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从文章的第三段第二、三句话“Pay regular fares on weekdays...Pay reduced fares at all other times”可知,周末打折出售,此处应该填写reduced。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 填空题What can a nursing home do for aging parents?It provides them with proper ____.

考题 填空题Where can you find the correct amount of the detergent to be used?On ____.

考题 单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because _____.A chemicals are not necessary for preserving foodB a small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleC those chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleD there are other better ways to preserve food

考题 单选题_____A He’s the boss.B He’s a visitor.C He’s a new employee.D He’s the woman’s friend.

考题 单选题You can’t get a driver’s license _____ you are at least sixteen years old.A ifB unlessC whenD though

考题 单选题To relax himself before sleep, the writer often _____.A makes a bedB gets into his bagC listen to musicD wears a sleep mask

考题 填空题Nurses should treat the sick and wounded with great (kind) ____.

考题 单选题The purpose of the passage is to _____.A advertise the iMOVE databaseB make German companies more popularC hire overseas employees to work in GermanyD encourage people to learn more foreign languages

考题 问答题Practice 2New York Student Housing Center  We have got what students are looking for in off-campus housing. Come and see our houses—safe, affordable and convenient for living. All the facilities that you are concerned about are available, such as cable TV, Internet access, fully furnished and ready for moving in! We also have comfortable apartments or rooms for roommate share. The rent may be paid weekly, monthly or yearly. Contact us at 800-298-3579 if you are interested.

考题 单选题The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.A 研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。B 研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。C 研究表明,我们的计算机正面临着高速发展的其他厂商的竞争。

考题 单选题_____A They are too big.B They are the same size.C They are thirty dollars.D They are in fashion.

考题 单选题She didn’t receive the application form; it _____ to the wrong address.A sentB be sentC was sentD being sent

考题 填空题She can’t help (cry) ____ at such a touching movie.

考题 单选题My brother brought me a few reference books, but _____ of them was of any use for my report.A neitherB noneC eitherD all

考题 填空题We must keep the manager (inform) ____ of the advertising campaign.

考题 单选题_____A By check.B In cash.C By credit card.D By mail.

考题 问答题Practice 2Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an E-mail according to the information given below in Chinese. Remember to do the writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.  说明:假定你是王军。根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。  内容:  1. 发件人:王军  2. 收件人:Anna  3. 发件人电子邮件地址:wangjun11007@hotmail.com  4. 收件人电子邮件地址:anna11008@hotmail.com  5. 事由:王军在网站www.ebay.com.cn上卖出了一本书,书名:《电子商务导论》。买家是美国客户Anna Brown  6. 邮件涉及内容:  (1)感谢对方购买《电子商务导论》  (2)书已寄出,预计一周内到达  (3)希望收到书后在网站上留下反馈意见  (4)如果满意,希望向其他客户推荐  (5)最近还会推出一些新的书,欢迎选购;再次购买可以享受折扣  Words for reference: 反馈意见feedback;电子商务导论Introduction to E-commerce。  注意:e-mail的内容要写成一个段落,不得逐条罗列。

考题 单选题_____A Glad to meet you.B I’m not sure.C Go ahead.D No, thanks.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Look at the clock! It’s time _____ work.A we startedB we’ll startC we’re startingD we have started

考题 填空题The new flexible working time system will enable the (employ) ____ to work more efficiently.

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题What does the speaker think of following a doctor’s advice?Following a doctor’s advice is not always ____.

考题 单选题He _____ that the people he works with are all very interested in their job.A feelsB triesC looksD asks

考题 单选题What our company values most in employing people is their basic quality and practical skills.A 我们公司的最大价值在于它所雇用的员工具备了基本素质和实用技能。B 在培训员工时,我们公司大多会重视人的基本素质和实际技能。C 在招聘员工时,我们公司最看重的是人的基本素质和实际技能。

考题 单选题The writer wants to change her job because _____.A she has difficulty handling her daily work efficientlyB she can hardly get a chance to be promotedC she finds her present job too challengingD she is fired of her duties at the college

考题 单选题_____A Sure.B Not at all.C My pleasure.D Nothing, thank you.

考题 填空题The more careful you are, the (well) ____ you will be able to complete the work.