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幼儿在心理特点和审美意识方面的特殊性,决定了他们在欣赏文学时也有自己的特殊方式。( )是幼儿接受文学的主要方式,( )是幼儿理解文学的重要途径,( )是幼儿欣赏文学的主要特征。







听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

7.At what time does the shop open on Wednesday?

A.10 a.m B.9 a.m. C.8 a.m.


第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第13段材料,回答第13至15题。

13.What does the woman want to get?

A.Train tickets to Cambridge.

B.Tickets to a play.

C.Tickets to a sports game.


导游员与游客在聚谈时,导游员一般应做到( ).









例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15

B £.9.15

C . £9.18


1. Why will dorotl de on the weeknd?

A. Go out weeknd end

B. Work on her paper.

C. Make some plans.


座 位 号(考号末两位) 听力部分(20分)I听对话选图画。选出符合对话内容的图画。对话听两遍。(5分)II.情景反应,选择你所听到的正确应答语。 句子听两遍。(5分)()6. A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.()7. A. Nice to see you. B. Nice to meet you.C. Hello.()8. A. Whats this? B.This is a bed. C. Its a bag.()9. A. Whats your name? B. Hello, Im Amy. C. Good.()10. A. good moning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good evening.得分评卷人 III.听对话或短文,选出最佳选项。对话或短文听两遍。(10分)听第一段材料,回答第11-13题。()11.What are the boys looking for?A. The football.B.The baseball.C.The basketball.()12.What color is it?A. Its brownB.Its black.C.Its yellow.()13.What is on the ball?A. Class One.B. Class ThreeC. Class Two.听第2段材料,回答第14-16题。()14.What are they talking about?A. A book.B. A ruler.C.A notebook.()15.Whose notebook is it?A. Its Tinas.B.Its the teachers.C. It s Sophias ()16.What is the teachers name?A. Li Na.B.Tina.C.Sophia.听第3段材料,回答第17-20题。( )17.How old is Bill?A. He is 20.B. He is 26.C.He is 16.( )18.Where is Linda from?A. Beijing.B.London.C.New York.( )19.What is Linda learning?A.She is learning Chinese. B.She is learning English. C.She is learning French.( )20.Does Linda go to lunch with Bill?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt.C.Yes, he does.得分评卷人 笔试部分(100分)I.单项选择(20分)( )1. -_she _at six every day? -No, she doesnt.A. Does, get up B. Does, gets up C. Is, get up D. Is, getting up( )2. - Look! What is the boy doing? - He _table tennis.A. playing B. plays C. is playing D. play( )3. - You look beautiful today,Miss Wang. -_.A. No, not at all. B. Yes, I do. C. Thats OK. D. Thanks.( )4. -_is the football match? -Its on the playground.A. Where B. When C. What D. Which( )5. Mike wants some _ to eat.A. cola B. juice C. orange D. tomatoes( )6. Your parents parents are your _.A. father and mother B. grandparents C. grandpa D. cousin( )7. Yi Ran is a girl. _ is in Class 5, Grade 7.A. She B. He C. It D. her( )8. Li Yuanshen and I _ good friends.A. be B. is C. am D. are( )9. _ like to eat bamboo and live in China.A. Monkeys B. Camels C. Pandas D. Giraffes( )10. Fruit and vegetables are _food.A. health B. unhealthy C. healthy D. healthily( )11. Zhang Lan likes English, but she _ maths.A. isnt like B. doesnt like C. arent like D. doesnt like( )12. The old man is from _and he is a_ teacher.A. Chinese, China B. Chinese, Chinese C. China, Chinese D. China, China( )13. Id like _ the park with you. Are you free?A. going B. to go C. goes D. go( )14. -What are you doing at the moment? - I am _big red lanterns.A. make B. making C. to make D. makes( )15. Mikes father often _ football on television. A. watches B. watch C. to watch D. watching( )16. There _ some milk in the cup.A. am B. are C. be D. is( )17. This is _book. They like it very much.A. Lucy and Lilys B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucy and Lily D. Lucys and Lily( )18. We cant see _ flowers in the picture.A. some B. a C. an D. any( )19. He enjoys _computer games.A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays( )20. Can you _ me an interesting story?A. say B. talk C. tell D. speakII. 补全对话(10分)A: 1 2 lessons do you have a day?B: Five.A: 3 your favorite lesson?B: 4 favorite lesson is history.A: 5 do you like history?B: Because 6 interesting. A: 7 is your history teacher?B: My history teacher is Mr Zhang .A: 8 9 is he ?B: He is forty.A: 10 does he live?B: He lives near our school.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_得分评卷人 III.完形填空(10分)http:/My uncle works in a shop. Its near an English 1 . Every day the students come to 2 things. In the morning,my uncle gets up 3 six oclock and after breakfast he 4 his bike to the shop. He 5 there at about ten to seven. The shop 6 at seven oclock. The shop sells(卖) things 7 food and drink. It has school things, too. So there 8 a lot of people in the shop 9 morning to evening. My uncle is very busy. He is friendly(友好的) to the students and the students like 10 very much.( ) 1.A. farmB. factoryC. schoolD. shop( ) 2.A. buyB. sellC. takeD. borrow( ) 3.A. onB. inC. fromD. at( ) 4.A. onB. byC. ridesD. riding( ) 5.A. goesB. getsC. staysD. returns( ) 6. A. opensB. openC. is openingD. is open( ) 7. A. wi

