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词语搭配题。此处需填个名词或者名词性的词;参考第96题给出的句意,此处应意为“遭受损失”,所以应为suffer losses。
更多 “单选题______A debtB incredibilityC operationD losses” 相关考题
考题 Copper losses are _____ losses in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer core. A、inductiveB、capacitiveC、resistiveD、reactive

考题 ___are owned by their depositors and the profits or losses are shared among the owners in proportion to their deposits. A.MSBsB.ATMsC.POSsD.VISAs

考题 publicclassScoreimplementsComparable{privateintwins,losses;publicScore(intw,int1){wins=w;losses=1;}publicintgetWins(){returnwins;}publicintgetLosses(){returnlosses;}publicStringtoString(){return+wins+,+losses+”;}//insertcodehere}Whichmethodwillcompletethisclass?()A.publicintcompareTo(Objecto){/*modecodehere*/}B.publicintcompareTo(Scoreother){/*morecodehere*/}C.publicintcompare(Scores1,Scores2){/*morecodehere*/}D.publicintcompare(Objecto1,Objecto2){/*morecodehere*/}

考题 The processor manipulates data stored in main memory under the control of a(71)stored in main memory.A.commandB.programC.operationD.code

考题 Most operating systems have a standard set of () to handle the processing of all input and output instructions.A.spreadsheetB.control instructionsC.I/O operationD.data table

考题 The tentative cargo plan ________ .A.eliminates confusion with the final stowage planB.shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdC.expedites the total operationD.requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo

考题 ______ fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.A.ToB.AgainstC.ForD.With

考题 A vessel engaged in ______ shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.A.mine clearance operationB.towing operationC.dredging or surveying or underwater operationD.fishing

考题 Entrance Light Vessel beamed port,stopped eng.& Tug Ever took pilot off.From this remark,the ship is likely ______.A.making inward operationB.making outward operationC.making cargo operationD.at anchor

考题 Vessel shall be placed at the _______ of the Charterers in such dock or at such berth or place as the Charterers may direct.A.DisposalB.ControlC.OperationD.Option

考题 The most important principle in the cargo stowage is ______.A.To avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardB.To ensure the safety of the ship and cargoC.To reject the damaged cargo during loading operationD.To prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain

考题 The enemy troops__________heavy losses in the battle.A.suffered B.received C.accepted D.met

考题 Understanding what to measure and why it is being measured are key contributors to which part of the Service Lifecycle?( ) 。A.Service Strategy B.Continual Service Improvement C.Service Operation D.Service Design

考题 Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000 from the bank to buy a new house.A、debtB、foundC、loanD、payment

考题 What are three project goals of a Technical Decision Maker? ()A、 ensuring network integrityB、 controlling financial factorsC、 finding a solution that simplifies setup and operationD、 understanding customer needsE、 saving budget for future quartersF、 providing offeringsthat are modular and can be built opon

考题 public class Score implements Comparable {  private int wins, losses;  public Score(int w, int 1) { wins = w; losses = 1; }  public int getWins() { return wins; }  public int getLosses() { return losses; }  public String toString() {  return ““ + wins + “,“ + losses + “”; }  // insert code here  }  Which method will complete this class?() A、 public int compareTo(Object o) {/*mode code here*/}B、 public int compareTo(Score other) {/*more code here*/}C、 public int compare(Score s1,Score s2){/*more code here*/}D、 public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){/*more code here*/}

考题 单选题I hereby note my protest()all losses, damage, etc.A forB againstC withD of

考题 单选题()fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.A ToB AgainstC ForD With

考题 单选题Should the Buyers of the vessel cause undue delay they shall()for the losses thereby incurred.A not indemnify the BuyersB indemnify the BuyersC not compensate the SellersD compensate the Sellers

考题 单选题You must be responsible for all the losses arising from your delay in opening the()L/C.A coveringB coveredC payingD paid

考题 单选题All the losses()from your delay in shipping our goods will be for your account.A risingB arisingC raisingD arousing

考题 单选题What is the passage about?A The Great Fire of London.B Who was the first to discover the fire?C What Pepys was doing during the fire.D The losses caused by the fire.

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressureA ⅠonlyB ⅡonlyC bothⅠand ⅡD neitherⅠnor Ⅱ

考题 单选题One of the main purposes of refractories in a boiler furnace is to()A help preheat the air for the furnacesB help preheat the feedwaterC protect economizer from excessive heatD prevent excessive furnace heat losses

考题 单选题public class Score implements Comparable {  private int wins, losses;  public Score(int w, int 1) { wins = w; losses = 1; }  public int getWins() { return wins; }  public int getLosses() { return losses; }  public String toString() {  return “”; }  // insert code here  }  Which method will complete this class?()A  public int compareTo(Object o) {/*mode code here*/}B  public int compareTo(Score other) {/*more code here*/}C  public int compare(Score s1,Score s2){/*more code here*/}D  public int compare(Object o1,Object o2){/*more code here*/}

考题 单选题Out of the many hazards that can occur on ships, fire is by far the most frequent, and() more total losses than any other casualty.A due toB owing toC results fromD results in

考题 单选题Energy losses due to () occur in every machine.A speedB frictionC impactD atmosphere

考题 单选题Last night a big fire______in the suburbs of the town, causing huge losses to the area.A broke downB came downC broke outD came out