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Given the security constraint in a DD:// 101. 102. 103.Foo 104./Bar/Baz/* 105.POST 106. 107. 108.DEVELOPER 109. 110. And given that "MANAGER" is a valid role-name,which four are true for this security constraint?()

MANAGER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.


MANAGER can do a POST on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.


MANAGER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.


DEVELOPER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.


DEVELOPER can do only a POST on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.


DEVELOPER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Given the security constraint in a DD:// 101. 102. 103.Foo 104./Bar/Baz/* 105.POST 106. 107. 108.DEVELOPER 109. 110. And given that "MANAGER" is a valid role-name,which four are true for this security constraint?()AMANAGER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.BMANAGER can do a POST on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.CMANAGER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.DDEVELOPER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.EDEVELOPER can do only a POST on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.FDEVELOPER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.” 相关考题
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考题 Giventhetwosecurityconstraintsinadeploymentsecurity-constraint102.!--acorrecturl-patternandhttp-methodgoeshere--103.auth-constraintrole-nameSALES/role-name/auth-.auth-constraint104.role-nameSALES/role-name105./auth-constraint106./security-constraint107.security-constraint108.!--acorrecturl-patternandhttp-methodgoeshere--109.!--Insertanauth-constrainthere--110./security-constraintIfthetwosecurityconstraintshavethesameurl-patternandhttp-methodwhichtwo insertedindependentlyatline109,willallowuserswithrolenamesofeitherSALESorMARKETINGtoaccessthisresource?()

考题 GiventhesecurityconstraintinaDD:101.security-constraint102.web-resource-collection103.web-resource-nameFoo/web-resource-name104.url-pattern/Bar/Baz/*/url-pattern105.http-methodPOST/http-method106./web-resource-collection107.auth-constraint108.role-nameDEVELOPER/role-name109./auth-constraint110./security-constraintAndgiventhatMANAGERisavalidrole-name,whichfouraretrueforthissecurityconstraint?()A.MANAGERcandoaGETonresourcesinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.B.MANAGERcandoaPOSTonanyresourceinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.C.MANAGERcandoaTRACEonanyresourceinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.D.DEVELOPERcandoaGETonresourcesinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.E.DEVELOPERcandoonlyaPOSTonresourcesinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.F.DEVELOPERcandoaTRACEonanyresourceinthe/Bar/Bazdirectory.

考题 Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? () A. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;C. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;D. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;

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考题 When defining a referential constraint between the parent table T2 and the dependent table T1, which of the following is true?() A.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.B.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.C.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.D.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.

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考题 What type of constraint can be used to ensure that, in any given row in a table, the value of one column never exceeds the value of another column?() A.CheckB.RangeC.ReferentialD.Informational

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考题 [101-102]A.左旋多巴 B.甲磺丁脲C.卡那霉素 D.水合氯醛E.灰黄霉素101.可抑制神经一肌肉接头传递作用的药物是102.不宜与维生素B6合用的药物是

考题 Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()A、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B、ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;C、ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;D、ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;E、ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;

考题 Given the security constraint in a DD:// 101. 102. 103.Foo 104./Bar/Baz/* 105.POST 106. 107. 108.DEVELOPER 109. 110. And given that "MANAGER" is a valid role-name,which four are true for this security constraint?()A、MANAGER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.B、MANAGER can do a POST on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.C、MANAGER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.D、DEVELOPER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.E、DEVELOPER can do only a POST on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.F、DEVELOPER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.

考题 Given the following requirements: Create a table to contain employee data, with a unique numeric identifier automatically assigned when a row is added, has an EDLEVEL column that permits only the values 'C', 'H' and 'N', and permits inserts only when a corresponding value for the employee's department exists in the DEPARTMENT table. Which of the following CREATE statements will successfully create this table?()A、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY emp_pk (empno), FOREIGN KEY emp_workdept_fk ON (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CHECK edlevel_ck VALUES (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')), );B、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK edlevel VALUES ('C','H','N') );C、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NEXTVAL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3) NOT NULL, edlevel CHAR(1) CHECK IN ('C','H','N')), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY department (deptno) REFERENCES (workdept) );D、CREATE TABLE emp ( empno SMALLINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, workdept CHAR(3), edlevel CHAR(1), CONSTRAINT emp_pk PRIMARY KEY (empno), CONSTRAINT emp_workdept_fk FOREIGN KEY (workdept) REFERENCES department (deptno), CONSTRAINT edlevel_ck CHECK (edlevel IN ('C','H','N')) );

考题 单选题Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? ()A ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;C ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;D ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint _ name;

考题 多选题Given: 3.class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { 4.public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException { 5.// servlet code here ... 26.} 27.} If the DD contains a single security constraint associated with MyServlet and its only  tagsand  tags are:GETPUT Admin Which four requests would be allowed by the container?()AA user whose role is Admin can perform a PUT.BA user whose role is Admin can perform a GET.CA user whose role is Admin can perform a POST.DA user whose role is Member can perform a PUT.EA user whose role is Member can perform a POST.FA user whose role is Member can perform a GET.

考题 多选题Given the two security constraints in a deployment descriptor: 101. 102.  103.SALES 104.SALES 105. 106. 107. 108.  109. 110. If the two security constraints have the same url-pattern and http-method which two inserted independentlyat line 109,will allow users with role names of either SALES or MARKETING to access this resource?()Aauth-constraint/Bauth-constraintrole-name*/role-name/auth-constraintCauth-constraintrole-nameANY/role-name/auth-constraintDauth-constraintrole-nameMARKETING/role-name/auth-constraint

考题 多选题Given the security constraint in a DD:// 101. 102. 103.Foo 104./Bar/Baz/* 105.POST 106. 107. 108.DEVELOPER 109. 110. And given that "MANAGER" is a valid role-name,which four are true for this security constraint?()AMANAGER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.BMANAGER can do a POST on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.CMANAGER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.DDEVELOPER can do a GET on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.EDEVELOPER can do only a POST on resources in the /Bar/Baz directory.FDEVELOPER can do a TRACE on any resource in the /Bar/Baz directory.

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. A junior network administrator was given the task of configuring port security on SwitchA to allow only PC_A to access the switched network through port fa0/1. If any other device is detected, the port is to drop frames from this device. The administrator configured the interface and tested it with successful pings from PC_A to RouterA, and then observes the output from these two show commands.Which two of these changes are necessary for SwitchA to meet the requirements? ()APort security needs to be globally enabled.BPort security needs to be enabled on the interface.CPort security needs to be configured to shut down the interface in the event of a violation.DPort security needs to be configured to allow only one learned MAC address.EPort security interface counters need to be cleared before using the show command.FThe port security configuration needs to be saved to NVRAM before it can become active.

考题 单选题What type of constraint can be used to ensure that, in any given row in a table, the value of one column never exceeds the value of another column?()A CheckB RangeC ReferentialD Informational

考题 多选题Given the two security constraints in a deployment descriptor: 101. 102.  103.SALES 104.SALES 105. 106. 107. 108.  109. 110. If the two security constraints have the same url-pattern and http-method which two inserted independentlyat line 109,will allow users with role names of either SALES or MARKETING to access this resource?()Aauth-constraint/Bauth-constraintrole-name*/role-name/auth-constraintCauth-constraintrole-nameANY/role-name/auth-constraintDauth-constraintrole-nameMARKETING/role-name/auth-constraint

考题 单选题Which syntax turns an existing constraint on?()A ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;B ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;C ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;D ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;E ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;