument that is subordinate to all other classes of equity instruments.

Basic EPS: is calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Basic EPS = Net profit/ (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders /

Weighted average no. of ordinary shares outstanding

Effect on basic EPS OF changes in capital structure:

- New issues/buy backs,

- Capitalization/bonus issue, share split/reverse share split,

- Rights issue

Right issue:

To arrive at figures for EPS when a rights issue is made, first calculate the theoretical ex-rights price. This is a weighted average value per share.


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(iv) The stamp duty and/or stamp duty land tax payable by the Saturn Ltd group; (2 marks)

Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum

and the effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)

(iv) Stamp duty and stamp duty land tax
– The purchase of Tethys Ltd will give rise to a liability to ad valorem stamp duty of £1,175 (£235,000 x 0·5%).
The stamp duty must be paid by Saturn Ltd within 30 days of the share transfer in order to avoid interest being
charged. It is not an allowable expense for the purposes of corporation tax.

(iii) delegation. (3 marks)

(iii) DELEGATION is giving a subordinate the discretion to make decisions within a certain, defined sphere of influence. Therefore the superior must possess the authority to delegate. The key element here is discretion and the level of authority within a specific sphere which is behind the problems at Flavours Fine Foods. Authority should be clearly delegated as appropriate to the managers and, through them, to the supervisors.

(c) On 1 May 2007 Sirus acquired another company, Marne plc. The directors of Marne, who were the only

shareholders, were offered an increased profit share in the enlarged business for a period of two years after the

date of acquisition as an incentive to accept the purchase offer. After this period, normal remuneration levels will

be resumed. Sirus estimated that this would cost them $5 million at 30 April 2008, and a further $6 million at

30 April 2009. These amounts will be paid in cash shortly after the respective year ends. (5 marks)


Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of

the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year

ended 30 April 2008.

(c) Acquisition of Marne
All business combinations within the scope of IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ must be accounted for using the purchase
method. (IFRS 3.14) The pooling of interests method is prohibited. Under IFRS 3, an acquirer must be identified for all
business combinations. (IFRS 3.17) Sirus will be identified as the acquirer of Marne and must measure the cost of a business
combination at the sum of the fair values, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, in exchange
for control of Marne; plus any costs directly attributable to the combination. (IFRS 3.24) If the cost is subject to adjustment
contingent on future events, the acquirer includes the amount of that adjustment in the cost of the combination at the
acquisition date if the adjustment is probable and can be measured reliably. (IFRS 3.32) However, if the contingent payment
either is not probable or cannot be measured reliably, it is not measured as part of the initial cost of the business combination.
If that adjustment subsequently becomes probable and can be measured reliably, the additional consideration is treated as
an adjustment to the cost of the combination. (IAS 3.34) The issue with the increased profit share payable to the directors
of Marne is whether the payment constitutes remuneration or consideration for the business acquired. Because the directors
of Marne fall back to normal remuneration levels after the two year period, it appears that this additional payment will
constitute part of the purchase consideration with the resultant increase in goodwill. It seems as though these payments can
be measured reliably and therefore the cost of the acquisition should be increased by the net present value of $11 million at
1 May 2007 being $5 million discounted for 1 year and $6 million for 2 years.

11 The following information is available for Orset, a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records:


Inventory 1 July 2004 138,600

30 June 2005 149,100

Purchases for year ended 30 June 2005 716,100

Orset makes a standard gross profit of 30 per cent on sales.

Based on these figures, what is Orset’s sales figure for the year ended 30 June 2005?

A $2,352,000

B $1,038,000

C $917,280

D $1,008,000


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