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解析: 此题要求降低水的沸点才能提取抗菌素,根据沸点和气压的关系,气压越大,沸点越高,气压越小,沸点越低,所以答案为B。
更多 “单选题在制药时,为从溶液中提取抗菌素,要用加热的方法使水沸腾而除去水分,但抗生素不能在超过80℃的条件下提取,应采用的办法是()。A 增加容器内的气压,使水的沸点低于80℃B 降低容器内的气压,使水的沸点低于80℃C 缩短加热沸腾的时间D 用微火加热使其沸腾” 相关考题
考题 单选题创造是人类与动物的主要区别之一,它体现在人类的一切活动中,是社会进步与发展的真正()。A 基础B 动力C 规律D 根基

考题 填空题()、()是北宋著名的抗辽将领,()是南宋著名的抗金将领。

考题 问答题在一堂初中二年级的英语口语课上,老师给学生提供了一篇节选自China Daily的“Deal to boost mainland tourism to Taiwan”,让学生对这个话题展开讨论。  请指出该做法存在的问题,并提出更好的改进建议。

考题 单选题病毒是结构比较简单的生物,下列说法中正确的是()。A 病毒是生命系统中最基本的结构层次B 病毒的遗传物质是RNAC 病毒的元素组成与染色体可能相同D 病毒具有与细菌一样的细胞结构

考题 填空题1900年,()、()、()、()、()、()、()、()等八国发动侵华战争。

考题 单选题Flash MX的舞台上有同一个图形元件的两个实例,改变其中一个实例的颜色和大小,另外一个实例()。A 颜色也改变,但大小不变B 大小也改变,但颜色不变C 颜色和大小都改变D 没有变化

考题 单选题中国同盟会是中国第一个全国规模的、统一的资产阶级革命政党,其理由是()。 ①规模超过兴中会等组织 ②有公认的领导人 ③有明确的革命纲领 ④有严密的组织机构A ①②③④B ①②③C ②③④D ③④

考题 单选题Passage 2Last year I lived in Chile for half a year as an exchange student with the American Field Service. Compared to most visitors,I didn't travel much. I lived with a Chilean family and had the responsibilities of any Chilean teenager.I went to school every day, in uniform. I had good days andbad days and days that I didn't understand.Chuquicamata, my host community, is a mining camp in the Atacama Desert. There is no disco, no shopping center, no museum or beach. Driveways must be watered daily to keep the dust down.When I arrived here,I was scared. It was so different from the urban middle-class America I was accustomed to. There were lost dogs on the streets, and a constant cloud of brick-colored dust came from the mine. There was no downtown, few smoothly paved streets, and litle to do for amusement. The people worked extremely hard. Rain was a rare phenomenon; earthquakes and windstorms were frequent.I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class. But in my first week in Chile I was barely able to communicate and desperate for one person to whom I could explain my shock.I couldn't speak the thoughts in my head-and there were so many.Most exchange students experience this like me. Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased aggression toward the people to lack of appetite or weight gain and depression.I was required to overcome all difficulties. Being an exchange student is not easy.As time passed, everything changed.I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food.I got used to not depending on expensive things for fun. Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people. And I took math, physics, chemistry, biology, Spanish, art, and philosophy.But the sacrifices were nothing compared to the gain.I learned how to accept as well as to succeed in another culture.I now know the world is my community and have a much deeper understanding of both myself and others.According to the text,the author most probably thinks that his life in Chile was________.A wonderful but tiringB hard but meaningfulC difficult and terribleD boring and disappointing

考题 单选题在PowerPoint2003中插入Flash动画时,可通过插入()控件对象来完成。A LabelB TextBoxC Shockwaver Flash objectD CommandButton

考题 单选题《关雎》和《蒹葭》是《诗经》中关于爱情的两首诗歌,教学时教师推荐了另外几首《诗经》中以爱情为主题的作品,建议学生比较阅读,下列作品不适合推荐的是()。A 《诗经·卫风-木瓜》B 《诗经·郑风·子衿》C 《诗经·郑风·风雨》D 《诗经·魏风·硕鼠》

考题 单选题教师在讲授课文之前,先是这样介绍该文的体裁:“篇幅比较短小,在生动、形象的故事里隐含着一种规劝或是讽刺的意义。其故事中的人物,多是虚构的,有的是人,有的是动物或其他东西被拟人化。”以上概念描述的是哪种文学体裁?()A 童话B 寓言C 小说D 戏曲

考题 问答题如何选择最佳美术教学方法?

