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What will accompany Ms. Walter’s letter?

Credit card and email records


Payment of late fees


Her business card


Copies of two billing statements


根据回信的第1段最后1句I am also attaching copies of these emails for your review可知她寄给服务中心信用卡交易和邮件往来的记录故选A。
更多 “单选题What will accompany Ms. Walter’s letter?A Credit card and email recordsB Payment of late feesC Her business cardD Copies of two billing statements” 相关考题
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考题 单选题According to her letter, what action did Ms. Walter take?A She called the company to complain.B She paid her bills by telephone.C She emailed her credit card company.D She sent payments for late fees.

考题 单选题What does the letter say about Ms. Brancato?A She often travels within the company’s service area.B She is interested in purchasing car insurance.C She frequently drives between Montreal and Boston.D She recently moved to Quebec.

考题 单选题What will accompany Ms. Walter’s letter?A Credit card and email recordsB Payment of late feesC Her business cardD Copies of two billing statements

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考题 单选题What does the first letter require Ms. Walter to do?A Call the Customer Service CenterB Send payment to the utilities firmC Review two bills from last yearD Verify her account balance