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反发 opposite departure


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更多 “名词解释题反发 opposite departure” 相关考题
考题 Prior () his departure, he wrote a letter to his mother. A.ofB.fromC.toD.in

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考题 The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)______.A.Decrease in mooring line lengthB.Increase in the opposite amperageC.Increase in the opposite line tensionD.Decrease in mooring line tension and amperage

考题 I have to apologize for my abrupt departure yesterday.A:late B: unfriendly C: sudden D: unfold

考题 汉译英:“装货港;到达日期”,正确的翻译为:() A.Port of loading ; Date of departure B.Port of discharge ; Date of departure C.Port of loading ; Date of arrival D.Port of discharge ; Date of arrival

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考题 反发 opposite departure

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考题 名词解释题编发场 marshalling-departure yard

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考题 单选题The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)().A decrease in mooring line lengthB increase in the opposite amperageC increase in the opposite line tensionD decrease in mooring line tension and amperage

考题 名词解释题反接 opposite arrival

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