




下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)

Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, the

effectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured in

a logical manner. (3 marks)

Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year

to 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.

– you should ignore value added tax (VAT).

(c) Tax implications of there being a loan from Flores Ltd to Banda
Flores Ltd should have paid tax to HMRC equal to 25% of the loan, i.e. £5,250. The tax should have been paid on the
company’s normal due date for corporation tax in respect of the accounting period in which the loan was made, i.e. 1 April
following the end of the accounting period.
The tax is due because Flores Ltd is a close company that has made a loan to a participator and that loan is not in the ordinary
course of the company’s business.
HMRC will repay the tax when the loan is either repaid or written off.
Flores Ltd should have included the loan on Banda’s Form. P11D in order to report it to HMRC.
Banda should have paid income tax on an annual benefit equal to 5% of the amount of loan outstanding during each tax
year. Accordingly, for each full year for which the loan was outstanding, Banda should have paid income tax of £231
(£21,000 x 5% x 22%).
Interest and penalties may be charged in respect of the tax underpaid by both Flores Ltd and Banda and in respect of the
incorrect returns made to HMRC
Willingness to act for Banda
We would not wish to be associated with a client who has engaged in deliberate tax evasion as this poses a threat to the
fundamental principles of integrity and professional behaviour. Accordingly, we should refuse to act for Banda unless she is
willing to disclose the details regarding the loan to HMRC and pay the ensuing tax liabilities. Even if full disclosure is made,
we should consider whether the loan was deliberately hidden from HMRC or Banda’s previous tax adviser.
In addition, companies are prohibited from making loans to directors under the Companies Act. We should advise Banda to
seek legal advice on her own position and that of Flores Ltd.

(ii) Any increase or decrease in the group’s budgeted corporation tax liability for the year ending 30 June

2008 due to the restructuring on the assumption that trading losses will be used as efficiently as

possible. (8 marks)


(ii) The budgeted corporation tax liability for the year ending 30 June 2008
Following the proposed restructuring, Rapier Ltd will be carrying on four separate trades. The current year loss arising
in the Dirk trade can be offset against its total profits. Its three subsidiaries will be dormant and will not be associates
for the purpose of determining the rate of corporation tax.

(c) Explain the reasons for the concerns of the government of Happyland with companies such as TMC and

advise the directors of a strategy that might be considered in order to avoid being subject to any forthcoming

legislation concerning the environment. (5 marks)

(c) The government of Happyland will be concerned by the negative impact on the environment. The growth in the number of
children born in Happyland will have raised the demand for disposable nappies as is evidenced from the market size data
contained in the question. In some countries disposable nappies make up around 4% of all household waste and can take
up to five hundred years to decompose! The government will be concerned by the fact that trees are being destroyed in order
to keep babies and infant children in nappies. The disposal costs incurred by the government in terms of landfill etc will be
very high, hence its green paper on the effect of non-biodegradable products in Happyland. The costs of such operations as
the landfill for such products will need to be funded out of increased taxation.
It might be beneficial for the directors of TMC to develop more eco-friendly products such as washable nappies which, by
definition, are recyclable many times over during the life of the ‘product’. Many parents are now changing to ‘real nappies’
because they work out cheaper and better for the environment than disposables.

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