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更多 “单选题以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品软件包的路径()。A /opt/package/scriptsB /opt/package/software/CTIC /opt/package/softwareD /opt/package/CTI” 相关考题
考题 Whatisthedefaulttracefile(forLinux)thatisusedfortheinitialdebuggingofIBMTivoliFederatedIdentityManagerRuntime?() A./opt/IBM/FIM/logs/ITFIMDomainName/tivoli-common/FBT/logs/msg.logB./opt/IBM/FIM/logs/ITFIMDomainName/tivoli-common/FBT/logs/trace.logC./opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/servername/logs/profile/trace.logD./opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/servername/logs/profile/SystemOut.log

考题 重型击实试验与轻型击实试验比较,试验结果( )。A.ρdmax大,ωopt大 B.ρdmax小,ωopt小 C.ρdmax大,ωopt小 D.ρdmax小,ωopt大

考题 M2000V2的license必须放置哪个目录下()。A、/opt/OMC/etc/conf或/export/home/omc/var/confB、/opt/OMCC、/opt/OMC/binD、/opt/OMC/var

考题 iManagerN2000网管双机系统使用Veritas软件进行主备机间的数据同步,以下哪个命令用于更新Veritas的license()。A、/opt/VRTSvlic/bin/vxlicrepB、/opt/VRTSvlic/bin/vxlicinstC、/opt/VRTSob/bin/veaD、/opt/VRTSob/bin/vxsvc

考题 一个程序中,package、import、和class的排放次序是()A、package、import、classB、import、package、classC、三者任意D、class在最后,import、package排放次序任意

考题 以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品软件包的路径()。A、/opt/package/scriptsB、/opt/package/software/CTIC、/opt/package/softwareD、/opt/package/CTI

考题 LINUX支持网络文件系统NFS,下列哪个命令实现了将位于192.168.1.4机器上的/opt/sirnfs目录挂载到本机/mnt/sirnfs下:()A、mount-tnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs/mnt/sirnfsB、mount-tnfs/mnt/sirnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfsC、mountnfs–t192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs/mnt/sirnfsD、mountnfs–t/mnt/sirnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs

考题 Which tow statements are most correct regarding opt-in models?()A、A based opt-in model uses virtualized identifiersB、A based opt-in model uses hardware values as identifiersC、A logical server opt-in model uses virtualized identifiersD、A logical server opt-in model uses hardware values as identifiers

考题 用下列哪句语句给/opt/package/scripts目录赋权限()。A、chmod -R 337B、chmod -R 257C、chmod -R 777D、chmod -R 256

考题 以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品脚本包的路径()。A、/opt/package/scriptsB、/opt/package/software/CTIC、/opt/package/softwareD、/opt/package/CTI

考题 You have a single Active Directory directory service domain. All users in the IT department are  placed into an organizational unit (OU) named IT Users. A Group Policy object (GPO) is linked to the IT  Users OU. The GPO assigns a software installation package to install the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack. You select the Install this application at logon option in the software installation  package. A user has been removed from the IT Users OU, but she still has the Windows Server  Administration Tools Pack on her computer. You need to ensure that the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack is removed from a users computer when the user is moved from the IT Users  OU.  What should you do?()A、 Modify the software installation package to use the Published deployment method. Clear the Auto-install this application by file extension activation check box. Redeploy the software installation package.B、 Modify the software installation package to clear the Install this application at logon option. Redeploy the software installation package.C、 Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Retain the software installation package in the GPO.D、 Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Delete the software installation package from the GPO.

