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The bridge should inform the engine room before passing through congested or shallow waterway()

24 hours


2 hours


1 hours


15 minutes


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更多 “单选题The bridge should inform the engine room before passing through congested or shallow waterway()A 24 hoursB 2 hoursC 1 hoursD 15 minutes” 相关考题
考题 When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the0 A.engine room logbookB.vovage logbookc engine room logbook or voyage loglookD.engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 What should be prepared before disassembly of cylinder for main engine or auxiliary engine?

考题 The bridge should inform the engine room______before passing through congested or shallow waterway.A.24 hoursB.2 hoursC.1 hourD.15 minutes

考题 If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measures the engineer on duty should _______.A.stop main engine immediatelyB.ask the captain and the chief engineer's permission for stopping the engineC.inquire the bridge for the situation initiativelyD.stop engine and inform bridge

考题 Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire, you must ______.A.secure the engine room ventilationB.secure the machinery in the engine roomC.evacuate all engine room personnelD.All of the above

考题 Before going to the forecastle, ask the engine room for()(水电)on deck.A、powerB、waterC、nothingD、power and water

考题 ()(国旗) should be put on the stern of the ship.A、BridgeB、EnsignC、designD、Engine room

考题 机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防泵。()A、Engine room persons should stop their pumps in machinery space.B、Engine room persons should start their pumps in machinery space.C、Engine room persons should start their pumps in officer’s cabin.D、Engine room persons should start their pumps on boat deck.

考题 Before going to the forecastle, ask the engine room for () on deck .A、powerB、waterC、nothingD、power and water

考题 After the anchor reaches the bottom,()the engine room that power and water are finished with.A、noteB、noticeC、askD、inform


考题 单选题Before using a fixed CO2 system to fight an engine room fire,you must().A secure the engine room ventilationB secure the machinery in the engine roomC evacuate all engine room personnelD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the following is the stated proper sequence before commencing cargo operations aboard Ro-Ro vessels?()A Start ventilation,lower the ramp,notify engine roomB Lower the ramp,start ventilation,notify engine roomC Notify engine room,lower the ramp,start ventilationD Start ventilation,notify engine room,lower the ramp

考题 单选题With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched () will control the main engine.A the bridge officer on watchB the chief engineerC the duty engineerD the duty motorman


考题 单选题The bridge should inform the engine room before passing through congested or shallow waterway()A 24 hoursB 2 hoursC 1 hoursD 15 minutes

考题 单选题In the voyage, duty officer should inform () situation to the duty engineer immediately.A in/ut portB passing through big bridgeC big steering angle for direction changingD in/out port and passing through big bridge

考题 单选题If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measuring the engineer on duty should ()A stop main engine immediatelyB ask the captain and the chief engineer’s permission for stopping the engineC initiatively inquire the bridge for the situationD stop engine and inform bridge

考题 单选题Diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ().A at any timeB only after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control”C whenever the secondary station is switched to bridge controlD with the approval of the chief engineer only

考题 单选题Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?()A The fire pump should be startedB The boiler rims should be securedC The fixed CO2 system should be initiated into actionD The engine room ventilation should be secured

考题 单选题Why is it necessary to warn engine room personnel before activating the fixed CO2 system?()A To make them aware there is a fireB To let them know they should leave the engine roomC To prevent possible injury from frostbiteD To make them aware that ventilation will automatically stop

考题 单选题Which of the following is false?()A preparation for stand-by should be organized by engine roomB engine trails should be agreed with bridge, and then do itC As to engine trials of the twin diesels and two propellers, the two diesels should use “slow ahead” at the same timeD After engine trials, the handle of the engine telegraph should be put in the “stop” position

考题 单选题Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ()A at any timeB only after the engine room control station is switched to ‘bridge control’C whenever the secondary station is switched to ‘bridge control’D whenever the engine side control station is switched to ‘bridge control’

考题 单选题The telegraph is the()(设备)that connects the engine room and the bridge.A gearB equipmentC engineD sextant

考题 单选题Which is false about engine trials?()A engine trails should be done after finishing the operation of turning the engine with the turning gear and starting the engine on air brieflyB in the operation of engine trails, the main engine should be running in low-speedC As to the ship equipment with twin main engine, engine trials should be done with one engine ahead and another engine astern at the same timeD the order “engine trials” should be given by the bridge

考题 单选题When stand-by before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check clock, engine telegraph and rudder, and then write it in the ()A engine room logbookB voyage logbookC engine room logbook or voyage logbookD engine room logbook and voyage logbook

考题 单选题All of the followings are orders between the bridge and the engine room except ().A One-hour noticeB Dead slow aheadC Finished with enginesD Half astern

考题 单选题() fuel oils () lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine.A Both;andB Neither;norC Either;orD Both;or