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请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Frenchmen attach great importance to education.They regard the cultivation of children as a social obligation.French education mixes warm romantic humor into its careful and severe education.I have ever heard such a story:It took place in an ordinary French family.One day, when the boy was playing basketball, the ball hit a vase off the shelfwith its mouth knocked off a large piece.The vase was an antique handed down through generations from Bourbon Dynasty.To cover the great trouble, the boy glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place panic-stricken.That evening his mother noticed the change on it.At dinnertime, she asked her boy if he had broken the vase.Being scared of punishment, the boy said by a sudden inspiration that a cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shelf.His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before her leaving.However, she just said that it seemed it was her carelessness not to have the window tightly closed.Before going to bed, the boy found a note on his bed, on which he was asked to go to the study. The boy had thought he had gotten by under false pretences, but then felt he couldn't dodge the misfortune.Now that he had already lied, he made up his mind no matter what his mother said, he would disavow to the end.On seeing her son enter in fear, his mother took out a chocolate box and gave one piece of the chocolates to her son.“Baker, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you created a cat with your special imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand.“This chocolate is a reward for your ability to restore.But the glue you used is for restoring paper materials; to restore a vase needs higher special technique.Tomorrow, let's bring the vase to the artists to see how they make a craftwork intact as it was.”With that, she took the third chocolate, “The last chocolate stands for my apology.I shouldn't have laid a vase in a place where it could so easily fall down, I wish you hadn't been scared, my little sweetheart.”“But, Mom, I...”The boy tried to make something clear, but he awkwardly uttered nothing but some words.“Our talk is over.Good night, Baker!” She gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.The following days were the same as before.The only change was that the boy had never told a lie since then.No scolding.It looks unimaginably queer.In fact, the three chocolates are the alarm in the boy's heart all the tune.Sometimes, no punishment itself is a kind of punishment.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

The broken vase was beautifully restored.


The three chocolates served as a reminder.


The boy's mother forgot to close the window.


What the boy said was well prepared and designed.


更多 “单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Frenchmen attach great importance to education.They regard the cultivation of children as a social obligation.French education mixes warm romantic humor into its careful and severe education.I have ever heard such a story:It took place in an ordinary French family.One day, when the boy was playing basketball, the ball hit a vase off the shelfwith its mouth knocked off a large piece.The vase was an antique handed down through generations from Bourbon Dynasty.To cover the great trouble, the boy glued the pieces together and put the vase back to its place panic-stricken.That evening his mother noticed the change on it.At dinnertime, she asked her boy if he had broken the vase.Being scared of punishment, the boy said by a sudden inspiration that a cat jumped in from the window and knocked the vase off the shelf.His mother was quite clear that her son was lying, for all the windows were closed before her leaving.However, she just said that it seemed it was her carelessness not to have the window tightly closed.Before going to bed, the boy found a note on his bed, on which he was asked to go to the study. The boy had thought he had gotten by under false pretences, but then felt he couldn't dodge the misfortune.Now that he had already lied, he made up his mind no matter what his mother said, he would disavow to the end.On seeing her son enter in fear, his mother took out a chocolate box and gave one piece of the chocolates to her son.“Baker, this chocolate is a reward for you, for you created a cat with your special imagination.” Then, she put another chocolate in his hand.“This chocolate is a reward for your ability to restore.But the glue you used is for restoring paper materials; to restore a vase needs higher special technique.Tomorrow, let's bring the vase to the artists to see how they make a craftwork intact as it was.”With that, she took the third chocolate, “The last chocolate stands for my apology.I shouldn't have laid a vase in a place where it could so easily fall down, I wish you hadn't been scared, my little sweetheart.”“But, Mom, I...”The boy tried to make something clear, but he awkwardly uttered nothing but some words.“Our talk is over.Good night, Baker!” She gave a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the study.The following days were the same as before.The only change was that the boy had never told a lie since then.No scolding.It looks unimaginably queer.In fact, the three chocolates are the alarm in the boy's heart all the tune.Sometimes, no punishment itself is a kind of punishment.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A The broken vase was beautifully restored.B The three chocolates served as a reminder.C The boy's mother forgot to close the window.D What the boy said was well prepared and designed.” 相关考题
考题 单选题信息的时效性是指()。A 信息会随着时间推移而消失B 信息因人而异,有些人需要知道,有些人不需要知道C 信息的价值会随着时间而下降D 信息的使用时间受到限制