考题 单选题根据文章内容,下列说法正确的一项是(  )。A 数学领域迄今发现的最为神奇的数就算是黄金数了。B 斐波那契数列的神奇在于大自然里许多事物都能展现出这种数列。C 人们又从“七星彩”等彩票所摇出的中奖号码组成的数码群中发现了一种有规律呈现出来的神奇的数字组合系列。D 作者认为“自然数局”的出现,说明万事万物都是可以预测的,包括似乎神妙莫测的各种摇奖号码。

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 2,完成第 26~30小题。 Passage2 When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, hisexplanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in theusual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving "to pursuemy goal of running a company." Broadcasting his ambition was"very much my decision, " McGee says. Within two weeks, hewas talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial ServicesGroup, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29. McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflecton what kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to theoutside world about his aspirations .And McGee isn't alone. In recent weeks theNo. 2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation thatthey were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in responseto shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to moveon. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious ofletting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations. As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may bemore willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnoverwas down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had,according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities willabound for aspiring leaders. The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one isunconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rulethat the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey: "I can't think of a single search I'vedone where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first." Those who jumped without a job haven't always landed in top positionsquickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age, saying shewanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tinyInternet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005with ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financialinstitution three years later. Many recruiters say the old disgrace isfading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable tobe between jobs or to leave a bad one. "The traditional rule was it's safer to stay where you are, butthat's been fundamentally inverted," says one headhunter. "The people who've been hurt the worstare those who've stayed too long. "It can be inferred from the last paragraph that____A top performers used to cling to their postsB loyalty of top performers is getting out-datedC top performers care more about reputationsD it's safer to stick to the traditional rules

考题 单选题While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(an) _____.A assessorB resource providerC participantD controller

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成21-25小题。 Passage 1 Kimberley Asselin sits in a rocking chair in front of her 22 kindergartners, a glistening smile across her face as she greets them for the morning. Even at 9 a.m., she is effervescent and charismatic. Yet behind Asselin´s bright expression, her enthusiasm is fading. Asselin,24, is days away from finishing her first year as a teacher, the career of her dreams since she was a little girl giving arithmetic lessons on a dry-erase board to her stuffed bears and dolls. While she began the school year in Virginia´s Fairfax County full of optimism, Asselin now finds herself, as many young teachers do, questioning her future as an educator. What changed in the months between August and June? She says that an onslaught of tests that she´s required to give to her five-and six-year-old students has brought her down to reality. "It´ s more than a first-year teacher ever imagines," Asselin said."You definitely have a lot of highs and lows, and it keeps going up and down and up and down." New federal data that the Education Department released in April shows that about 10 percent of new teachers leave the profession within the first year on the job, and 17 percent leave within five years of starting. Though far lower than earlier estimates, it still means that many young educators bail from the classroom before they gain much of a foothold. For Asselin, testing has been the biggest stressor. The proliferation of testing in schools has become one of the most contentious topics in U.S.education. The exams can alter the course of a student´s schooling and can determine whether a teacher is promoted or fired. In Virginia, schools earn grades on state-issued report cards based on the scores students earn on mandatory end-of-year exams. The Fairfax County school system, one of the nation´s largest, boasts that its kindergarten students take part in coursework that exceeds the state´ s standards. Unlike most states, Virginia has never adopted the Common Core State Standards, but Virginia officials say that the state´ s academic standards are just as--or more--rigorous. Asselin said that means that even the youngest students in public school are trader an academic microscope, making kindergarten about far more than socialization and play time.According to the author, what kind of place is a kindergarten supposed to be?A A place of academic training.B A place of reading and writing.C A place where there are no tests.D A place of socialization and fun.

考题 单选题世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于哪个国家()A 美国B 德国C 英国D 日本

考题 单选题“工欲善其事,必先利其器”在教学资源的开发和利用上是说要注重()。A 工具材料资源的开发利用B 校内资源的开发利用C 校外资源的开发利用D 自然资源的开发利用

考题 单选题教师在讲解朗读技巧时,为了让学生充分理解普通话里的轻声词,特为学生列举了以下例子,但其中只有一项是符合要求的,请指出()。A 上头B 棉花C 意义D 虾子

考题 问答题简述20世纪70年代中国取得的外交成就。

考题 单选题科学探究中猜想与假设的含义是()A 根据对问题的逻辑分析找到问题的所有可能的答案B 以个人的直觉为主要依据.对问题成因和可能出现的结果所进行的发敖性思维C 根据个人的经验对问题的成因和可能出现的结果进行的随意的设想D 以个人的经验、相关知识和科学事实为依据,对问题的成因和可能出现的结果进行猜想

