




下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

简述加涅( E.D.Gagne)关于程序性知识的分类。

加涅(E.D.Gagne)从两个维度对程序性知识进行了分类。(1) 一个维度是一般领域与特殊领域。根据这一维度,程序性知识可分为专门领域的程序性知识和一般领域的程序性知识。专门领域的程序性知识是由仅适用于特殊领域的产生式系统构成的。一般领域的程序性知识也称思维或解决问题的一般方法或步骤的知识,又称为跨情境的程序性知识。(2)另一个维度是自动化与受意识控制。根据这一维度,程序性知识可分为自动化的程序性知识与受意识控制的程序性知识。自动化的程序性知识是由经过系统练习而能自动激活的产生式系统构成的。受意识控制的程序性知识是由一系列未达到自动激活程度的产生式系统构成的。(3)上述两个维度相结合,可以导致三种类型的程序性知识。一是特殊领域的可以自动化的程序性知识,又叫自动化的基本技能;二是特殊领域的受意识控制的程序性知识,又叫专门领域的策略;三是一般领域的受意识控制的程序性知识,又叫一般的策略或弱方法。 加涅的这一分类将可以达到自动化的基本技能与无法达到自动化、需要意识控制的高级认知策略明晰地区分开未,有助于我们对不同的技能的理解,并对教育教学具有重要的启示意义。需要注意的是,这里的加涅(E,D.Cagne)与我们熟知的《教学设计原理》的作者加涅(R.M.Gagne)并不是一个人。

2007 -1.《素问?脉要精微论》说:“夏至四十五日,阴气微上,阳气微下”,说明了
A.阴阳消长平衡 B.阴阳对立制约C.阴阳互根互用 D.阴阳相互转化

。本题旨在考查阴阳基本概念的理解。阴阳学说认为阴气上升,阳气就下降; 阳气上升,阴气就下降。夏至四十五日是指气候由复至节开始到达立秋节,其气候变化过程是阴升阳降对立制约的过程。春夏为阳,秋冬为阴。秋冬阴气上升,抑制了春夏的阳气,气候变凉;反之春夏阳气上升,抑制了秋冬的阴气,气候变暖。

Text 1 Giant corporations often claim to be"green,"pointing to programs they've undertaken aimed at being environmentally conscious.But sometimes these efforts don't really amount to much.They can be no more than'igrcenwashing,"a public relations effort that doesn't represent any fundamental shift in thinking.But such a change may actually be going on among several of the world's largest fossil fuel companies,namcs such as ExxonMobil,Shell,and BP.One of the biggest reasons:pressure from the companies'sharcholdcrs.Investors arc asking corporations to make more transparent the effects climate change will have on their businesses,as well as explain what they are doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.While sharcholdcr motivcs are cerlainly aimed at helping in the worldwide fight against global warming,they also represent a practical need to better understand a company's prospects.If the burning of oil and gas is grcaily curtailed as a result of the December 2015 intemational Paris climate agreement,for example,how might that affect the bottom line of a corporation whose chief source of revenue is extracting and selling carbon-emitting oil and gas?Or,conversely,how is a company planning to take advantage of the business opportunities that emerge from a shift away from fossil fuels?Climate Action 100+,for example,is a shareholder action group that is asking corporations to make stronger commitments to meeting the 80 percent cut in carbon emissions proposed by the Paris agreement signed two years ago by nearly 200 nations.Some 225 investment groups who manage more than S26.3 trillion have signed on in support.Last week,intemational energy giant ExxonMobil said it will step up its reporting to shareholders and the public about the impacts climate change will have on its business,including any expected increased risks.The new policy follows a vote by ExxonMobil investors at the company's annual meeting in May that called for a yearly assessment of the effects of climate change on the company.The new position represents a sea change for ExxonMobil,which until the early 2000s had disputed the need to take action on climate change.Around the world national govemments are shaping new policies in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will not allow global temperatures to rise more than 2 degrees Celsius.In the U,S.,individual states and cities are pursuing lawsuits against companies that fail to deal responsibly with greenhouse gas emissions,which they contend harm the public.23.The word"curtailed"(Para.3)most probably means


A.大戟、芫花、甘遂 B.柴胡、香附、青皮 C.三棱、莪术 D.五灵脂、延胡索


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