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The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw down plug or disc arranged at right angles to the axis of the pipeAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()

The profile of the valve is like a globe


The valve seat is set into the bulbous body


The plug or disc of the valve is made vertical to the axis of the pipe


The valve seat is located at right side of the plug or disc


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw down plug or disc arranged at right angles to the axis of the pipeAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A The profile of the valve is like a globeB The valve seat is set into the bulbous bodyC The plug or disc of the valve is made vertical to the axis of the pipeD The valve seat is located at right side of the plug or disc” 相关考题
考题 The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw down plug or disc arranged at right angles to the axis of the pipeAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?A.The profile of the valve is like a globeB.The valve seat is set into the bulbous bodyC.The plug or disc of the valve is made vertical to the axis of the pipeD.The valve seat is located at right side of the plug or disc

考题 Springs in fuel injectors will become not strong enough to work because______.A.the injector opens at a lower pressure than designedB.the needle valve and seat wear outC.the nozzle holes wear outD.long time in use

考题 To add refrigerant to the low side of an air conditioning system, the refrigerant should be introduced through the_______ .A.suction service valve as a vaporB.suction service valve as a liquidC.discharge service valve as a vaporD.charging valve as a liquid

考题 The valve on the discharge side of a cargo pump on a tank vessel will usually be a ______.A.butterfly valveB.spectacle valveC.check valveD.globe valve

考题 In the piping systems of a vessel,what type of valve gives the least resistance to fluid flow when fully open ________.A.Globe valveB.Butterfly valveC.Gate valveD.Packless valve

考题 Valve Seat之中文名称为气门头.

考题 单选题The period of valve overlap is when ().A the inlet valve is openB the exhaust valve is openC both valves are closeD both valves are open

考题 单选题Which of the valves listed should be used either in the fully opened or the fully closed position?()A A gate valveB A globe valveC Any check valveD Any needle valve

考题 单选题Which one of following statement is not true concerning the suitable sites of the direct acting relief valve and the pilot operated relieve valve?()A the direct acting relief valve is used for controlling lower flows and pressureB the pilot operated relief valve is used for controlling higher flows and pressureC the pilot operated relief valve is used for controlling lower flows and pressureD the controlling accuracy of direct acting relief valve is worse than that of the pilot operated relief valve

考题 单选题If a hydraulic governor has been refilled with oil, the engine should be operated until it reaches normal temperaturethen the air should be purged, and the()A rack position should be adjustedB compensating needle valve should be opened fully compensatingC needle valve should be adjusted to stabilize operationD speed limiting device should be adjusted

考题 单选题In readying an auxiliary water-tube boiler for a routine hydrostatic test, which of the following procedures should be undertaken prior to filling the boiler with fresh water?()A The safety valve escape piping should be disconnected from the valve body and a blank insertedB The boiler vent valves should be openedC All handhole/manhole covers should be tightened up as much as possible to preclude any leaksD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the problems listed represents the major difficulty encountered with thermal expansion valve operation?()A Lube oil passing through the systemB Moisture or foreign matter collecting at the valve seat and orificeC Variable spring tension caused by the changing temperatureD Frost on the liquid line

考题 单选题Unlike the globe valve, gate valves give full bore flow without change of direction, such a valve is not suitable to partially open operationAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A The globe valve may be suitable for partially open operationB The globe valve will give full bore flow with change of directionC The gate valve gives full bore flow with change of directionD The gate valve is suitable for full bore operation only

考题 单选题Dirt lodged on the nozzle valve seat of a fuel injection nozzle will cause()A erosion and cratering of the nozzle orificesB fuel leakage into the nozzle drain lineC fuel leakage before and after injectionD insufficient fuel delivery though that nozzle

考题 单选题Moisture in the refrigerant may ().A freeze on the expansion valve seat and reduce the flow of liquid refrigerantB emulsify the oil in the condenserC freeze in the king valveD clog the oil trap

考题 单选题Valve lash, or clearance refers to the ()A clearance between the top of the valve stem and the rocker armB compression of the valve springsC clearance between the valve seat inserts and the headD out of roundness of the fuel injection cams

考题 单选题To add refrigerant to the low side of an air conditioning system, the refrigerant should be introduced through the ()A suction service valve as a vaporB suction service valve as a liquidC discharge service valve as a vaporD charging valve as a liquid

考题 单选题To add refrigerant to the high side of an air conditioning system, you should introduce the refrigerant through the ().A discharge service valve as a vaporB suction service valve as a liquidC charging valve as a liquidD condenser purge valve as a vapor

考题 单选题If one of the bilge system manifold valves does not properly seat, the ()A bilge well connected to that valve, plus the second bilge well being pumped will be completely emptiedB bilge system will lose vacuum and prevent the other bilges from being pumped outC bilge well aft connected to that valve will siphon its contents to the forward bilge wellsD discharge pressure will be too high

考题 单选题The thermostatic valve has a throttling action, that is to say the valve can()A stop the refrigerant from flowingB force the refrigerant to flowC cause the refrigerant pressure to riseD cause the refrigerant pressure to fall

考题 单选题A loud clicking noise from the valve compartment of an operating diesel engine would indicate()A worn valve seatsB worn main bearingC excessive valve clearanceD weak rocker arm springs

考题 单选题A butterfly valve consists basically of a disc pivoted across the bore of a ring body having the same radial dimensions as the pipe in which it is fitted.According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A The diameter of a disc is the same as the outer diameter of the pipeB We can infer that the valve is opened or closed by rotating the spindleC A butterfly valve comprises a disc and a ring bodyD The profile of the butterfly valve is a ring body

考题 单选题In a refrigeration system, if the cooling water to the condenser fails, the().A box temperature solenoid valve will closeB expansion valve will closeC compressor will shutdownD king valve will open

考题 单选题In a refrigeration system, which of the following statements describes the actions occurring when a solenoid valves, used in conjunction with an unloader head is energized?()A The solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the valve lifting device raising the suction valve off its seat and causing one specific cylinder to become unloadedB The solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the underside of the unloading piston, causing it to rise and allowing the recirculating ports to be openedC When the solenoid valve becomes energized, the valve ports become closed, allowing discharge pressure to build up above the piston, shifting it and causing it to unloadD The solenoid valve allows the refrigerant to pass from the suction chamber to the top of the unloader piston, causing the piston to lift and unload the cylinder

考题 单选题The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is considered to exist from the ().A expansion valve to the compressorB receiver to the expansion coilC expansion valve to the evaporatorD condenser to the expansion valve

考题 单选题When the starting air valve closes on one cylinder, another starting air valve has () opened on another cylinder whose piston has just commenced its downward stroke.A justB nearlyC merelyD already

考题 单选题Valve cages are used on some large diesel engines to ()A reduce wear on the valve stemB permit the use of alloy valve seat materialsC reduce heat transfer from the valve seatD facilitate valve removal for servicing

考题 单选题During the dock repair, each sea valve must be disassembled, cleaned and ground well.Before it reassemble the sealing surface between the valve and the valve seat should be checked by ()A chief engineerB surveyorC the engineerD the technique personnel of the shipyard