考题 问答题阅读文本材料和相关要求,回答第19~21小题。 纪昀《河中石兽》原文 沧州南一寺临河干,山门圮于河,二石兽并沉焉。阅十余岁,僧募金重修,求二石兽于水中,竟不可得,以为顺流下矣。棹数小舟,曳铁钯,寻十余里无迹。 一讲学家设帐寺中,闻之笑曰:“尔辈不能究物理。是非木杮,岂能为暴涨携之去?乃石性坚重,沙性松浮,湮于沙上,渐沉渐深耳。沿河求之,不亦颠乎?”众服为确论。 一老河兵闻之,又笑曰:“凡河中失石,当求之于上流。盖石性坚重,沙性松浮,水不能冲石,其反激之力,必于石下迎水处啮沙为坎穴。渐激渐深,至石之半,石必倒掷坎穴中。如是再啮,石又再转。转转不已,遂反溯流逆上矣。求之下流,固颠;求之地中,不更颠乎?”如其言,果得于数里外。然则天下之事,但知其一,不知其二者多矣,可据理臆断欤? 思考探究 1.关于如何寻找石兽,从事情的结局来看,寺僧、讲学家都不及老河兵有见识。你从中悟出了怎样的道理。 2.对于课文,我们如果用现代科学知识来看,也会产生疑问。下面这则资料也许会引发你新的思考,请与同学交流。 山西永济蒲津渡是黄河上的重要渡口,蒲津渡浮桥在历史上很有名气。唐代开元年间在渡口两岸各铸造了四尊铁牛(平均每尊重约36.5吨)、四个铁人、两座铁山等,组成了拴系浮桥所必需的锚碇系统。后因黄河改道,铁牛等没入水中,埋在地下。1989年,东岸铁牛由河滩下挖出,铁牛和铁人排列整齐,还在原址。 (资料见《唐铁牛与蒲津桥》,《山西文史资料》1999年Z1期) 积累拓展 1.背诵这篇课文。 2.解释下列句中加点(括号)的词。 ①(阅)十余岁,僧募金重修…… ②(竟)不可得,以为顺流下矣。 ③尔辈不能究(物理)。 ④其反激之力,必于石下迎水处(啮)沙为坎穴。 单元介绍 本单元重点学习浏览。浏览时,可以一目数行地扫视文段,迅速提取字里行间的主要信息。另外,还要在阅读文章的基础上,有所思考和质疑。 预习提示 纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》主要讲述各种狐鬼怪谈、奇闻逸事,其中有不少都包含着作者的寄托和感慨。阅读课文,看看作者讲了一个怎样的故事。 参考注释,留意某些词古今不同的意义。 《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》相关要求 阅读浅易文言文,能借助注释和工具书理解基本内容,注重积累、感悟和运用,提高自己的欣赏品位。 学生情况 七年级,班级人数40人。 课时安排 一课时 教学条件 教室配有多媒体设备,能够演示PPT,播放音频、视频文件,投影实物等。 问题:选择其中一个教学目标,设计一个教学方案片段,简要说明每个环节的教学学方式。(25分)

考题 单选题What does the underlined word "them" in PARAGRAPH THREE refer to?A Birds.B Flowers.C Food scrapes.D Scavengers.

考题 单选题达尔文的“进化论”作为一项自然科学的巨大成就.也对人类社会的政治和思想观念产生了很大影响。下列分析正确的是()。A 成为欧洲启蒙运动批判专制统治的思想武器B 成为西方国家进一步扩张侵略的“理论依据”C 成为马克思提出暴力革命主张的思想渊源D 成为近代中华民族反帝反封建革命的理论依据

考题 单选题DNA分子中的某一区段上有300个脱氧核糖和60个胞嘧啶,那么该区段胸腺嘧啶的数量是()A 90B 120C 180D 240

考题 填空题西欧宗教改革由()揭开序幕。宗教改革的实质是(),为西欧()发展创造了条件。

考题 单选题水粉画最容易出现的问题是()。A 乱、灰、腻、跳B 粉、灰、脏、花C 花、闷、腻、灰D 弱、乱、闷、跳

考题 单选题A P点仍为明条纹B P点为暗条纹C 不能确定P点是明条纹还是暗条纹D 无干涉条纹