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During the voyage, the derrick should be stowed ().

  • A、fore
  • B、aft
  • C、fore and aft
  • D、lowered


更多 “During the voyage, the derrick should be stowed ().A、foreB、aftC、fore and aftD、lowered” 相关考题
考题 The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that at all times bridge orders relating to changes in ______of operation are immediately implemented(执行).A.ahead or asternB.fore or aftC.up or downD.speed or direction

考题 A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?A.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnetsB.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft trayC.If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnetsD.If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets

考题 Coast Guard approved buoyant work vests ______.A.may be substituted for 10 percent of the required life preserversB.should be stowed adjacent to lifeboats and emergency stationsC.may be used by boat crews and line handlers during lifeboat drillsD.should be used when carrying out duties near a weather deck's edge

考题 Your tanker is fully loaded,and you find that she is down slightly by the head.To adjust the trim,you may ______.A.Add ballast aftB.Load more cargo aftC.Shift cargo aftD.All of the above

考题 In practice, it is usual for ship to be loaded _____ to improve the vessel’s movement through the water.A.a little deeper aftB.a little deeper forwardC.at the same draught between fore and aftD.a balance between two sides

考题 The ()part of a vessel on the port side is called port stern.A、foreB、aftC、headD、bow

考题 Mooring lines() were let go.A、for and aftB、from and aftC、fore and aftD、for and after

考题 Hold on the()(后)spring!A、forwardB、aftC、sternD、fore

考题 During operation, the ()should check the working condition of the derrick.A、foremanB、operatorC、openerD、stevedore

考题 A head line leads forward from()to shore.A、foreB、bowC、forecastleD、fore end

考题 When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be ()(收好).A、taken inB、slacked offC、adjustedD、stowed

考题 船舶离港之前,所有的吊杆必须纵向收放好。()A、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed.B、After leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed fore and aft.C、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be stowed fore and aft.D、Before leaving the harbour, all heavy derricks must be stowed fore and aft.

考题 ()refers to the repair during the voyage.A、Voyage repairB、Annual repairC、Periodical repairD、Survey check

考题 吊杆停用时,稳索必须要收起来。()A、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be stowed.B、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be topped.C、When the derrick is stopped, the guy must be lowered.D、When the guy is stopped, the derrick must be stowed.

考题 Mooring lines both ()were let go .A、from bow to sternB、port and starboardC、fore and aftD、bow and stern

考题 日落降国旗。()A、The ensign should be hoisted when the sun rises.B、The ensign should be lowered when the sun rises.C、The ensign should be hoisted when the sun sets.D、The ensign should be lowered when the sun sets.

考题 Two tugs are helping the ship. One is pulling from forward, the other is ().A、pulling aftB、pushing foreC、pushing aftD、pulling fore

考题 单选题When launching a lifeboat in the rough sea,the davit gears should be released().A before the boat is lowered from the stowed positionB as the boat fall blocks break clear of the davit headC before the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelD after the boat is released into the water

考题 单选题When launching a lifeboat,the tricing pennants should be released().A before the boat is lowered from the stowed positionB as the boat-fall blocks break clear of the davit headC before the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelD after the boat is released into the water

考题 单选题During the voyage, the derrick should be stowed ().A foreB aftC fore and aftD lowered

考题 单选题不同的绑扎工具应分门别类存放。()A Different lashing tools should be used separately.B Different lashing tools should be stowed separately.C Different lashing wires should be stowed separately.D Different lashing bars should be stowed separately.

考题 单选题Uncleared crew curios remaining on board during a domestic coastwise voyage after returning from foreign should be().A listed in the Official LogbookB cleared prior to the next foreign voyageC noted in the Traveling Curio ManifestD retained under locked security by the owner

考题 单选题The()should ensure that the holds in which chemical packages are stowed are properly supervised during the loading operations and these packages are regularly inspected for leakage or damage on the voyage.A berth operatorB harbour supervisorC master of a shipD port authority

考题 单选题A vessel is heading magnetic east and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 086°. Which action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?()A If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should add some magnets.B If the blue ends of the magnets are aft you should lower the fore-and-aft trayC If the blue ends of the magnets are aft,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the top,you should reverse the magnetsD If the blue ends of the magnets are forward,and the fore-and-aft tray is at the bottom,you should add some magnets

考题 单选题When the derrick is lowered, the guys must be ().A slacked offB taken inC send awayD send out

考题 单选题During the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the().A injury results in loss of life onlyB injury is the result of misconductC injured is incapacitatedD injured needs first aid

考题 单选题During the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the().A injured is unfit for dutyB injured is able to return to workC injury results in loss of life onlyD injury is the result of misconduct