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1 Rowlands & Medeleev (R&M), a major listed European civil engineering company, was successful in its bid to become

principal (lead) contractor to build the Giant Dam Project in an East Asian country. The board of R&M prided itself in

observing the highest standards of corporate governance. R&M’s client, the government of the East Asian country, had

taken into account several factors in appointing the principal contractor including each bidder’s track record in large

civil engineering projects, the value of the bid and a statement, required from each bidder, on how it would deal with

the ‘sensitive issues’ and publicity that might arise as a result of the project.

The Giant Dam Project was seen as vital to the East Asian country’s economic development as it would provide a

large amount of hydroelectric power. This was seen as a ‘clean energy’ driver of future economic growth. The

government was keen to point out that because hydroelectric power did not involve the burning of fossil fuels, the

power would be environmentally clean and would contribute to the East Asian country’s ability to meet its

internationally agreed carbon emission targets. This, in turn, would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases

in the environment. Critics, such as the environmental pressure group ‘Stop-the-dam’, however, argued that the

project was far too large and the cost to the local environment would be unacceptable. Stop-the-dam was highly

organised and, according to press reports in Europe, was capable of disrupting progress on the dam by measures such

as creating ‘human barriers’ to the site and hiding people in tunnels who would have to be physically removed before

proceeding. A spokesman for Stop-the-dam said it would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project when

construction started.

The project was intended to dam one of the region’s largest rivers, thus creating a massive lake behind it. The lake

would, the critics claimed, not only displace an estimated 100,000 people from their homes, but would also flood

productive farmland and destroy several rare plant and animal habitats. A number of important archaeological sites

would also be lost. The largest community to be relocated was the indigenous First Nation people who had lived on

and farmed the land for an estimated thousand years. A spokesman for the First Nation community said that the ‘true

price’ of hydroelectric power was ‘misery and cruelty’. A press report said that whilst the First Nation would be unlikely

to disrupt the building of the dam, it was highly likely that they would protest and also attempt to mobilise opinion in

other parts of the world against the Giant Dam Project.

The board of R&M was fully aware of the controversy when it submitted its tender to build the dam. The finance

director, Sally Grignard, had insisted on putting an amount into the tender for the management of ‘local risks’. Sally

was also responsible for the financing of the project for R&M. Although the client was expected to release money in

several ‘interim payments’ as the various parts of the project were completed to strict time deadlines, she anticipated

a number of working capital challenges for R&M, especially near the beginning where a number of early stage costs

would need to be incurred. There would, she explained, also be financing issues in managing the cash flows to R&M’s

many subcontractors. Although the major banks financed the client through a lending syndicate, R&M’s usual bank

said it was wary of lending directly to R&M for the Giant Dam Project because of the potential negative publicity that

might result. Another bank said it would provide R&M with its early stage working capital needs on the understanding

that its involvement in financing R&M to undertake the Giant Dam Project was not disclosed. A press statement from

Stop-the-dam said that it would do all it could to discover R&M’s financial lenders and publicly expose them. Sally

told the R&M board that some debt financing would be essential until the first interim payments from the client

became available.

When it was announced that R&M had won the contract to build the Giant Dam Project, some of its institutional

shareholders contacted Richard Markovnikoff, the chairman. They wanted reassurance that the company had fully

taken the environmental issues and other risks into account. One fund manager asked if Mr Markovnikoff could

explain the sustainability implications of the project to assess whether R&M shares were still suitable for his

environmentally sensitive clients. Mr Markovnikoff said, through the company’s investor relations department, that he

intended to give a statement at the next annual general meeting (AGM) that he hoped would address these

environmental concerns. He would also, he said, make a statement on the importance of confidentiality in the

financing of the early stage working capital needs.

(a) Any large project such as the Giant Dam Project has a number of stakeholders.


