






F1 Accountant in Business商业会计

F2 Management Accounting管理会计

F3 Financial Accounting财务会计


F4 Corporate and Business Law(CHN)公司法与商法

F5 Performance Management业绩管理

F6 Taxation(CHN)税法

F7 Financial Reporting财务报告

F8 Audit and Assurance审计与认证

F9 Financial Management财务管理


SBL战略商业领袖Strategic Business Leader

SBL战略商业报告Strategic Business Reporting


P4 Advanced Financial Management高级财务管理

P5 Advanced Performance Management高级业绩管理

P6 Advanced Taxation高级税法

P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance高级审计和认证

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) the deferred tax implications (with suitable calculations) for the company which arise from the recognition

of a remuneration expense for the directors’ share options. (7 marks)


(iii) job enrichment. (5 marks)

(iii) Job enrichment, which is often referred to as ‘vertical job enlargement’, is a planned, deliberate action to build greater responsibility, breadth and challenge into the work of the individual. The emphasis is on the individual rather than the organisation, team or group. This may be a way forward for some of Bailey’s employees since it provides the individual employee with the responsibility for decision making of a higher order, provides greater freedom to decide how the job or task should be undertaken, improves understanding of the entire process, encourages participation in the planning and production procedures and provides regular feedback to management – urgently needed at Bailey’s.

(b) Explain how the adoption of residual income (RI) using the annuity method of depreciation might prove to

be a superior basis for the management incentive plan operated by NCL plc.

(N.B. No illustrative calculations should be incorporated into your explanation). (4 marks)

(b) The use of residual income as a basis for the management incentive plan operated by NCL plc would have the following
Divisional management would be more willing to accept a project with a positive residual income and this would contribute
to the improved performance of NCL plc. Also, the disincentive to accept a project with a positive residual income but a return
on investment regarded by divisional management as not being in their best interests would be removed, because divisional
management would be rewarded.
The use of annuity depreciation may improve performance appraisal by removing the effect of straight-line depreciation which
tends to distort project returns especially in the early years of a project’s life when invested capital remains relatively high due
to the constant depreciation charge. The residual income approach using annuity depreciation will only match the NPV if the
annual cashflows of a project are constant. Hence the method when applied to the North or South projects would produce
an NPV which does not exactly match that previously calculated. By way of contrast it is forecast that the East project will
have constant cashflows and in this instance the NPV and residual income based approach when discounted, will produce
the same result.

(b) (i) Advise Benny of the income tax implications of the grant and exercise of the share options in Summer

Glow plc on the assumption that the share price on 1 September 2007 and on the day he exercises the

options is £3·35 per share. Explain why the share option scheme is not free from risk by reference to

the rules of the scheme and the circumstances surrounding the company. (4 marks)

(b) (i) The share options
There are no income tax implications on the grant of the share options.
In the tax year in which Benny exercises the options and acquires the shares, the excess of the market value of the
shares over the price paid, i.e. £11,500 ((£3·35 – £2·20) x 10,000) will be subject to income tax.
Benny’s financial exposure is caused by the rule within the share option scheme obliging him to hold the shares for a
year before he can sell them. If the company’s expansion into Eastern Europe fails, such that its share price
subsequently falls to less than £2·20 before Benny has the chance to sell the shares, Benny’s financial position may be
summarised as follows:
– Benny will have paid £22,000 (£2·20 x 10,000) for shares which are now worth less than that.
– He will also have paid income tax of £4,600 (£11,500 x 40%).

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