2021 研究生考试题型题量 陕西省






1、完型填空 (10分,20个空,每个0.5);

2、阅读4篇文章 (40分,20个选择题,每个2分);

3、阅读新题型 (10分,每个2分)题型分为排序、填标题等;

4、翻译 (10分,每个2分);

5、作文 (共30分):其中,作文一为:应用作文写信、通知、告示等(共10分);作文二大作文一般为:看图作文(共20分)。


(1) 文学常识题:有填空题10-15道,侧重中国现当代文学的基础性知识,要求考生准确无误地写出所考内容。此题占10%分值。






下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

A.细胞变性坏死 B.毛细血管扩张充血 C.白细胞渗出
D.纤维组织增生 E.实质细胞增生

①炎症的基本病理变化包括变质、渗出和增生,其中渗出是炎症最具特征性的变化。白细胞的 游出和趋化是炎症庋应最重要的特征,因此白细胞渗出(C)最支持炎症的诊断。②毛细血管扩张充血是 炎症过程中血流动力学的改变之一D炎症主要以炎性细胞的浸润为主,如急性炎症主要以中性粒细胞浸 润为主,慢性炎症主要以淋巴细胞和单核细胞浸润为主。纤维组织细胞和实质细胞增生是慢性增生性炎 的病理改变。细胞变性坏死是坏死性炎的表现,如干酪样坏死。


(一)平均利润率 平均利润率是决定利率高低的最基本因素。利息是平均利润的一部分,利率仍取决于利润率,并受平均利率的制约。并且利率水平的变化与平均利润率水平的变化成正比。当平均利润率提高,利率一般也相应提高,平均利润率降低,利率也相应降低。 (二)借贷资金的供求状况 在平均利润率一定的恬况下,利息串的高低决定于金融市场上借贷资金的供求情况。一般情况下,当资金供不应求时,利率上升;当资金供过于求时,利率下降。同时,利率也反作用资金供求,利率上升对资金的需求起抑制作用,冇利于资金来源的增加;利率下降,会使资金需

Text l The outrage surrounding Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement is understandable.But no matter how much the President huffs and puffs,his views will go the way of some of the previous victims of climate change:the dinosaurs.We should not dismiss the measures and targets which the Paris Agreement looked to put in place.Even without the United States,the impact which they have will be pronounced.But the hard truth which the Trump administration will one day face up to is that they have already become marginalised and the future of action to limit the effects of climate change will now come,not from governments,but from the private sector.With this in mind,Trump's attempts to frame the decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement in any sort of economic terms seem flawed.The upside to his decision will be another"big win for the Donald",appealing to his political core.However,on his favourite subject-jobs-the statistics are against him,as the US solar industry now employs nearty twice as many workers as oil,gas and coal combined.In the UK,despite changes in regulation and cuts to subsidies,renewable energy continues to flourish.Solar energy is providing record percentages of power to the National Grid,while on stormier days,North Sea wind farms can now produce over 100 per cent of the energy used in Scotland.Meanwhile,attempts to develop a new shale-gas industry have so far floundered,despite significant government support.The past decade has seen a green energy revolution across the globe.Over 18 per cent of the world's power is now produced from renewable sources and this proportion looks set to rise in the coming years and decades.The growth in renewables has improved the efficiency of these cleaner forms of power,with costs per unit declining and set to fall further still.This growth is being reflected in the value of investments,as markets are already being reshaped as new players enter traditional industries,backed by capital rich private investors seeking sustainable long-term returns.Tesla,the electric vehicle maker founded in 2003,now has a market capitalisation over 20 per cent higher than Ford.It is also telling that the oil price fell after Trump's announcement.In theory oil and coal should have been prime beneficiaries of Trump's decision.Political impetus to act on climate change,through projects like the Paris Agreement,remains relevant.It would undoubtedly have been better if Trump had swallowed his pride and backed away from this decision.Yet when it comes to the future of our climate,it will be the thousands of businesses,millions of jobs and billions of consumers who decide,through the choices,purchases and investments they make,what that future will be.Even the leader of the free world is impotent against that tidal wave.
The author holds that Trump's decision will____

A.destroy the goals of the Paris Agreement
B.reshape governments'role in climate change
C.produce little effect on jobs in the US
D.change the pattern of the energy industry

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