(i) Define the terms ‘stakeholder’ and ‘stakeholder claim’, and identify from the case FOUR of R&M’s

external stakeholders as it carries out the Giant Dam Project; (6 marks)


更多 “ 1 Rowlands Medeleev (RM), a major listed European civil engineering company, was successful in its bid to becomeprincipal (lead) contractor to build the Giant Dam Project in an East Asian country. The board of RM prided itself inobserving the highest standards of corporate governance. RM’s client, the government of the East Asian country, hadtaken into account several factors in appointing the principal contractor including each bidder’s track record in largecivil engineering projects, the value of the bid and a statement, required from each bidder, on how it would deal withthe ‘sensitive issues’ and publicity that might arise as a result of the project.The Giant Dam Project was seen as vital to the East Asian country’s economic development as it would provide alarge amount of hydroelectric power. This was seen as a ‘clean energy’ driver of future economic growth. Thegovernment was keen to point out that because hydroelectric power did not involve the burning of fossil fuels, thepower would be environmentally clean and would contribute to the East Asian country’s ability to meet itsinternationally agreed carbon emission targets. This, in turn, would contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gasesin the environment. Critics, such as the environmental pressure group ‘Stop-the-dam’, however, argued that theproject was far too large and the cost to the local environment would be unacceptable. Stop-the-dam was highlyorganised and, according to press reports in Europe, was capable of disrupting progress on the dam by measures suchas creating ‘human barriers’ to the site and hiding people in tunnels who would have to be physically removed beforeproceeding. A spokesman for Stop-the-dam said it would definitely be attempting to resist the Giant Dam Project whenconstruction started.The project was intended to dam one of the region’s largest rivers, thus creating a massive lake behind it. The lakewould, the critics claimed, not only displace an estimated 100,000 people from their homes, but would also floodproductive farmland and destroy several rare plant and animal habitats. A number of important archaeological siteswould also be lost. The largest community to be relocated was the indigenous First Nation people who had lived onand farmed the land for an estimated thousand years. A spokesman for the First Nation community said that the ‘trueprice’ of hydroelectric power was ‘misery and cruelty’. A press report said that whilst the First Nation would be unlikelyto disrupt the building of the dam, it was highly likely that they would protest and also attempt to mobilise opinion inother parts of the world against the Giant Dam Project.The board of RM was fully aware of the controversy when it submitted its tender to build the dam. The financedirector, Sally Grignard, had insisted on putting an amount into the tender for the management of ‘local risks’. Sallywas also responsible for the financing of the project for RM. Although the client was expected to release money inseveral ‘interim payments’ as the various parts of the project were completed to strict time deadlines, she anticipateda number of working capital challenges for RM, especially near the beginning where a number of early stage costswould need to be incurred. There would, she explained, also be financing issues in managing the cash flows to RM’smany subcontractors. Although the major banks financed the client through a lending syndicate, RM’s usual banksaid it was wary of lending directly to RM for the Giant Dam Project because of the potential negative publicity thatmight result. Another bank said it would provide RM with its early stage working capital needs on the understandingthat its involvement in financing RM to undertake the Giant Dam Project was not disclosed. A press statement fromStop-the-dam said that it would do all it could to discover RM’s financial lenders and publicly expose them. Sallytold the RM board that some debt financing would be essential until the first interim payments from the clientbecame available.When it was announced that RM had won the contract to build the Giant Dam Project, some of its institutionalshareholders contacted Richard Markovnikoff, the chairman. They wanted reassurance that the company had fullytaken the environmental issues and other risks into account. One fund manager asked if Mr Markovnikoff couldexplain the sustainability implications of the project to assess whether RM shares were still suitable for hisenvironmentally sensitive clients. Mr Markovnikoff said, through the company’s investor relations department, that heintended to give a statement at the next annual general meeting (AGM) that he hoped would address theseenvironmental concerns. He would also, he said, make a statement on the importance of confidentiality in thefinancing of the early stage working capital needs.(a) Any large project such as the Giant Dam Project has a number of stakeholders.Required:(i) Define the terms ‘stakeholder’ and ‘stakeholder claim’, and identify from the case FOUR of RM’sexternal stakeholders as it carries out the Giant Dam Project; (6 marks) ” 相关考题
考题 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .A Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E B and C

考题 93 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _____ .A. Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B. Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C. Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D. Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E. B and C

