


1. Which of the following would be recorded in the sales day book?

A Discounts allowed

B Sales invoices

C Credit notes received

D Trade discounts


2.The profit made by a business in 20X7 was $35, ,400. The proprietor injected new capital of $10,200 during the year and withdrew a monthly salary of $500.

If net assets at the end of 20x7 were $95,100, what was the proprietor\'s capital at the beginning of the year?

A $50,000

B $55, 500

C $63,900

D $134,700


3. A sole trader took some goods costing $800 from inventory for his own use. The normal selling price of the goods is $1 ,600.

Which of the following journal entries would correctly record this?

                                            Dr                        Cr

                                             $                         $

A Inventory account              800

Purchases account                                             800

B Drawings account            800

Purchases account                                              800

C Sales account                     1,600

Drawings account                                              1,600

D Drawings account            800

Sales account                                                      800


4. A business can make a profit and yet have a reduction in its bank balance. Which ONE of the following might cause this to happen?

A The sale of non-current assets at a loss

B The charging of depreciation in the statement of profit or loss

C The lengthening of the period of credit given to customers

D The lengthening of the period of credit taken from suppliers


5. Which of the following documents should accompany a return of goods to a supplier?

A Debit note

B Remittance advice

C Purchase invoice

D Credit note



下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Explain the advantages from a tax point of view of operating the new business as a partnership rather than

as a company whilst it is making losses. You should calculate the tax adjusted trading loss for the year

ending 31 March 2008 for both situations and indicate the years in which the loss relief will be obtained.

You are not required to prepare any other supporting calculations. (10 marks)


(b) The new business
There are two tax advantages to operating the business as a partnership.
(i) Reduction in taxable income
If the new business is operated as a company, Cindy and Arthur would both be taxed at 40% on their salaries. In
addition, employer and employee national insurance contributions would be due on £105 (£5,000 – £4,895) in respect
of each of them.
If the new business is operated as a partnership, the partners would have no taxable trading income because the
partnership has made a loss; any salaries paid to the partners would be appropriations of the profit or loss of the
business and not employment income. They would, however, each have to pay Class 2 national insurance contributions
of £2·10 each per week.
(ii) Earlier relief for trading losses
If the new business is operated as a company, its tax adjusted trading loss in the year ending 31 March 2008 would
be as follows:

22 Which of the following items may appear in a company’s statement of changes in equity, according to IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements?

1 Unrealised revaluation gains.

2 Dividends paid.

3 Proceeds of equity share issue.

4 Profit for the period.

A 2, 3 and 4 only

B 1, 3 and 4 only

C All four items

D 1, 2 and 4 only


(b) Given his recent diagnosis, advise Stuart as to which of the two proposed investments (Omikron plc/Omega

plc) would be the more tax efficient alternative. Give reasons for your choice. (3 marks)

(b) Both companies are listed. The only difference will be in the availability of inheritance tax relief – specifically business property
relief (BPR). If Stuart and Rebecca jointly hold in excess of 50% of the share capital of a listed company, BPR will apply at
the rate of 50%. Otherwise, no BPR is available.
Stuart can only buy 1,005,000 (£422,100/£0·42) shares in Omikron plc. This represents a shareholding of 2·00%
(1,005,000/50,250,000). As the shares in Omikron plc are listed, a 2% holding will not qualify for BPR.
At the moment, both Stuart and Rebecca own 2,400,000 shares in Omega plc. Their shareholdings are amalgamated for
IHT purposes under the related property rules. With a joint holding of 48%, BPR is not available. A further 200,001 shares
will be required to attain a 50% holding. Assuming Stuart and Rebecca can buy these shares, they must then hold their 50%
interest in the company for the period of at least two years in order to ensure that BPR applies.
On the basis that Stuart is expected to survive for two to three years, he should therefore buy further shares in Omega plc in
order to take advantage of the BPR available.

2 The draft financial statements of Rampion, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2005

included the following figures:


Profit 684,000

Closing inventory 116,800

Trade receivables 248,000

Allowance for receivables 10,000

No adjustments have yet been made for the following matters:

(1) The company’s inventory count was carried out on 3 January 2006 leading to the figure shown above. Sales

between the close of business on 31 December 2005 and the inventory count totalled $36,000. There were no

deliveries from suppliers in that period. The company fixes selling prices to produce a 40% gross profit on sales.

The $36,000 sales were included in the sales records in January 2006.

(2) $10,000 of goods supplied on sale or return terms in December 2005 have been included as sales and

receivables. They had cost $6,000. On 10 January 2006 the customer returned the goods in good condition.

(3) Goods included in inventory at cost $18,000 were sold in January 2006 for $13,500. Selling expenses were


(4) $8,000 of trade receivables are to be written off.

(5) The allowance for receivables is to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5% of the trade receivables after allowing for

the above matters, based on past experience.


(a) Prepare a statement showing the effect of the adjustments on the company’s net profit for the year ended

31 December 2005. (5 marks)


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