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Where would you obtain data on currents for areas of the world not covered by the National Ocean Service().

In the Coast Pilot


In the Nautical Almanac


In the List of Lights


In the Sailing Directions


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Where would you obtain data on currents for areas of the world not covered by the National Ocean Service().A In the Coast PilotB In the Nautical AlmanacC In the List of LightsD In the Sailing Directions” 相关考题
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考题 单选题May I have a copy of the cargo plan?Certainly,here().A is itB are youC they areD you are

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考题 判断题喷射泵是所有泵中效率最低的一种泵。A 对B 错

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考题 单选题在狭水道用雷达导航时,以下()是不对的。A 准备好雷达B 准备好航线的有关资料C 通知机舱准备好主机D 驾驶员只应全力进行在雷达荧光屏上的观测

考题 单选题互见中,两艘机动船相遇,下列说法哪种正确?() Ⅰ、当前船对位于其右正横后22.5°的他船是否在追越本船有怀疑时,应假定两船为交叉相遇局面 Ⅱ、当后船对本船是否正在追越前船持有怀疑时,应假定正在追越中 Ⅲ、当前船对后船是否正在追越本船持有怀疑时,应假定正在追越中A Ⅱ、ⅢB ⅡC Ⅰ、ⅡD Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ

考题 单选题Dirt in the fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ().A clogged filtersB poor combustionC overloading of the dieselD shock of fuel lines

考题 单选题Which statement pertaining to log keeping is TRUE?()A Entries relating to pre-voyage,pre-departure and daily tests are requiredB Both A and CC All distress,urgent and safety communications must be loggedD Routine daily MF-HF and INMARSAT-C transmissions do not have to be logged

考题 单选题The amount of fuel injected in a particular time, or degree, of crankshaft rotation is termed ().A meteringB timingC rate of injectionD rate of distribution

考题 单选题吹开风较强时的带缆顺序是:() Ⅰ、一般应先带首横缆,并及时绞紧上缆桩挽住 Ⅱ、若无条件先带首横缆,则可将首缆和首倒缆同时带上,并尽快收紧 Ⅲ、若无条件先带首横缆,则可将尾缆和首倒缆同时带上,并尽快收紧 Ⅳ、若无条件先带首横缆,则可将首缆和尾倒缆同时带上,并尽快收紧A Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣB Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢC Ⅰ、Ⅱ、D Ⅰ

考题 单选题已知到达点纬度φ2=06°11'.8N,两地间纬差Dφ=14°07'.8N,则起航点纬度φ1为()。A 20°19'.6NB 08°04'.0NC 07°56'.0SD 08°04'.0S

考题 单选题采用调距桨的船舶风浪天航行时正确的控制是()。 a.减小H/D; b.增大H/D; c.保持设计工况的H/D。A a对B b对C c对D 都不对

考题 单选题To guarantee that a reduction gear bearing is receiving proper oil supply, you should check the ()A lube oil temperature at the cooler outletB lube oil strainer magnets bearingC lube oil temperatureD lube oil pressure to the bearing

考题 单选题Captain said that very clearly so that nobody was in any()about what was meant.A doubtB questionC wonderD consideration

考题 单选题柴油机运转时曲轴主轴颈与主轴承可以实现()润滑。A 边界B 流体动压C 流体静D 混合

考题 单选题某轮罗航向045°,该轮磁差1°W,自差2°E,则舷角150°的物标罗方位为()。A 196°B 255°C 195°D 254°

考题 单选题分级延时阀有两个调整螺钉A和B,它们分别调整()。A 开始起延时作用的输入压力,延时时间B 延时时间,开始起延时作用的输入压力C 调整短延时时间,长延时时间D 调整长延时时间,短延时时间

考题 单选题负荷相同时,增压压力升高,并伴随着增压器的超速,主要原因是()。A 废气涡轮方面故障B 压气机方面故障C 柴油机方面故障D 上述三方面全部

考题 单选题根据《老旧运输船舶管理规定》,下列不属于老旧海船的有:()A 13年船龄的液化气船B 14年船龄的油船C 18年船龄的散货船D 19年船龄的集装箱船

考题 单选题在电动型主机遥控系统的时间起动回路中,用电位器P、电阻R3、二极管D及电容C2进行有关时间的计时,当时间起动失败,进行第二次起动间隔时间的计时过程为()。A C2只经P放电计时B C2只经P充电计时C C2经P、R3放电计时D C2经P、R3充电计时

考题 单选题The major source of chemical contaminants in hydraulic fluid is ().A microscopic steel shavingsB abrasive wasteC anti-oxidant compoundsD oxidation by-products

考题 单选题船舶左右舷灯的颜色是()。A 均为白色B 均为绿色C 左绿右红D 左红右绿

考题 单选题To find the cause of a gasoline engine’s failure to start,you should().A Break the joint in the fuel line at the engine and let the gas run in the bilgesB Disconnect the wires at the spark plugs and make the spark jump the gapC Prime the engine with ether through spark plug openingsD Ventilate the space,then check the battery,spark plugs,carburetor,and fuel line

考题 单选题若深海海面风向为NE风,则表层风海流的流向应为()。A 在北半球为南流、在南半球为西流B 在北半球为西流、在南半球为南流C 在北半球为东流、在南半球为北流D 在北半球为北流、在南半球为东流

考题 单选题船舶在旋回运动过程中,其首、尾转动情况为:().A 船首向操舵相反一侧转动,船尾向操舵一侧转动B 船首向操舵一侧转动,船尾向操舵相反一侧转动C 船首向操舵一侧转动,船尾向操舵一侧转动D 船首向操舵相反一侧转动,船尾向操舵相反一侧转动

考题 单选题当从随动舵转换为自动操舵时应()。 ①将压舵及航向改变旋钮放在0位; ②将分罗经调至与主罗经一致; ③将灵敏度旋钮调低一些; ④使舵角指示器均正好在0位。A ①~③B ②~④C ①③④D ①②④