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Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.









解析: 句意:为义受逼迫的人有福了。persecute迫害,逼迫。oppressed与之同义。murder谋杀。pursue追求。evaluate评价。
更多 “单选题Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.A murdered B pursued C oppressed D evaluated” 相关考题
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考题 Social security tax is collected from( ).A.those who have broken the law.B.those who often make trouble.C.those whose lives and property are in danger.D.every citizen living in the area.

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考题 单选题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce _____.A lighter babies than those who don'tB heavier babies than those who don'tC babies who can't live longD babies who suffer from heart diseases

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考题 单选题The parenthetical phrase in lines 22-23 (who had., attention) suggests that ______.A Rachel fears that she will be seen as proud. because of her friend's jealousyB many of those who are accustomed to receiving praise are given to vanityC women who do not receive compliments are often jealous of those who doD people who are envied by others have just cause to be egotisticalE Aphra realizes that the attention Rachel receives will one day make her arrogant

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考题 问答题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies on average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don't.

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考题 单选题The government will try to _____ for those who were exposed to radiation.A competeB compensateC complainD compose

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