



1.Syllabus and study guide(考纲):是ACCA小伙伴们的复习必备,里面会详述相应科目的考试范围。
2.Guidance from the examing team(考官报告):顾名思义,就是ACCA阅卷官在阅卷之后的一个反馈,比如说,考生这次普遍在哪个问题上都没有掌握好,还会举出具体的题目来说明相关的问题。考官报告对于下次参加这门考试的学生非常有借鉴意义。

3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)提供一份样卷,给广大ACCAer看看考试题型。是非常重要的考前复习资料。

4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门!

5.Technical Articles(考官文章):这是ACCA团队对于一些常考重要知识点的解析,无论是在考前还是在第一轮学的时候,都是很有帮助的学习资料。以上是在官网上可以轻松找的资料。

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Explain the roles of a nominations committee and assess the potential usefulness of a nominations committee

to the board of Rosh and Company. (8 marks)

(b) Nominations committees
General roles of a nominations committee.
It advises on the balance between executives and independent non-executive directors and establishes the appropriate
number and type of NEDs on the board. The nominations committee is usually made up of NEDs.
It establishes the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by current board and notes any gaps that will need to be filled.
It acts to meet the needs for continuity and succession planning, especially among the most senior members of the board.
It establishes the desirable and optimal size of the board, bearing in mind the current size and complexity of existing and
planned activities and strategies.
It seeks to ensure that the board is balanced in terms of it having board members from a diversity of backgrounds so as to
reflect its main constituencies and ensure a flow of new ideas and the scrutiny of existing strategies.
In the case of Rosh, the needs that a nominations committee could address are:
To recommend how many directors would be needed to run the business and plan for recruitment accordingly. The perceived
similarity of skills and interests of existing directors is also likely to be an issue.
To resolve the issues over numbers of NEDs. It seems likely that the current number is inadequate and would put Rosh in a
position of non-compliance with many of the corporate governance guidelines pertaining to NEDs.
To resolve the issues over the independence of NEDs. The closeness that the NEDs have to existing executive board members
potentially undermines their independence and a nominations committee should be able to identify this as an issue and make
recommendations to rectify it.
To make recommendations over the succession of the chairmanship. It may not be in the interests of Rosh for family members
to always occupy senior positions in the business.

(ii) List the additional information required in order to calculate the employment income benefit in respect

of the provision of the furnished flat for 2007/08 and advise Benny of the potential income tax

implications of requesting a more centrally located flat in accordance with the company’s offer.

(4 marks)

(ii) The flat
The following additional information is required in order to calculate the employment income benefit in respect of the
– The flat’s annual value.
– The cost of any improvements made to the flat prior to 6 April 2007.
– The cost of power, water, repairs and maintenance etc borne by Summer Glow plc.
– The cost of the furniture provided by Summer Glow plc.
– Any use of the flat by Benny wholly, exclusively and necessarily for the purposes of his employment.
Tutorial note
The market value of the flat is not required as Summer Glow plc has owned it for less than six years.
One element of the employment income benefit in respect of the flat is calculated by reference to its original cost plus
the cost of any capital improvements prior to 6 April 2007. If Benny requests a flat in a different location, this element
of the benefit will be computed instead by reference to the cost of the new flat, which in turn equals the proceeds of
sale of the old flat.
Accordingly, if, as is likely, the value of the flat has increased since it was purchased, Benny’s employment income
benefit will also increase. The increase in the employment income benefit will be the flat’s sales proceeds less its original
cost less the cost of any capital improvements prior to 6 April 2007 multiplied by 5%.

(c) Explain how the use of activity-based techniques may benefit Taliesin Ltd. (5 marks)

(c) The usefulness of activity-based techniques is accentuated in situations where overheads comprise a significant proportion of
product costs. Manufacturing overheads comprise 30·9% of turnover during the year ended 31 May 2005. Traditional
methods of allocating overheads to products might result in product cost information which is misleading and detrimental to
managerial decision-making. Calculations of product costs are more prone to error in situations where higher levels of
overhead exist. The consequences can prove disastrous as, for example, in the under-pricing or over-pricing of products.
Since Taliesin Ltd is going to confine its activities to its home country it must be prepared to face increased competition and
this increases the need for greater visibility and more accurate product cost information.
At present, Taliesin Ltd offers a range of products which is increasing in number and this may lead to the need for a more
detailed costing system. Traditional absorption systems might well be inadequate as the number of product variants increases.
One would expect that each new product developed is more complex than its predecessors. The company would probably
start with simple Vanilla, then a few basic flavours but as Taliesin Ltd has expanded one would expect it to take longer to
originate and test new products until they are ready to be introduced. It will probably take longer to mix the ingredients for a
run of each product.
These two, development and mixing ingredients, are examples of activities which arise when new products are considered.
If traditional absorption costing and budgeting are used based on machine-time in production then the effect of these activities
would be ignored.
In order to gain a full appreciation of the impact of new product introduction activity-based techniques should be used to
guide Taliesin Ltd into the easiest way to maintain its policy of growth. It may be a better decision to expand abroad or into
new markets at home with the existing products than pursue growth by introducing new products to a dwindling number of
We are not told of the composition of the customer base of Taliesin Ltd. However, one thing we do know is that the scope of
activity-based techniques extends beyond products and services. For example, the application of activity-based costing can
provide vital information that enables management to undertake customer profitability analysis, thereby further improving
management decision-making and operating performance.

(c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)

Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, the

effectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured in

a logical manner. (3 marks)

Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year

to 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.

– you should ignore value added tax (VAT).

(c) Tax implications of there being a loan from Flores Ltd to Banda
Flores Ltd should have paid tax to HMRC equal to 25% of the loan, i.e. £5,250. The tax should have been paid on the
company’s normal due date for corporation tax in respect of the accounting period in which the loan was made, i.e. 1 April
following the end of the accounting period.
The tax is due because Flores Ltd is a close company that has made a loan to a participator and that loan is not in the ordinary
course of the company’s business.
HMRC will repay the tax when the loan is either repaid or written off.
Flores Ltd should have included the loan on Banda’s Form. P11D in order to report it to HMRC.
Banda should have paid income tax on an annual benefit equal to 5% of the amount of loan outstanding during each tax
year. Accordingly, for each full year for which the loan was outstanding, Banda should have paid income tax of £231
(£21,000 x 5% x 22%).
Interest and penalties may be charged in respect of the tax underpaid by both Flores Ltd and Banda and in respect of the
incorrect returns made to HMRC
Willingness to act for Banda
We would not wish to be associated with a client who has engaged in deliberate tax evasion as this poses a threat to the
fundamental principles of integrity and professional behaviour. Accordingly, we should refuse to act for Banda unless she is
willing to disclose the details regarding the loan to HMRC and pay the ensuing tax liabilities. Even if full disclosure is made,
we should consider whether the loan was deliberately hidden from HMRC or Banda’s previous tax adviser.
In addition, companies are prohibited from making loans to directors under the Companies Act. We should advise Banda to
seek legal advice on her own position and that of Flores Ltd.

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