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What customer benefits are provided by conducting a project kickoff in the Cisco Unified Communications plan phase()

It helps to confirm project roles and responsibilites, and milestones dates.


It reduces the risk of downtime caused by facilities-related problems.


It ensures that the customer receives a detailed network diagram.


It ensures end-user support immediately after the launch of the new system.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题What customer benefits are provided by conducting a project kickoff in the Cisco Unified Communications plan phase()A It helps to confirm project roles and responsibilites, and milestones dates.B It reduces the risk of downtime caused by facilities-related problems.C It ensures that the customer receives a detailed network diagram.D It ensures end-user support immediately after the launch of the new system.” 相关考题
考题 You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A.Data item deliverablesB.Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC.Long-lead procurement itemsD.Customer-imposed milestonesE.Other subcontractor interface requirements

考题 The act of conducting or supervising the exchange of information is:A ConsultingB Project ManagementC Communications ManagementD Communications EnhancementE None of the above

考题 54 You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A. Data item deliverablesB. Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC. Long-lead procurement itemsD. Customer-imposed milestonesE. Other subcontractor interface requirements

考题 ● You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A Data item deliverablesB Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC Long-lead procurement itemsD Customer-imposed milestonesE Other subcontractor interface requirements

考题 ● The scope baseline/project charter is prepared by the:A Project managerB Project manager and project officeC Project manager, project office and functional teamD Project manager, project office, functional team and project sponsorE Project manager, project sponsor and customer/user

考题 ● Project manager believes that modifying the project scope may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should (73) .(73) A. change the scope baselineB. contact the customer to determine if the change adds valueC. call a meeting of the change control boardD. change the project' s objectives

考题 ●The project manager must maintain an effective communication link with the customer's satisfaction with the progress of the project. The project manager maintains this link through (71).(71)A.periodic project reports, periodic visits to the customer, and telephonic exchangesB.subordinates, project team members, and the project sponsorC.one-time reports, weekly reports, and monthly reportsD.the telephone, facsimile, and data transmission

考题 Project manager believes that modifying the project scope may provide added value for the customer . The project manager should (73).A.change the scope baselineB.contact the customer to determine if the change adds valueC.call a meeting of the change control boardD.change the project’s objectives

考题 During planning you sit down and estimate the time needed for each task and total them to come up with the project estimate This duration is what you commit to complete the project. What is wrong with the scenario? ()A.The team did not create the estimate and estimating tales too long using that methodB.The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not usedC.The estimate is too long and should be created by managementD.The project estimate should be the same as the customer's required completion date

考题 Project manager believes that modifying the project scop may provide added value for the customer.The project manager should( ) A.change the scope baseline B.contact the customer to determine if the change adds value C.call A.meeting of the change control board D.change the project's objectives

考题 A project manager is called to an informal meeting with the customer and a problem is raised. This problem has major implications for the project manager’s company, but the customer wants to pursue a solution at the meeting, The project manager should()A.Tell the customer that he will not address any problems B.Tell the customer that the problem is not sufficiently defined to company to a solution C.Collect as much information on the problem without committing his company to a solution D.Give the customer a range of solutions that might be acceptable to his company

考题 The project manager must maintain an effective communication link with the customer’s satisfaction with the progress of the project. The project manager maintains this link through()A.Periodic project reports, periodic visits to the customer, and telephonic exchanges B.Subordinates, project team members, and the project sponsor C.One-time reports, weekly reports, and monthly reports D.The telephone, facsimile, and data transmission

考题 What customer benefits are provided by conducting a project kickoff in the Cisco Unified Communications plan phase()A、It helps to confirm project roles and responsibilites, and milestones dates.B、It reduces the risk of downtime caused by facilities-related problems.C、It ensures that the customer receives a detailed network diagram.D、It ensures end-user support immediately after the launch of the new system.

考题 What are two benefits for prospects, derived from the Cisco SBR Methodology?()A、Creates a Link between Business and IT PlanningB、Increase Customer RoyaltyC、Lowers TCOD、Increase Profitability

考题 What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()A、renews automatically for the lifetime of the productB、eliminates network problemsC、generate recurring revenueD、helps customers speed architectural planning and designE、produces higher margins than product sales alongF、strengthens customer loyalty

