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In the navigational triangle,the angle at the elevated pole is the().

meridian angle




right ascension


azimuth angle


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更多 “单选题In the navigational triangle,the angle at the elevated pole is the().A meridian angleB altitudeC right ascensionD azimuth angle” 相关考题
考题 ( 12 ) “ 图形 ” 类 Shape 中定义了纯虚函数 CalArea() ,“ 三角形 ” 类 Triangle 继承了类Shape ,请 将Triangle 类中的 CalArea 函数补充完整。class Shape{public:virtual int CalArea()=0;}class Triangle: public Shape{public:Triangle{int s, int h}: side(s),height(h) {}【 12 】 { return side*height/2 ; }private:int side;int height;};

考题 翻译句子The South Pole, by contrast, is over land, on the continent called Antarctica. Not only is the South Pole on a continent, it's on a very high continent.

考题 When it is winter in China, ______.A. the USA is tilted toward the sun B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sunC. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun

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考题 Periodic publications notifying changes in,or additions to,previously published navigational data is ________ .A.SupplementsB.Annual SummaryC.Navigational WarningsD.Notice to Mariners

考题 A vertex of the navigational triangle is NOT located at the ______.A.elevated poleB.celestial bodyC.zenithD.coaltitude

考题 In the navigational triangle,the angle at the elevated pole is the ______.A.meridian angleB.altitudeC.right ascensionD.azimuth angle

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考题 Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at______.A.as wide an angle as practicableB.as wide an angle so practicableC.like wide an angle as practicableD.like wide as angle so practicable

考题 Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the ______.A.geographic pole and the magnetic poleB.lubber’s line and true northC.horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD.compass heading and the magnetic heading

考题 A.AngleⅢ类错 B.AngleⅠ类错 C.AngleⅡ类2分类错 D.AngleⅡ类1分类错 E.AngleⅢ类错,亚类在远中错关系之外又有上颌切牙的舌侧倾斜,Angle分类为

考题 A.AngleⅠ类错 B.AngleⅡ类1分类错 C.AngleⅡ类2分类错 D.AngleⅢ类错 E.AngleⅢ类错,亚类单侧的近中错Angle错分类为

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考题 单选题A vertex of the navigational triangle is NOT located at the().A elevated poleB celestial bodyC zenithD coaltitude

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考题 单选题Except for N-S courses,and E-W courses on the equator,a great circle track between two points,when compared to a rhumb line track between the same two points,will().A always be nearer to the equatorB always be nearer to the elevated poleC be nearer to the pole in the Northern Hemisphere and nearer to the equator in the Southern HemisphereD be nearer to the pole or the equator depending on the latitudes of the arrival and departure positions

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考题 单选题Magnetic dip is a measurement of the angle between the().A geographic pole and the magnetic poleB lubber's line and true northC horizontal and the magnetic line of forceD compass heading and the magnetic heading

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考题 单选题In working out a local apparent noon sight for your latitude,you subtract the Ho from 90°. The 90°represents the angular distance from().A the equator to the elevated poleB your horizon to your zenithC your zenith to the elevated poleD the geographical position of the Sun to the elevated pole

考题 单选题What will be the phase angle relationship of a six-pole, three-phase, rotating field generator ().A 60B 120C 180D 360

考题 单选题The angle measured at the observer’s meridian from the elevated pole,clockwise or counterclockwise up to 180°,to the vertical circle of the body is the().A local hour angleB azimuth angleC meridian angleD longitude

考题 单选题The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean.So scientists thought that______.A most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphereB most of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphereC The North Pole is colder than the South PoleD The South Pole is colder than the North Pole

考题 单选题Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at().A as wide an angle as practicableB as wide an angle so practicableC like wide an angle as practicableD like wide as angle so practicable