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料,回答第6.7题 。

6.What do we know about Nora?

A.She pre fers a room of her own.

B. .She likes to work with other girls.

C. She lives near the city center.














不属于行为测听范畴的听力检查是 ( )








第6题:In which season does the conversation take place?

A.The spring

B.The summer

C.The autumn


更多 “初一英语试题:20122013七年级上学期期末英语试卷及答案” 相关考题
考题 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 请根据以下教学片段。回答问题。 (1)教师播放录音,学生听录音选取图片,听完后教师立即提取反馈,学生能够给出正确的选择。 (2)教师再次播放录音,要求学生听录音补全对话。教师播放了一遍录音,没有留出学生填空的时间,而是开始提问学生两人一组朗读填写好的对话。 Salesgirl: Good morning. What can I do for you? Tang Hua: I'd like to buy some bananas and oranges. Salesgirl: Sorry, no more bananas. But we have oranges. Sara: How much are the oranges? Salesgirl: 2 yuan for a kilo. They're on sale now. 请对以上现象作出评析。答案:解析:此情境中学生听两遍录音,两遍的目的不同。第一遍是信息识别,第二遍是语言转述,目的是呈现购物交际用语,为下一步的口头交际做准备,符合情境设计的要求。图片选择中学生表现不错,因为任务简单,学生听完后马上就可以选择。但是,补全对话时学生要填写的内容很多,学生很难在听的过程中完成句子填写。因此,教师有必要给学生听后填充的时间。具体操作时可以先是个体活动,然后是同伴核对,最后再检查。而本案例中教师没有给学生准备时间,学生难以完成任务。如果学生能完成任务.也只能说明学生对学习材料十分熟悉,并不能说明这种操作是合理的。

考题 对话时,有时可以用图画、实物、手势来作辅助,控制对方的眼神。A对B错对略

考题 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题的阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1、What will Dorothy do on the weekend?A Go out with her friendB work on her paperC Make some plans 正确答案:B

考题 听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6 What do we know about Nora?A She prefers a room of her ownB She likes to work with other girlsC She lives near the city center. 正确答案:A

考题 聚谈时导游应()A、少说多听;恰到好处B、活跃气氛C、控制进程D、广泛对话;善始善终正确答案:A,B,C,D

考题 多选题聚谈时导游应()A少说多听;恰到好处B活跃气氛C控制进程D广泛对话;善始善终正确答案: A,C 解析: 暂无解析

考题 不属于行为测听范畴的听力检查是()A、Bekesy自描测听B、电反应测听C、音叉试验D、纯音测听E、言语测听正确答案:B

考题 倾向于听自己所期望或想听到的内容,对于自己不感兴趣的部分或与自己意思相左的一概过滤掉,这属于()。A、假装听B、专注地听C、有针对性地听D、选择性地听正确答案:D

考题 倾向于听自己所期望或想听到的内容,对于自己不感兴趣的部分或与自己意思相左的一概过滤掉,这属于()。A、假装听B、专注地听C、有针对性地听D、选择性地听正确答案:C

考题 判断题听力残疾三级儿童在无助听设备帮助下,只能听到部分或简单句子。A 对B 错正确答案: 错 解析: 暂无解析