考题 单选题《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》指出,“学会使用常用的语文工具书。初步具备搜集和处理信息的能力,积极尝试运用新技术和多媒体学习语文”,以下对其解释不正确的一项是()。A 常用的语文工具书主要是指字典、词典、书目、索引B 该目标的主要指向是工具书的使用以及搜集处理信息的能力C 信息的搜集和处理是学生自发的,无需老师的介入D 信息的搜集更多的是学生在课外进行

考题 问答题某校一名中学生上体育课的体验:过去每到体育课考试我心里就犯怵:还是老一套,谁跑得快、跳得高、打得好,谁得分就高。这么多年来我的体育课成绩在班上总是最低的,我永远是"三等公民"。自从选了乒乓球课后,老师就告诉我们体育考核在原有的"技能+基本素质"基础上扩展为"技能+基本素质+参与态度+实际能力+自我健康原则+理论水平认识"等方面的综合评价,突出了全面素质和健康教育的特点,强调学生在原有的基础上的学习提高,这次考试虽然我的技能不如大部分学生好,但我比从前进步了不少,再加上我上课积极认真组织带操,编排组织乒乓球赛,做裁判,设计的健康计划适合自己并认真执行,老师最后给了我86分。这种考核方法不搞以前的一刀切,给了我自信与勇气,这种良好的体验促使我爱上体育课,爱上体育锻炼(1)体育课程学习评价的理念是什么?(2)体育课程进行学习评价的目的是什么?(3)结合案例,谈谈如何更好地实施体育课程学习评价?

考题 问答题案例:初中物理“探究通过导体的电流与电压和电阻的关系”的一段课堂教学实录如下:师:同学们,在之前我们学习过电流、电压、电阻,还记得它们对于一个电路都有什么作用?生:电压是产生电流的原因,电压越大,电流越大;电阻表示导体对电流的阻碍作用,电阻越大,电流越小。师:很好,看来大家对之前的知识掌握非常到位了,那么,流过导体的电流与导体的电阻及加在它两端的电压存在怎样的定量关系呢?我们来用实验验证一下,要想探究电流与电压之间的关系应采用什么方法和原理?生:控制变量法,电阻不变,改变电压的值。师:对,研究两个物理量的关系,我们要控制第三个物理量不发生改变。那我们做这个实验都需要哪些器材呢?生:电流表、电压表、滑动变阻器、电阻、电源、导线、开关。师:滑动变阻器的作用是什么呢?生:保护电路。师:好的,那现在同学们就来自己动手连接电路进行实验,并将数据记录到表格中。师:实验结束了,大家观察自己测量的数据,有什么发现?生:对于一个电阻,当电压一定时,通过导体的电流与它的电阻成反比。师:这位同学观察得非常细致,反应也很快。师:这就是我们今天要探究的流经导体的电流与导体的电阻之间的关系即导体两端电压一定时,通过导体两端的电流与其电阻成反比。问题:(1)请对上述课堂实录中教师教学存在的问题进行评述。(15分)(2)请设计一段教学片段,以改进上述问题。(15分)

