网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
A. rude
B. routine
C. rural
D. racial
A.the Mississippi
B.the Missouri
C.the Hudson
D.the Ohio
1.There has been a lot of _ prejudice in American . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 美国一直都有种族偏见。 答案 : racial 2.He is an incurable idealist; its unlike to help him come down to earth and be more _. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 他是个无可救药的理想主义者;很难将他拉回现实、让他更实际点。 答案 : realistic 3. The relations between my mother and brother were getting worse as my brother grew older and more _ . A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 随着哥哥年纪渐长也更叛逆,他与母亲的关系变得更糟。 答案 : rebellious 4. Ecological vehicles are made of materials that can be easily _ once they are dumped. A) realistic B) racial C) recycled D) rebellious 环保车使用的材料使它们在被丢弃后还可以轻易地回收使用。 答案 : recycled 5.Tom goes to that pub every night to have a bottle of beer. He is a _ customer. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious Tom 每晚都去那家酒吧喝瓶啤酒。他是常客。 答案 : regular 6.To keep health, we have to keep _ hours. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 为了保持健康,我们必须生活有规律。 答案 : regular 7.Friends might not be always trust-worthy, but dogs are; they have long been regarded as the most _ company of human beings. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 也许朋友不是常常值得信赖的,但狗可以信赖;牠们长久以来就被视为人类最 可靠的伙伴。 答案 : reliable 8.Christmas is not just a _ holiday now. People other than Christians also celebrate it. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 圣诞节现在不仅是个宗教节日,非基督徒也庆祝它。 答案 : religious 9.Although he is in financial difficulties, he is _ to accept my offer of the loan of twenty thousand dollars. A) reliable B) regular C) reluctant D) religious 虽然他经济有困难,他还是不愿意接受我借给他的两万块。 答案 : reluctant 10.After the mutiny, the captain of the merchant ship was left behind in some _ island in the Pacific Ocean. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 发生叛变事件后,商船的船长被丢弃在太平洋上的某偏远荒岛。 答案 : remote 11.The factory must be torn down because it is not allowed in _ area. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 这工厂必须拆除,因为在住宅区禁设工厂。 答案 : residential 12.The cowboy looked _ in that strange-looking hat. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 那位牛仟戴着怪模怪样的帽子,看起来很可笑。 答案 : ridiculous 13. Its too _ to do the bungee jumping from the cliff. A) residential B) remote C) risky D) ridiculous 从悬崖上做高空弹跳太冒险了。 答案 : risky 14.Dont believe him. What he said just now was _. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 不要相信他。他刚刚说的都是废话。 答案 : rubbish 15. Both the Bible and the Koran are regarded as _ books. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 圣经与 可兰经都被视为圣书。 答案 : sacred 16. The teacher was not _ with my history report. She asked me to rewrite it. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied 老师对我的历史报告并不满意。她要求我重写。 答案 : satisfied 17. Tom loves his English teacher but dare not tell her the truth. He is a _ admirer of her. A) sacred B) rubbish C) secret D) satisfied Tom 很爱他的英文老师,但不敢告诉她他是她的暗恋者。 答案 : secret 18.Tim doesnt like to eat beef, so his wife _ makes steak. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive Tjm 不喜欢吃牛肉,所以他老婆很少煮牛排。 答案 : seldom 19. The need for reform was _ . No wonder a large number of people came up with their opinions. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 改革的需要是不证自明的。难怪大多数的人都提出他们的意见。 答案 : self-evident 20. Mr. White always wears sunglasses because his eyes are _ to light. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive White 先生总是戴着太阳眼镜,因为他的眼睛对光敏感。 答案 : sensitive 21. Why are you so _ about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 为何你对那旧外套如此有感情?虽然是祖父给你的礼物, 但它几乎要穿破了。 答案 : sentimental 22. My mother tells me to keep meat _ from other food in the refrigerator. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 妈妈告诉我把肉和冰箱里的其它东西分开来放。 答案 : separate 23. These two brothers had been _ for 40 years before they met again last week. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 那两个兄弟在上星期重逢之前已分离了四十年。 答案 : separated 24. She is absent from school today because she is suffering from a _ toothache. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 她今天没去上课,因为她牙痛得很厉害。 答案 : severe 25. Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory of Relativity, made a _ contribution to physics in the twentieth century. . A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 爱因斯坦一一相对论的作者,对二十世纪的物理学有极重大的买献 答案 : significant 26. She seldom plays basketball, so she isnt _ at playing it. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 她很少打篮球,所以她对打篮球不熟练。 答案 : skillfull 27.Jane just moved here, and she tried to be _ to everyone, being friendly ; and willing to talk to others. A) sociable B) s、killfull C) specializing D) social Jane 刚搬到这里,她试着对每个人表示友好,友善并且乐意与人交谈。 答案 : sociable 28.Because of his poor _ skills, Nick has very few friends. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 由于社交技巧不好,Nick 的朋友很少。 答案 : social 29. She married a man _ in mechanical engineering. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 她嫁给一位专攻于机械工程的人。 答案 : specializing 30. Your explanation is too general to understand; you should try to be more _. A) spiritual B) specific C) strict D) stressed 你的解说大笼统而难
Text 2For more than two decades, U.S. courts have been limiting affirmative-action programs in universities and other areas. The legal rationale is that racial preferences are unconstitutional, even those intended to compensate for racism or intolerance. For many colleges, this means students can be admitted only on merit, not on their race or ethnicity. It has been a divisive issue across the U.S., as educators blame the prolonged reaction to affirmative-action for declines in minority admissions. Meanwhile, activists continue to battle race preferences in courts from Michigan to North Carolina.
Now, chief executives of about two dozen companies have decided to plunge headfirst into this politically unsettled debate. They, together with 36 universities and 7 nonprofitable organizations, formed a forum that set forth an action plan essentially designed to help colleges circumvent court-imposed restrictions on affirmative action. The CEOs’ motive: “Our audience is growing more diverse, so the communities we serve benefit if our employees are racially and ethnically diverse as well”, says one CEO of a compang that owns nine television stations.
Among the steps the forum is pushing: finding creative yet legal ways to boost minority enrollment through new admissions policies; promoting admissions decisions that look at more than test scores; and encouraging universities to step up their minority outreach and financial aid. And to counter accusations by critics to challenge these tactics in court, the group says it will give legal assistance to colleges sued for trying them. “Diversity diminished by the court must be made up for in other legitimate, legal ways,” says, a forum member.
One of the more controversial methods advocated is the so-called 10% rule. The idea is for public universities—which educate three-quarters of all U.S. undergraduates—to admit students who are in the top 10% of their high school graduating class. Doing so allows colleges to take minorities who excel in average urban schools, even if they wouldn’t have made the cut under the current statewide ranking many universities use.
第26题:U.S. court restrictions on affirmative action signifies that______.
[A]minorities no longer hold the once favored status
[B]the quality of American colleges has improved
[C]racial preferences has replaced racial prejudice
[D]the minority is on an equal footing with the majority
What has been a divisive issue across the United States?
[A]Whether affirmative action should continue to exist.
[B]Whether this law is helping minorities or the white majority.
[C]Whether racism exists in American college admission.
[D]Whether racial intolerance should be punished.
B.existed; has been done away with
C.been existed; has been done away with
D.existed; was done away with
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