考题 3 Joe Lawson is founder and Managing Director of Lawson Engineering, a medium sized, privately owned familybusiness specialising in the design and manufacture of precision engineering products. Its customers are majorindustrial customers in the aerospace, automotive and chemical industries, many of which are globally recognisedcompanies. Lawson prides itself on the long-term relationships it has built up with these high profile customers. Thestrength of these relationships is built on Lawson’s worldwide reputation for engineering excellence, which hastangible recognition in its gaining prestigious international awards for product and process innovation and qualityperformance. Lawson Engineering is a company name well known in its chosen international markets. Its reputationhas been enhanced by the awarding of a significant number of worldwide patents for the highly innovative productsit has designed. This in turn reflects the commitment to recruiting highly skilled engineers, facilitating positive staffdevelopment and investing in significant research and development.Its products command premium prices and are key to the superior performance of its customers’ products. LawsonEngineering has also established long-term relationships with its main suppliers, particularly those making the exoticmaterials built into their advanced products. Such relationships are crucial in research and development projects,some of which take a number of years to come to fruition. Joe Lawson epitomises the ‘can do’ philosophy of thecompany, always willing to take on the complex engineering challenges presented by his demanding customers.Lawson Engineering now faces problems caused by its own success. Its current location, premises and facilities areinadequate to allow the continued growth of the company. Joe is faced with the need to fund a new, expensive,purpose-built facility on a new industrial estate. Although successful against a number of performance criteria, LawsonEngineering’s performance against traditional financial measures has been relatively modest and unlikely to impressthe financial backers Joe wants to provide the necessary long-term capital.Joe has become aware of the increasing attention paid to the intangible resources of a firm in a business. Heunderstands that you, as a strategy consultant, can advise him on the best way to show that his business should bejudged on the complete range of assets it possesses.Required:(a) Using models where appropriate, provide Joe with a resource analysis showing why the company’s intangibleresources and related capabilities should be taken into account when assessing Lawson Engineering’s casefor financial support. (12 marks)

考题 4 The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a joint project to revisit its conceptual framework forfinancial accounting and reporting. The goals of the project are to build on the existing frameworks and converge theminto a common framework.Required:(a) Discuss why there is a need to develop an agreed international conceptual framework and the extent to whichan agreed international conceptual framework can be used to resolve practical accounting issues.(13 marks)

考题 (b) Describe a framework to assess the risks to the progress of the Giant Dam Project. Your answer shouldinclude a diagram to represent the framework. (6 marks)

考题 (c) Using information from the case, assess THREE risks to the Giant Dam Project. (9 marks)

考题 (ii) An evaluation of the environmental and sustainability implications of the Giant Dam Project; (8 marks)

考题 (e) Internal controls are very important in a complex civil engineering project such as the Giant Dam Project.Required:Describe the difficulties of maintaining sound internal controls in the Giant Dam Project created by workingthrough sub-contractors. (4 marks)

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考题 As Huawei's highest decision-making body, the Representatives' Commission makes decisions on major company matters.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 1RM

考题 地铁列车的运行模式由高到低是()。A、SM.AM.RM.ANB、AM.RM.SMC、RM.AM.SMD、AM.SM.RM.RS

考题 适合长跑运动员力量训练的最佳负荷是()。A、30RM负荷B、10-15RM负荷C、6-10RM负荷D、5RM负荷

考题 在肌肉力量评定中,正确的计算公式为()A、肌肉力量分数=[1RM重量(kg)×体重(kg)]×100B、肌肉力量分数=[1RM重量(kg)/体重(kg)]×100/2C、肌肉力量分数=[1RM重量(kg)/体重(kg)]×100

考题 进行1RM测试容易导致损伤,因此大学生需要经过()周训练后,方能参加1RM测试。

考题 下列何者组合最为适当()A、肌力70~80%1RM、15Reps休息:60秒B、肌力85~90%1RM、12Reps休息:30秒C、肌持久力60~70%1RM、6Reps休息:60秒D、肌持久力40~60%1RM、20Reps休息:30秒

考题 ()系列均为快速熔断电。A、RM和RSB、RL1和RLSC、RS和RLSD、RM和RLS

考题 问答题Practice 4  Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating. But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good.  The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesn’t help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypt’s leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkey’s bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam.

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考题 问答题The high performance innovators depended on different models and approaches to outperform their competitors. In many cases, the company’s success is attributed to a distinctive skill. Google, for example, is known for generating new ideas with blistering speed. Toyota excels at developing its products and processes far more efficiency and effectively than most other companies. And Apple is noted for its well-honed capabilities in project selection and customer understanding. The most successful companies exhibited strong capabilities across four key areas: ideation, project selection, product development, and commercialization.

考题 单选题按复合投资收益率法计算资本化率的公式是(  )。A R=M·RM+(1-M)REB R=M·RE+(1-M)RMC R=M·RM+M·RED R=(1-M)RM+(1-M)RE

考题 填空题进行1RM测试容易导致损伤,因此大学生需要经过()周训练后,方能参加1RM测试。

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