考题 单选题歌曲《南泥湾》的曲作者马可还作有歌剧()。A 《兄妹开荒》B 《牛永贵挂彩》C 《夫妻识字》D 《刘胡兰》

考题 单选题从教学评价的作用来看,下列哪项是教学评价中最重要的功能?()A 诊断功能B 反馈功能C 激励功能D 发展功能

考题 问答题阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料一发端于唐宋之际的海洋发展路向,表明我国传统社会的运行轨迹开始出现了由“头枕三河、面向草原”到“头枕东南、面向海洋”的历史性转折,到宋代出现了“诸蕃惟市舶仅通”的局面,海上对外贸易极其繁盛。东起日本、朝鲜,西到地中海和非洲东部沿岸,欧洲、非洲、亚洲50多个国家与中国有贸易往来.宋代中国是亚洲一支最活跃的力量,以中国为中心,与欧洲和非洲连接在一起的亚洲多边贸易网络初具规模,指南针在地中海投入使用,大大促进了地中海交通和对外贸易的繁荣。 材料二据《明实录》载,明太祖朱元璋对中书省说:“其朝贡无论疏数,厚往而薄来可也。”又说:“朕以海道,可通外邦,故尝禁其往来。”明成祖说:“商税者,国家抑逐末之民,岂以为利。今夷人慕义远来,乃侵其利,所得几何,而亏辱大体多矣。”自成化十二年(1476年)正月起至次年三月止,赏赐贡使等项苎丝37558匹,而全国司库每年额造仅25741匹。据《皇明世法录》载,明政府下令:“凡将马牛、军需……私出外境货卖及下海者,杖一百……物货船车并入官……若将人口、军器出境及下海者,绞”,后又下令:“片板不许入海……”。 材料三中国在西方文艺复兴时期的大部分时间里,其本身就是一个世界,一个尽可能不与外界往来的世界,然而,尽管除知识名流外,其他中国人对外部世界不感兴趣,但外部世界却对中国兴趣甚浓。哥伦布航行的目标就是契丹,麦哲伦旅行的主要结果是马尼拉这块殖民地的建立,而到中国传教则成为耶稣会士的荣耀……作为一个有名无实的闭关国家,有着甚至更为封闭的儒家思想的明代中国,正在丧失它的自主性.开始依附于一个非它所创造的世界体系。 (1)依据材料一和所学知识,指出唐宋之际我国外贸路径变化的主要原因及其世界意义。 (2)依据材料二和所学知识,指出影响明朝海外贸易的主要因素。 (3)依据材料二、三并结合当时的世界形势,评述明朝的对外贸易政策。

考题 问答题简述野兽派的艺术风格。

考题 单选题教学《大自然的语言》一课时,一学生正朗读到“布谷鸟开始唱歌,劳动人民懂得它在唱什么:‘阿公阿婆,割麦插禾’”,突然有个调皮的学生学起了布谷鸟叫,“布谷,布谷”,引得全班同学哈哈大笑,课堂一阵骚乱。  作为授课教师,下列应对与评析最恰当的是(  )。A 请这位同学首先尊重别人,如果你正在朗读,别人来打断,你是什么心情呢?B 这位同学学得真是惟妙惟肖,还有什么别的大自然的语言吗?请大家想一想。C 都别笑了,还上不上课了?我们这节课学习任务很重,知识点不易理解,大家必须都重视起来。D 好一声“布谷,布谷”,学得惟妙惟肖,那么,布谷鸟这动听的大自然的语言,被劳动人民称作什么?它有什么意义?听这位同学读完,我们将一起学习。

考题 单选题秦汉时期设立的国家音乐机构是()。A 太常寺B 乐府C 鼓吹署D 行院

考题 单选题完成朱自清《春》的教学后,为了让学生更好地感受文人笔下的自然,教师向学生推荐阅读篇目,下列不适合的是()。A 老舍《济南的冬天》B 贾平凹《风雨》C 曹禺《雷雨》D 何其芳《秋天》

考题 问答题某位老师在《同桌的你--漫画肖像写生》一课结束前,准备展示学生作业并进行讲评。然而只有部分学生完成了作业,有的学生由于画得很细致没有画完,有的因为能力有限而没有完成。教师对完成作业的学生进行了一一点评,而对没有完成作业的学生予以批评。问题:请根据《义务教育美术课程标准(2011年版)》的评价理念谈谈你对该教师评价的看法。

考题 单选题《谈生命》课后练习题是“反复朗读课文,品味关键语句并试着背诵,说说作者对生命的本质有怎样的认识”。对该练习的设计意图,分析不正确的是()。A 引导学生体会这篇散文的语言特点B 提高学生整理文章思路的能力C 增加学生的语言积累,培养语感D 通过朗读和背诵.引发学生的情感共鸣

考题 问答题邓小平的贡献

考题 问答题评价以下导入。在课之初老师为大家讲个小故事,故事的主人公是唐代著名草书书法家张旭和杰出的舞蹈家公孙大娘。公孙氏擅长舞剑器,杜甫有诗歌赞日:昔有佳人公孙氏,一舞剑气动四方。观者如山色沮丧,天地为之久低昂。张旭常观公孙大娘舞剑。从她的劈削迎送、挥洒自如的舞剑中,张旭茅塞顿开悟出草书笔法。张旭注意到书法与剑法的相通之处,创造出行笔迅疾、笔力刚劲、笔势豪迈的狂草风格。这虽然只是个传说,但是也能让我们对动感极强的草书有个初步了解。接下来就让我们一起学习与欣赏一下跌倒起伏、飘逸洒脱、落笔龙蛇的草书。我国书法中有五种书体,真草隶篆行。大家知道真指的是哪个书体吗?对,是楷体,在五个书体中唯独楷书现在流行最广,我们日常生活中书写和书刊印刷中最常用的字体就是楷书。那么楷书是怎样发展而来的?又有哪些特征呢?让我们共同进入《楷书的知识与欣赏》。

