Question:Three of the following strategies are closely related.
Which is the exception?
A. Downsizing
B. Delayering
C. Outsourcing
D. Delegating
The correct answer is: Delegating
Rationale: Outsourcing (contracting some of the firm's activities to external providers) and delayering (removing levels of the organisation hierarchy) are strategies for downsizing (reducing the number of staff permanently or directly employed by the firm).
Delegating is the process whereby a superior gives a subordinate part of his or her own authority to make decisions.
下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。
2 Your firm was appointed as auditor to Indigo Co, an iron and steel corporation, in September 2005. You are the
manager in charge of the audit of the financial statements of Indigo, for the year ending 31 December 2005.
Indigo owns office buildings, a workshop and a substantial stockyard on land that was leased in 1995 for 25 years.
Day-to-day operations are managed by the chief accountant, purchasing manager and workshop supervisor who
report to the managing director.
All iron, steel and other metals are purchased for cash at ‘scrap’ prices determined by the purchasing manager. Scrap
metal is mostly high volume. A weighbridge at the entrance to the stockyard weighs trucks and vans before and after
the scrap metals that they carry are unloaded into the stockyard.
Two furnaces in the workshop melt down the salvageable scrap metal into blocks the size of small bricks that are then
stored in the workshop. These are sold on both credit and cash terms. The furnaces are now 10 years old and have
an estimated useful life of a further 15 years. However, the furnace linings are replaced every four years. An annual
provision is made for 25% of the estimated cost of the next relining. A by-product of the operation of the furnaces is
the production of ‘clinker’. Most of this is sold, for cash, for road surfacing but some is illegally dumped.
Indigo’s operations are subsidised by the local authority as their existence encourages recycling and means that there
is less dumping of metal items. Indigo receives a subsidy calculated at 15% of the market value of metals purchased,
as declared in a quarterly return. The return for the quarter to 31 December 2005 is due to be submitted on
21 January 2006.
Indigo maintains manual inventory records by metal and estimated quality. Indigo counted inventory at 30 November
2005 with the intention of ‘rolling-forward’ the purchasing manager’s valuation as at that date to the year-end
quantities per the manual records. However, you were not aware of this until you visited Indigo yesterday to plan
your year-end procedures.
During yesterday’s tour of Indigo’s premises you saw that:
(i) sheets of aluminium were strewn across fields adjacent to the stockyard after a storm blew them away;
(ii) much of the vast quantity of iron piled up in the stockyard is rusty;
(iii) piles of copper and brass, that can be distinguished with a simple acid test, have been mixed up.
The count sheets show that metal quantities have increased, on average, by a third since last year; the quantity of
aluminium, however, is shown to be three times more. There is no suitably qualified metallurgical expert to value
inventory in the region in which Indigo operates.
The chief accountant disappeared on 1 December, taking the cash book and cash from three days’ sales with him.
The cash book was last posted to the general ledger as at 31 October 2005. The managing director has made an
allegation of fraud against the chief accountant to the police.
The auditor’s report on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004 was unmodified.
(a) Describe the principal audit procedures to be carried out on the opening balances of the financial statements
of Indigo Co for the year ending 31 December 2005. (6 marks)
(a) Opening balances – principal audit procedures
Tutorial note: ‘Opening balances’ means those account balances which exist at the beginning of the period. The question
clearly states that the prior year auditor’s report was unmodified therefore any digression into the prior period opinion being
other than unmodified or the prior period not having been audited will not earn marks.
■ Review of the application of appropriate accounting policies in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December
2004 to ensure consistent with those applied in 2005.
■ Where permitted (e.g. if there is a reciprocal arrangement with the predecessor auditor to share audit working papers
on a change of appointment), a review of the prior period audit working papers.
Tutorial note: There is no legal, ethical or other professional duty that requires a predecessor auditor to make available
its working papers.
■ Current period audit procedures that provide evidence concerning the existence, measurement and completeness of
rights and obligations. For example:
? after-date receipts (in January 2005 and later) confirming the recoverable amount of trade receivables at
31 December 2004;
? similarly, after-date payments confirming the completeness of trade and other payables (for services);
? after-date sales of inventory held at 31 December 2004;
? review of January 2005 bank reconciliation (confirming clearance of reconciling items at 31 December 2004).
■ Analytical procedures on ratios calculated month-on-month from 31 December 2004 to date and further investigation
of any distortions identified at the beginning of the current reporting period. For example:
? inventory turnover (by category of metal);
? average collection payment;
? average payment period;
? gross profit percentage (by metal).
■ Examination of historic accounting records for non-current assets and liabilities (if necessary). For example:
? agreeing balances on asset registers to the client’s trial balance as at 31 December 2004;
? agreeing statements of balances on loan accounts to the financial statements as at 31 December 2004.
