


1、It can be learned that affordable housing has().【阅读理解A】

A.increased its home supply

B.offered spending opportunities

C.suffered government biases

D.disappointed the government


答案解析:第三段最后一句话It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need(政府需要搁置历史偏见并采取措施解决我们迫切的住房需求)。可知经济适用房曾经受到政府偏见,C选项的biases和原文的prejudices是同义词。故选C。


A.in terms of

B.in case of

C.in favor of

D.in respects of


答案解析:A.  in terms of根据;B.  in case of以防;C. in favor of 赞成;D. in respect of关于此题句意:肥胖经常______体质指数,或称为BMI来定义。根据常识,肥胖根据BMI定义,因此正确答案为A。背景知识:在医学研究和临床测试中经常使用BMI作为衡量受试者健康的重要指标。

3、The author believes that the housing sector().【阅读理解A】

A.has attracted much attention

B.involves certain political factors

C.shoulders too much responsibility

D.has lost its real value in economy


答案解析:文章第一段言明住房问题不受关注,第二段说明不受关注的原因,最后一句话“But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.”(但是最重要的原因是住房问题通常都与政治相关)。这句话表明作者的真正观点。选项B involves certain political factors是politically charged的同义改写,故选B。A项“吸引很多关注”与文意相反,C项“承担太多责任”与原文说的shoulder the blame不符,D项“丧失价值”与原文说的是“不善于表明真正价值”不一致,故排除。

4、Across the Park【阅读理解B】

A.originates from a long walk that the artist took

B. illustrates a kind of landscape-orientated light conceptual art

C.reminds people of the English landscape painting tradition

D.represents the elegance of the British land art

E.depicts the ordinary side of the British land art

F.embodies a romantic escape into the Scottish outdoors

G.contains images from different parts of the same photograph


答案解析:本文第五段“Parks feature,particularly in the earlier works, such as John Hilliard’s very funny Across the Park, in which a long-haired stroller is variously smiled at by a pretty girl and unwittingly assaulted in a sequence of images that turn out to be different parts of the same photograph。G选项与原文信息吻合,是对原文的复现,故答案选G。







答案解析:A. despised鄙视;B. corrected纠正;C. ignored忽视;D. grounded基于此题句意:关于肥胖的负面态度,健康顾虑,已经引起大批反肥胖 。本句主干是“关于肥胖的负面态度引发反肥胖的()”。() in health concerns过去分词短语,表明负面态度产生的原因,只有选项D符合逻辑,“基于健康考虑”。

6、Epley found that people with higher self-esteem tended to().【阅读理解A】

A.underestimate their insecurities

B.believe in their attractiveness

C.cover up their depressions

D.oversimplify their illusions


答案解析:第四段“Nor was there any evidence that, those who self-enhance the most ... were doing so to make up for profound insecurities. In fact those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other makers for having higher self-esteem. (没有证据显示那些自我提升最多的人...这样做是为了掩饰自己的不安全。事实上,那些认为自己的形象高于吸引力标准的人就是那些表现出更高自尊的人),故答案为B“相信自己的吸引力”。







答案解析:A. protective保护性的;B. dangerous危险的;C. sufficient充足的;D. troublesome麻烦的此题句意:对于某些健康情况,超重事实上是有_____作用。根据前文研究的结论,超重患病风险较正常人低,说明超重对健康有保护作用。B选项和文章意思相反,C、D选项不符合题意,所以正确答案为A。

8、Seven days【阅读理解B】

A.originates from a long walk that the artist took

B. illustrates a kind of landscape-orientated light conceptual art

C.reminds people of the English landscape painting tradition

D.represents the elegance of the British land art

E.depicts the ordinary side of the British land art

F.embodies a romantic escape into the Scottish outdoors

G.contains images from different parts of the same photograph


答案解析:第七段“A typical work, such as Seven Days, consists of a single beautiful black-and-white photograph taken on an epic walk, with the mileage and number of days taken listed beneath.”表明Seven days是在一次散步时拍摄的黑白照片组成的,也就是说,它来源于这个walk。选项A originates from a long walk that the artist took与原文意思一致,故答案选A。

9、According to the first paragraph, social psychologist have found that ().【阅读理解A】

A.our self-ratings are unrealistically high

B.illusory superiority is a baseless effect

C.our need for leadership is unnatural

D.self-enhancing strategies are ineffective


答案解析:文章第一段说”...and shown that, for example, 70% of us rate ourselves as above average in leadership, 93% in driving and 85% at getting on well with others—all obviously statistical impossibilities.”(研究表明,70%的人认为自己的领导力在平均水平之上,93%的认为自己驾车水平高于常人,85%的人认为自己比别人善于交际——这些数据显然是不可能的。)可知,我们对自己评价高得不且实际。故答案为A。

10、Which of the following could be the most appropriate title for the text?()【阅读理解A】

A.How to Innovate Our Work Practices

B.Machines will Replace Human Labor

C.Can We Win the Race Against Machines

D.Economic Downturns Stimulate Innovations


答案解析:题干问"本文的最佳标题是…"A选项来自于文章结尾,是强干扰项。是下文的引起句,但不是文章主旨,不能做标题。B选项“机器会取代人类劳动力”与文中“我们比以往更需要人的参与”冲突,且不符合常识,排除;D选项不是文章核心信息,经济下滑只是作为背景被提及,属局部信息。故答案为C。  Can We Win the Race Against Machines.

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