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MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to()in a certain area.









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更多 “单选题MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refers to()in a certain area.A visibilityB windsC seaD fog” 相关考题
考题 In Changsha, although there is a good public transport system,()private car is still becoming() popular means of transportation. A、不填; theB、he; aC、the; theD、a; 不填

考题 The word“arbiters”(line 7,paragraph 4)most probably refers to thoseA. who work as coordinators.B. who function as judges.C. who supervise transactions.D. who determine the price.

考题 The word “binge” (Line 3, Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.[A] eat excessively[B] refuse to eat[C] fail to digest[D] enjoy a good appetite

考题 The phrase "retained earnings" in the last paragraph probably refers to "______".A.the net worth belonging to the creditors and ownersB.part of the profits reinvested in the companyC.the amount of money the owners investedD.the amount of money owed to the employees

考题 NANSHA VERELLA ST JACQUES ZENMU ANSHA CLOUDY TO OVERCAST WITH SHOWERS WIND SW 17 TO 21 SEA MOD VIS GOOD TO MOD. The abovementioned forecast is probably from ______.A.Radio BangkokB.Radio DalianC.Radio GuangzhouD.Radio Singapore

考题 We learn from the text that “the honest ones” in the fourth paragraph most probably refers to colleges 。A. that are protected by campus securityB. that report campus crime by lawC. that are free from campus crimeD. that enjoy very good publicity

考题 This text mainly discusses( )[A] reasons to abolish the practice of tipping[B] economic sense of tipping[C]consumers' attitudes towards tipping[D]tipping for good service

考题 MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.T his forecast probably refers to______in a certain area.A.FogB.visibilityC.windsD.sea

考题 If a teacher teaches grammar mainly by means of oral repetition and substitution,he/she mostly probably adopts ( ) A、 the grammar-translation method B、 the audio-lingual approach C、 the communicative approach D、 the natural approach

考题 单选题What is the passage mainly about?A How to make a good advertisement?B What is a good advertisement?C Advertisements are not always true.D Consumers should have confidence in advertisements.

考题 单选题The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want ______.A to enjoy a good storyB to experience an exciting lifeC to see the actors and actressesD to escape their daily life

考题 单选题West backing south-west gale 8 locally storm 10()then rain or sleet mainly good.A windy showersB showers with windsC wintry showersD showery winds

考题 单选题In the last paragraph the phrase “this wide, confused wilderness” refers to ______.A personal experienceB wild weeds among good plantsC the information from the parentsD the vast store of traditional practices

考题 单选题The word “arbiters” (Line 6, Paragraph 4) most probably refers to those ______.A who work as coordinatorsB who function as judgesC who supervise transactionsD who determine the price

考题 单选题In Paragraph 2, the underlined word “that” refers to _____.A being good at somethingB setting a practical goalC putting in more timeD succeeding in life

考题 单选题Nasha verella st Jacques zenmu ansha reep cloudy to overcast with showers wind sw 17 to 21sea mod vis good to mod .The abovementioned forecast is probably from().A Radio DalianB Radio GuangzhouC Radio SingaporeD Radio Bangkok

考题 单选题Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain()slowly south moderate or good.A spreadingB proceedingC bounding forD going to

考题 单选题A corporation refers to a group of people who are _____ permitted to act as a single unit mainly for purposes of business.A legallyB dutifullyC collectivelyD literally

考题 单选题MAINLY VARIABLE 3 to 4 VEERING NELY 5 TOMORROW MORNING.This forecast refers to()in the designated area.A visibilityB windsC seaD fog

考题 填空题High earners are more likely to feel satisfied with their lives probably because they realize they have good luck.____

考题 单选题The word those in the last paragraph probably refers to ______.A people who often take taxisB people who often have meals in big hotelsC people who are dishonestD people who are worthy of trust

考题 单选题The words “a major label” in Paragraph 4 most probably refers to a.A government agencyB podcasting directorC public radio stationD record company

考题 单选题The passage mainly talks aboutA Online business is a good way to increase sales.B The holiday shopping season is a thriving business.C Thanksgiving weekend is a good way to judge how successful a business is.

考题 单选题The word “spas” (Line 3, Para.1) most probably refers to _____.A sports activitiesB places for physical exerciseC recreation centersD athletic training programs

考题 单选题Johannes Gutenberg’s invention probably refers to ______.A printing technologyB transportation technologyC the Reformation and the EnlightenmentD industrial revolution

考题 单选题It is well known that good lubrication will () the bearings from becoming overheated.A presentB preventC avoidD provide

考题 填空题It is most probably our ancient instincts that make us want to volunteer and feel good.____