■ If the above procedures do not provide sufficient evidence, additional substantive procedures should be performed. For
example, if additional evidence is required concerning inventory at 31 December 2004, cut-off tests may be
2 Helen Bradshaw, a recent graduate with a degree in catering management, has spotted a market opportunity during
her first job with a large supermarket chain. She knows there is a growing market for distinctive, quality cakes in the
bakery sections of the supermarket chains, as well as in supplying independent individual premium cake shops, and
also for catering wholesalers supplying restaurants and hotels.
Helen is very determined to set up her own business under the brand name of ‘Helen’s cakes’, and has bought some
equipment – industrial food mixers, ovens, cake moulds – and also rented a small industrial unit to make the cakes.
Helen has created three sets of recipes – one for the premium cake shop market, one for the supermarkets and one
for the catering wholesalers but is uncertain which market to enter first. Each channel of distribution offers a different
set of challenges. The premium cake shop market consists of a large number of independent cake shops spread
through the region, each looking for daily deliveries, a wide product range and low volumes. The supermarkets are
demanding good quality, competitive prices and early development of a product range under their own brand name.
The catering wholesalers require large volumes, medium quality and low prices.
Helen has learnt that you are a consultant specialising in start-up enterprises and is looking to you for advice.
(a) Acting as a consultant, prepare a short report for Helen advising her on the advantages and disadvantages
each channel offers and the implications for a successful start-up. (12 marks)
(a) To: Helen Bradshaw
Entry strategies for ‘Helen’s cakes’
Your choice of market entry strategy is a crucial one for you and one which will have significant consequences for the
operational side of the business. Your choice of distribution channel will determine the customers you reach, the volume of
sales you will achieve and ultimately the level of profitability attained. Key questions will include – is there a market for my
cakes, how big is this market, what segments of the market will I reach and is this the most appropriate channel for accessing
my customers? These are key questions that will influence your marketing strategy and its implementation through the
marketing mix detailed below. This choice of channel will effectively position your cakes in the market.
Your intention to produce ‘distinctive quality cakes’ suggests you are intent on differentiating your cakes from those of your
competitors. I have provided an assessment of the implications of choosing a particular entry strategy. Each entry strategy
will have a different combination of costs and benefits and involve different levels of risk. Although you will be supplying
basically the same product into each market, each market is very different and will require a different marketing approach.
Premium cake market
Here there is the opportunity to establish your brand and develop your reputation for meeting the demands of discerning
customers. There is also the opportunity to obtain premium prices based on the exclusivity of your cakes. New quality brands
are likely to be welcomed by the specialist cake shops and cafes and there is the advantage of relatively few brands with
which you have to compete. Entry barriers are therefore relatively low and the product range can be developed in a planned
way. Volumes, at least initially, are likely to be low and your existing capacity should be able to cope. However, entry into this
premium market may have some disadvantages. Clearly, for a premium product, commanding premium prices, quality is an
absolute must. Therefore, rigorous quality systems must be in place to ensure customer satisfaction. Equally, the demand will
be for fresh cakes with a short shelf life and this again will require small batch production and careful scheduling and
planning. Your distributors are likely to want many varieties of cakes, but in small volumes again has cost implications and
your ability to make-to-order may be an important factor in generating sales. As you are likely to be supplying a large number
of outlets spread over a wide area, this is likely to lead to high distribution costs per unit sold. Opportunity should be taken
to supply cakes to any chains of cake shops or cafes and thus lower the costs of distribution. You will clearly have to work
out the break-even position for each customer so as to avoid having large numbers of small customers who order insufficient
quantities to cover costs.
Here there is the advantage of generating high volume sales and achieving some economies of scale. Equally, if you are able
to convince the buyers to stock your product using your brand this will gain you excellent exposure in the market. The fact
that you are supplying to a small number of large customers will also have a beneficial effect on your distribution costs.
Supplying the supermarkets with your cakes will bring some problems however. Here the attention to quality will be
considerable and the product must be consistent to prevent product rejection. You are likely to have to meet demands for
recipe change and price variations may also be required. Above all, the buying power of the supermarkets will put extreme
pressure on your prices and is likely to result in small profit margins. Equally important is the likely pressure to make cakes
to be sold under the supermarkets’ own label brands. Again the pressure on costs is likely to be intense and there is no
opportunity to develop your brand. Getting space on the supermarket shelves is likely to be expensive – you may be under
pressure to reduce prices to support in-store promotions. Also, the power of electronic point-of-sale equipment means that
underperforming products are soon deleted from the product list and removed from the shelves. Overall this is a high
volume/low margin market entry and getting your product accepted may take considerable time and effort.