考题 根据邮件列表页面其内容是()A、Opt--inB、Doubleopt—inC、Opt—outD、UCE

考题 当SAU上配置的MEM模块本端IP发生变化时,要保证SAU与HDU之间的通信正常,需要修改的下列哪一个文件中所对应的IP地址()A、/opt/hlr/hdu/config/hdusys.cfgB、/opt/hlr/hdu/config/hdunet.cfgC、/opt/hlr/hdu/oamgent/config/oamagt.cfgD、/opt/hlr/bin/hlr.sh

考题 在单一文件中import、class和package的正确出现顺序是()A、package,import,classB、class,import,packageC、import,package,classD、package,class,import

考题 在Java语言中,在包Package1中包含包Package2,类Class_A直接隶属于包Package1,类Class_B直接隶属于包Package2,在类Class_C要应用Class_A的方法A和Class_B的方法B,你需要()语句。A、import Package1.*;B、import Package1.Package2.*;C、import Package2.*;D、import Package2.Package1.*;

考题 CMPI的log文件可能在下面哪个目录下找到A、/opt/alcatel/tl1gateway/logB、/opt/PONNBI_APP/logC、/ams/swm/logD、/var/opt/ams/local/ams-

考题 ponnbi的log问题可能在如下哪个目录找到A、/opt/alcatel/tl1gateway/logB、/var/opt/ams/loacal/ams-、/ams/swm/logD、/opt/PONNBI_APP/log

考题 RPM是的缩写()A、Red Hat Package MangerB、Red Package MangerC、Redhat PackageD、Package Manger

考题 下列有关类声明的代码片段,哪一项是正确的?() A、 import java.sql.*; package school; class Student{ }B、 package school; import java.sql.*; class Student{ }C、 package school; class Student{ } import java.sql.*;D、 package school; import java.sql.*;private String name; class Student{ }

考题 Which statement is correct about the validate option when upgrading JUNOS software?()A、It will check the MD5 checksum of the install package.B、It will check if the device meets the memory requirements for the install package.C、It will check the compatibility of the configuration with the install package.D、It will check if the device meets the storage requirement for the install package.

考题 单选题下列有关类声明的代码片段,哪一项是正确的?()A  import java.sql.*; package school; class Student{ }B  package school; import java.sql.*; class Student{ }C  package school; class Student{ } import java.sql.*;D  package school; import java.sql.*;private String name; class Student{ }

考题 单选题LINUX支持网络文件系统NFS,下列哪个命令实现了将位于192.168.1.4机器上的/opt/sirnfs目录挂载到本机/mnt/sirnfs下:()A mount-tnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs/mnt/sirnfsB mount-tnfs/mnt/sirnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfsC mountnfs–t192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs/mnt/sirnfsD mountnfs–t/mnt/sirnfs192.168.1.4:/opt/sirnfs

考题 单选题Which statement is correct about the validate option when upgrading JUNOS software?()A It will check the MD5 checksum of the install package.B It will check if the device meets the memory requirements for the install package.C It will check the compatibility of the configuration with the install package.D It will check if the device meets the storage requirement for the install package.

考题 单选题以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品软件包的路径()。A /opt/package/scriptsB /opt/package/software/CTIC /opt/package/softwareD /opt/package/CTI

考题 单选题以下哪一项是存放盒子化产品脚本包的路径()。A /opt/package/scriptsB /opt/package/software/CTIC /opt/package/softwareD /opt/package/CTI

考题 单选题用下列哪句语句给/opt/package/scripts目录赋权限()。A chmod -R 337B chmod -R 257C chmod -R 777D chmod -R 256

考题 多选题Which tow statements are most correct regarding opt-in models?()AA based opt-in model uses virtualized identifiersBA based opt-in model uses hardware values as identifiersCA logical server opt-in model uses virtualized identifiersDA logical server opt-in model uses hardware values as identifiers

考题 单选题You have a single Active Directory directory service domain. All users in the IT department are  placed into an organizational unit (OU) named IT Users. A Group Policy object (GPO) is linked to the IT  Users OU. The GPO assigns a software installation package to install the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack. You select the Install this application at logon option in the software installation  package. A user has been removed from the IT Users OU, but she still has the Windows Server  Administration Tools Pack on her computer. You need to ensure that the Windows Server 2003  Administration Tools Pack is removed from a users computer when the user is moved from the IT Users  OU.  What should you do?()A  Modify the software installation package to use the Published deployment method. Clear the Auto-install this application by file extension activation check box. Redeploy the software installation package.B  Modify the software installation package to clear the Install this application at logon option. Redeploy the software installation package.C  Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Retain the software installation package in the GPO.D  Modify the software installation package to select the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management option. Delete the software installation package from the GPO.