考题 单选题When a teacher tells students that the word dog may imply loyalty, he/she is teaching the _________of the word.A denotative meaningB conocative meaningC conceptual meaningD connotative meaning

考题 单选题What is Asselin likely to do under the current educational system?A Reconsider her future.B Change her ways of teaching.C Have fewer tests for her students.D Emphasize her students' academic skills.

考题 单选题在某版本的语文教材中《从百草园到三味书屋》一课的课下注释中提到了鲁迅的相关介绍,这属于()。A 知识系统B 助读系统C 补充系统D 作业系统

考题 单选题在Excel2003中,输入“1995年5月1日”时,不能被正确识别为日期型数据的是()。A 1995-5-1B 1995/5/1C 1995.5.1D 95-5-1

考题 问答题案例:下面是教师在“磁现象”授课过程的教学片段。教师:同学们,在生活中,我们都玩过“吸铁石”吧,为什么它能吸住铁呢?大家肯定都想知道这其中的奥妙吧,学究这节课我们就可以解释了。大家先阅读课本,画出磁极。学生:老师,我知道什么是磁极了。教师:继续画,看什么是南极和北极。学生:磁针静止时指向南的磁极叫南极,指向北的磁极叫北极。教师:再继续画,磁极间的相互作用是什么?学生:同名磁极相互排斥,异名磁极相互吸引。教师:好,磁化的概念下去自己了解就可以了。我们接着学习磁场。学生:我看课本上对磁极的概念是磁铁上吸引能力最强的两个部位,这个怎么理解?教师:这个不重要,你知道就可以了。学生:……问题:(1)对上述课堂实录进行评析。(15分)(2)请设计一个新的教学片段,以改进上述问题。(15分)

考题 单选题在学习九年级戏剧作品《威尼斯商人》时,于老师先安排大家观看了电影《威尼斯商人》,之后将全班同学分为三个小组,进行即兴表演。于老师这是在运用什么教学法进行教学?()A 导读法B 情境法C 综合法D 谈话法

考题 单选题Passage 2Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever,even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact,according to an official report on youth violence,“In our country today,the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment,but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case,why aren't students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems,drive cars,or stay physically fit?First of all,students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult. For example,a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults,which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich,but in the way students deal with the conflict.Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable,they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. Once the student feels calmer,he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words,name-calling,and accusation only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand,soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non-threatening questions to clarify the speaker's position. Then the two people should change roles.Finally, students need to consider what they are hearing. This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these: How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual solution.There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility,64% of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom;75% of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92% of the students felt better about themselves. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.The writer's purpose for writing this article is to______A complain about problems in school educationB teach students different strategies for school lifeC advocate teaching conflict management in schoolsD inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence

考题 单选题下列属于生物教学强化技能的是()。A 氛围强化B 服饰强化C 环境强化D 动作强化

考题 单选题下列不是发展健美操下肢专项力量训练方法的是()。A 悬垂举腿B 原地连续纵跳C 屈体分腿跳D 快速踢腿

考题 单选题两税法与租庸调制的相同点在于( )。A 是以均田制为基础的赋役制度B 均按丁缴纳定额的租税并服一定的徭役C 以土地、财产多少作为征税依据D 实行前期都在一定程度上减轻了农民的负担

考题 问答题简述课堂提问技能的实施要点。

考题 单选题苏霍姆林斯基认为:“教学的起点,首先在于激发学生学习的兴趣和愿望。”这句话属于导课原则中的()。A 趣味性B 新颖性C 针对性D 启发性

考题 单选题自1789年《人权宣言》发表后,法国在近代一百多年的时间中,先后出台了11部宪法。这些宪法大多寿命短暂,有的甚至“胎死腹中”。唯独1875年的宪法得以贯穿第三共和国始终,施行时间长达65年。这主要是因为( )。A 总统权力被有效限制B 民主共和观念渐人人心C 人权诉求的不断满足D 资产阶级革命较为彻底