Catering market
Here, typically, supplying catering wholesalers who in turn supply catering establishments. Volumes are likely to be
significant, with large bulk orders being placed. The product range is likely to be less extensive than with the other two
markets and there will be less need to offer recipe variations. This market is likely to be less quality conscious provided the
cakes meet the demands of the caterers. There is less pressure to produce cakes under the caterer’s own brand and therefore
the opportunity to build your own brand. Barriers to entry would be relatively low with the caterers having little brand or supply
loyalty. Batches of cakes are likely to be large with lower production costs as a result. Distribution costs are also likely to
benefit from delivery to a few large wholesalers.
The downside of supplying this market segment is meeting the particular demands of the caterers – they may be more
interested in products that can be stored as opposed to being fresh. As wholesalers operate on narrow margins, there will be
pressure on prices. The volume demands will also place pressure on your ability to deliver the right sort of cakes from the
limited capacity at your disposal. Also, having your brand associated with a mass catering market with its modest reputation
for quality may limit your ability to move the brand into higher quality segments of the market.
From the above analysis you can see that each distribution channel has particular demands. It is unlikely that in starting your
business you will be able to supply all three outlets. It is important that you choose your distribution policy carefully with a
view to where you want to be in the future. Each route to market will have a significant impact on the whole of the companyand place different demands on you.
(b) Describe to the Beth Group the possible advantages of producing a separate environmental report.
(8 marks)
(b) An environmental report allows an organisation to communicate with different stakeholders. The benefits of an environmental
report include:
(i) evaluating environmental performance can highlight inefficiencies in operations and help to improve management
systems. Beth could identify opportunities to reduce resource use, waste and operating costs.
(ii) communicating the efforts being made to improve social and environmental performance can foster community support
for a business and can also contribute towards its reputation as a good corporate citizen. At present Beth has a poor
reputation in this regard.
(iii) reporting efforts to improve the organisation’s environmental, social and economic performance can lead to increased
consumer confidence in its products and services.
(iv) commitment to reporting on current impacts and identifying ways to improve environmental performance can improve
relationships with regulators, and could reduce the potential threat of litigation which is hanging over Beth.
(v) investors, financial analysts and brokers increasingly ask about the sustainability aspects of operations. A high quality
report shows the measures the organisation is taking to reduce risks, and will make Beth more attractive to investors.
(vi) disclosing the organisation’s environmental, social and economic best practices can give a competitive market edge.
Currently Beth’s corporate image is poor and this has partly contributed to its poor stock market performance.
(vii) the international trend towards improved corporate sustainability is growing and access to international markets will
require increasing transparency, and this will help Beth’s corporate image.
(viii) large organisations are increasingly requiring material and service suppliers and contractors to submit performance
information to satisfy the expectations of their own shareholders. Disclosing such information can make the company a
more attractive supplier than their competitors, and increase Beth’s market share.
It is important to ensure that the policies are robust and effective and not just compliance based.
(c) Explain how absolutist (dogmatic) and relativist (pragmatic) ethical assumptions would affect the outcome
of Anne’s decision. (6 marks)
(c) Absolutism and relativism
Absolutism and relativism represent two extreme positions of ethical assumptions.
An absolutist assumption is one that believes that there are ‘eternal’ rules that should guide all ethical and moral decision
making in all situations. Accordingly, in any given situation, there is likely to be one right course of action regardless of the
outcome. An absolutist believes that this should be chosen regardless of the consequences or the cost. A dogmatic approach
to morality is an example of an absolutist approach to ethics. A dogmatic assumption is one that is accepted without
discussion or debate.
Relativist assumptions are ‘situational’ in nature. Rather than arguing that there is a single right choice, a relativist will tend
to adopt a pragmatic approach and decide, in the light of the situation being considered, which is the best outcome. This will
involve a decision on what outcome is the most favourable and that is a matter of personal judgment.
If Anne were to adopt absolutist/dogmatic assumptions, she would be likely to decide that she would need to pursue what
she perceives is the right course of action regardless of cost to herself or the relationship with the client or her manager. Given
that she unearthed a suspect and unaccounted-for payment, and that she received an inadequate explanation from the client,
she would probably recommend extension to the audit beyond the weekend.
If Ann were to adopt relativist or pragmatic assumptions, she would have a potentially much more complicated decision to
make. She would have to decide whether it was more important, ethically, to yield to the pressure from Zachary in the
interests of her short-term career interests or ‘hold out’ to protect the interests of the shareholders. Anne could recommend
sign off and trust the FD’s explanation but she is more likely to seek further evidence or assurance from the company before
she does so.
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