考题 A prospective customer has a SCSI installed. The new project requires a large high performance storage and tape network . The customer does not appear to understand the terminology and options of the fiber channel components of the solution. Further discussion confirms that the customers only has cursory knowledge of fiber channel and is not currently prepared to for the installation. What steps should be taken to make sure customer is satisfied with the solution? ()A、Suggest a cloud networkB、Direct the customer to redbooks and white papers on FC technologiesC、Work with business partner to include Lab Service engagement to setup FC environment and perform knowledge transferD、Switch project to iSCSI

考题 A financial industry customer will consolidate their Intel-based servers to a p5-550 running AIX, and needs experienced technical services.  What information should the account executive provide to the customer to assure them that the technical specialist has the required experience?()A、The technical specialist has supported multiple Cluster 1350 environments. References will be provided.B、The technical specialist is Linux-certified by two industry groups. Certificate copies will be provided.C、The technical specialist has worked on multiple UNIX consolidation projects.  References will be provided.D、The technical specialist has worked on Linux consolidation efforts.  References will be provided.

考题 A customer wants to upgrade an existing pSeries system.  In addition to retrieving the IBM configuration records, what else should be done to ensure an accurate upgrade quote is provided?()A、Request that the pSeries technical specialist provide the discount percentage to the customer.B、Run both eConfig and PCRS6000 to ensure that both configurators provide the same upgrade quote.C、Confirm with the customer that the installed inventory accurately reflects what is actually installed.D、Provide options to the customer so they can choose the most appropriate upgrade for their environment.

考题 A solution provider has proposed a pSeries solution to a new customer.  The solution is complex with a number of technologies that are new to the customer. They have a tight timeline for implementation.  The solution provider has not been able to get a clear understanding as to how the customer will backup the system.  What would be the most appropriate action to address the risks with this solution?()A、Sell SysbackB、Conduct a SARC、Sell SupportlineD、Provide a project timeline

考题 A customer needs three 2-way application servers and is evaluating the purchase of three p5-520s versus one partitioned 6-way p5-570.  They like the benefits provided with dynamic processor sparing.  What information should the pSeries technical specialist emphasize to the customer?()A、The p5-570 offers CoD processors.B、The p5-570 requires more rack space than the three p5-520s.C、Redundant power is standard on the p5-570 and is optional on the p5-520.D、Operating system charges will be less expensive with the p5-520 solution.

考题 What are three potential cost savings or return on investment benefits provided by IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()A、increased equipment lifeB、increased material costsC、increased asset downtimeD、increased labor purchasesE、increased labor utilizationF、increased asset utilization

考题 多选题What are three potential cost savings or return on investment benefits provided by IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()Aincreased equipment lifeBincreased material costsCincreased asset downtimeDincreased labor purchasesEincreased labor utilizationFincreased asset utilization

考题 单选题A customer is asking for System x server quote. The customer provided IBM with a complete specification except for the backup device.  What should a sales specialist do to position a total solution for the customer?()A Do not quote any additional services.B Add a tape device as an option to the quote. C Ask for a special bid to lower the total price.D Just quote exactly to the customer’s specification.

考题 多选题What are three project goals of a Technical Decision Maker? ()Aensuring network integrityBcontrolling financial factorsCfinding a solution that simplifies setup and operationDunderstanding customer needsEsaving budget for future quartersFproviding offeringsthat are modular and can be built opon

考题 单选题What customer benefits are provided by conducting a project kickoff in the Cisco Unified Communications plan phase()A It helps to confirm project roles and responsibilites, and milestones dates.B It reduces the risk of downtime caused by facilities-related problems.C It ensures that the customer receives a detailed network diagram.D It ensures end-user support immediately after the launch of the new system.

考题 单选题A financial industry customer will consolidate their Intel-based servers to a p5-550 running AIX, and needs experienced technical services.  What information should the account executive provide to the customer to assure them that the technical specialist has the required experience?()A The technical specialist has supported multiple Cluster 1350 environments. References will be provided.B The technical specialist is Linux-certified by two industry groups. Certificate copies will be provided.C The technical specialist has worked on multiple UNIX consolidation projects.  References will be provided.D The technical specialist has worked on Linux consolidation efforts.  References will be provided.

考题 多选题What are the three partner benefits of service contracts?()Aproduces higher margins than product sales alongBgenerate recurring revenueCstrengthens customer loyaltyDrenews automatically for the lifetime of the productEhelps customers speed architectural planning and designFeliminates network problems

考题 单选题Conducting a project kick-off in the plan phase provides which of the following customer benefits? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A ensure that it receives detailed network diagramsB reduce the risk of downtime due to facilities-related problemsC ensure end-user support immediately after the launch of a new systemD confirm project roles and responsibilities, as well as milestone dates