网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?
A) It helps to create team spirit
B) It facilitates communication
C) It is the basis of mutual trust
D) It inspires mutual respect
【答案】C) It is the basis of mutual trust
【解析】关键词是personal and professional,关键句是Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals.
1、本人身份证原件和复印件; 2、师范教育类专业毕业证书原件和复印件; 3、《申请人思想品德鉴定表》(在职人员由其所在单位提供,非在职人员由其户籍所在地乡(镇)政府或街道办事处提供); 4、本人填写《教师资格认定申请表》; 5、由教师资格认定机构指定的县级以上医院出具的体格检查合格证明; 6、普通话水平测试等级证书原件和复印件。应届师范生可在其毕业前的最后一个学期,向就读或拟任教学校所在地教师资格认定机构提出认定教师资格申请,申请时以学业成绩单代替学历证书,思想品德鉴定表由在读学校提供。其余要求与往届生相同。上述材料经教师资格认定机构审查合格后,方可领取教师资格证书。 非师范类:与师范类应届、往届毕业生需准备的材料基本相同。只是在初审合格后,须参加由教师资格专家审查委员会组织的教育教学基本素质和能力考察,并提供教育学、心理学考试成绩证明。如果符合条件,教师资格认定机构将在相应的受理期限内通知认定结果。
- 晋江教师资格认定考试,初中英语会不会难啊?

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
Students can master the usage of comparative adjectives
After this lesson, students can use the sentence structure: “Rose is smarter than Ruth”.
Ability aim:
After this lesson, students can use this grammar to describe the things in their daily life
Emotional aim:
Students are able to get the confidence of learning English
Key and difficult point:
Key Point:
master the usage of the comparative form of an adjective
Difficult Point:
use this grammar to describe the things in their daily life.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
2.Free talk:The teacher talks about the experience in zoo.Let students describe the features of animals in the zoo.
3.Then write one sentence and ask students to fill it using the right words. Then lead in the topic of today:Rose is smarter
Elephant is_____(big/small).
Squirrel is _____(big/small)
Step 2: Presentation
1.play a tap and ask them some question
Q1:what’s the feature of Rose and Ruth?
Rose is smarter than Ruth.
Q2:what’s the characteristic of Ruth and Rose ?
Ruth is more outgoing than Rose.
And then underline the adjective, ask a question :what are the similarities between the sentences and the adjectives.
After that conclude the usage of the comparative degree.
Step 3: Practice
1.Do the guessing game. Ask students to guess the words that the teacher is acting.
2.Write some sentences on the blackboard and ask students to fill in the blank using the comparative degree form of adjective.
Step4: Production
Show two similar pictures for students and then ask them to describe the differences of the two pictures, when they describe the pictures they should use the comparative degree.5 minutes for them to discuss with their desk mates and later ask some of them to share their ideas.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize the class.
Homework: ask students make more sentences using the grammar they learn today.
Blackboard design:

1. Do you think it is important to teach students the pronunciation or not?
Yes, I think it is very important to teach students the pronunciation. Fist of all, pronunciation is the basic knowledge of learning English, and they need the guidance of pronunciation; Secondly, it is a common phenomenon that many of the students in China they are lacking in the pronunciation practice so they have many difficulty in speaking English; Last but not the least, according to the new curriculum standard and the new curriculum reform, we should emphasize the importance of pronunciation learning .
2. Are you a normal school student of English major? Do you have any teaching experience?
Yes, I majored in English of a normal school.I love my major, because I can learn different cultures and histories of different countries. So I have a good command of English after the 4-year study.
During my college life, I taught my students in a training institution.They are junior high school students. I learned students in junior school are generally interested in English. They have strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge.The simple repetition of the text by teacher no longer satisfies the students.I got some experience but I am not enough to teach students very well.
In the future, I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work.

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will grasp the target expressions about asking questions, and also get some ways of learning English.
Ability aim:
Students can express their opinion on learning English.
Emotional aim:
Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students can master the usage of key structures.
Difficult Point: Students can improve their confidence in learning English, and not be afraid of speaking English.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show a video about an English speech “ I Have a Dream” addressed by Martin Luther King. And ask students what their feelings are.
And then ask them a question: “why does he speak English well?” “Because he masters some skills about learning English”. Actually today our topic is also about this and then lead in the topic: let’s speak.
Step 2: Pre-speaking
1. Teacher reads the passage and asks students figure out the main idea of the dialogue.
2. Ask students to read the passage again and pay attention to the underlined parts. They need to answer the questions about underlined parts.
Question1:How can you improve your English?
Answer1:watch TV programmes on CCTV9; read English books; read English newspapers and magazines.
Question2:Where can you read books, newspapers or magazines?
Answer2:At the library.
3. Ask students to work in groups of four to think of other ways to improve English in 10 minutes, and then invite some groups to show their results.
Ways: Listen to English songs, watch the English movies, watch BBC documentaries.
Step 3: While-speaking
1. Give the whole class 5 minutes to make dialogues with their desk mates. They are suppose to use the information on the blackboard.
2. During this period, the teacher will walk around and give the evaluation to encourage students to open their mouth and speak English loudly.
Step4: Post-speaking
After that, the teacher invites some of groups to come to the stage to show their performance in the front of the whole class. Teacher gives evaluation and encouragement. Emphasize the importance of learning English.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to choose their favorite ways to practice English and make a daily plan for their English study.
Blackboard design:

1. Please talk about the ways to remember English words.
It is difficult for students to memorize vocabulary, so we need to design or use some methods to help them to know how to learn English words. And here are some suggestions.
First, using dictionary is a good way to learn English words and it is also a kind of learning strategy for students. Dictionary can be an assistant of the teacher to make students study by themselves. It includes meaning, pronunciation, part of speech synonym, example sentences and so on. Students can use it to have a comprehensive understanding of the word.
Second, conjecture. It will be much funnier and interest to conjecture the new words by reading passage. It is a kind of challenge to make students be positive. By guessing the new words student can find the clue of the passage and more phrases, even they can understand some idiomatic.
Last one, communicative strategy. That means students will learn the new words during the communication, it includes asking questions, cooperate with others and so on. They will learn these new words initiatively, so the efficiency of study should be developed a lot.
2.Can you introduce your life in college?
My life in college was meaningful. I majored in English. I love my major, because I can learn different cultures and histories of different countries. So I have a good command of English after the 4-year study.
Also I participated in a lot of contests. For example, the English speech contest, and I won the first place in the speech contest of the school. These experiences trained my ability in public speech and made me qualified for being a teacher.
I am now eager to apply my knowledge into practice/ this job. I believe that what I've got in the college will be of great help to my career life.
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