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Practice 1  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题Practice 1  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.” 相关考题
考题 If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a big problem. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what the parent expects, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a reasonable way, the child may succeed in doing very well—especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Michael Lee Chao Tin is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers a week for violin lessons. Although Michael’s mother knows very little about music, Michael’s father is a good trumpet player. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Michael’s friend, Winston Chiu Fang Weng, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was your age, I used to win every competition I entered,” Winston’s father tells him. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.61.Which of the following mistakes are parents likely to make according to the passage?A.To neglect their child’s education.B.To help their child to be a genius.C.To expect too much of their child.D.To make their child become a musician.62.What should parents do in order to help their children succeed?A.They should push the children into achieving a lot.B.They should try to have their own successful careers.C.They should arrange private lessons for their children.D.They should understand and help their children in difficult times.63.Which of the following statements about Michael Lee’s parents is true?A.His father is a very poor player of trumpet.B.His parents are quite rich and have a car.C.His parents help him in a proper way.D.His mother knows much about music.64.Winston’s parents push their son so much that __________.A.he has succeeded in a lot of competitionsB.he is unhappy because he is not self-confidentC.he feels he cannot learn anything about music from themD.he has already become a better musician than his father65.The two examples illustrate the principle that __________.A.successful parents often have unsuccessful childrenB.it is important to let children develop in the way they wantC.parents who want their child to be musical should also be good musiciansD.the more money spent on a child’s education, the better the child will do

考题 Many Chinese students don't pay much attention to spoken English at school.They think it necessary to practice speaking English in class. Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the English language __1___in everyday life.A foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table.When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers____2__it and took them out again in order to express that he wanted something to eat for he could not speak English.The waiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then took away the tea and brought a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. The man tried again and again, but he wasn't able to make___3___understood. Finally another man came in. He spoke English clearly and fluently. In a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table___4__him.So you see a man often goes hungry if he doesn't__5_a foreign language.(1)A:intoB:freelyC:beforeD:himselfE:master(2)A:intoB:freelyC:beforeD:himselfE:master(3)A:intoB:freelyC:beforeD:himselfE:master(4)A:intoB:freelyC:beforeD:himselfE:master(5)A:intoB:freelyC:beforeD:himselfE:master

考题 AJay Chou was born on January 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quiet and shy kid. He didn’t do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life.As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music.His mother sent lum to learn the piano when he was only three years-old He loved it and kept on practicing. When he was in high school, he could play the piano quite well. At the same time, he showed his talent for writing songs.Before Jay became a singer, he worked as a songwriter. For two years, he spent most of his time writing for singers. Some of them were very famous, like Coco Lee and Jacky Cheung. Jay released(友行) his first album(专辑) in 2000 and soon he got quite popular.Now Jay is one of the most famous singers in Asia. However, he is still shy and doesn't smile often He isn’t good-looking and doesn’t speak clearly when he sings or talks, but he has a lot of fans. Most of his fans like him because he is really good at music and never follows others.( )21. When Jay Chou was a small kid,_________-④he was quiet and shy②he lived with his parents③he didn't study well④he loved music

考题 Passage FourFriends become a child’s chosen family. If his social life is going well, he gains confidence. If he has trouble connecting, it hurts and can make him feel sad and withdrawn and lonely.1. Help your child communicate. Naturally outgoing kids have an easier time expressing their interest in other children than shy ones do. But you can help build this skill through practice. Ask your child about his favorite games and toys. Praise him for specifics when he shows interest in other people:” You were so nice to let Roger talk about his little dog. I am proud of you.”2. Keep play short and sweet. Parents should keep early play date short, so no one gets too tired and everyone has fun. Schedule the next one soon after that, so kids can quickly build on their comfort foundation.3. Know your child. If your child is bossy, tale with him and agree beforehand on which toys will be shared and which ones should be put away because your child just can’t seem to share them. If you have a shy child, match him with a younger child so he has a chance to be the leader.4. Help your child help others. Encourage your child to be a better friend by helping him include others in play. If you see someone being excluded, don’t ignore it. This is an opportunity to work on your child’s ability to understand others. “Rachel is beingleft out. That must make her feel very sad. Can you think of a way to include her in the game?”5. Help your kids help themselves. If your child is the one who’s being ignored or treated badly, teach him to speak up.48. Which word can best describe a child who is good at connecting?A Bossy B Confident C Proud D Showy

考题 Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents, he is well fed, looked after and loved. It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are; he is continually being told what to do and what not to do.Therefore, a child is not happy as he wishes to be.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept.responsibilities. With no one to pay for his food, his clothes, or his room, he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may get himself into trouble. If, however, he works hard, goes by the law and has good health, he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be; but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life; they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them; and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving everything to others.21.The happiest people should be those whoA.face up to difficulties in lifeB.hope to be young againC.enjoy life in different agesD.wish to be grown up

考题 About 150 years ago,a musician sat quietly at a concert in Vienna. He was playing his new symphony. He couldn‘t (11) that the audience were clapping wildly. He was deaf. He was Beethoven,one of the greatest musicians who ever lived.Beethoven wrote about 300 (12) of music. He wrote some of his most beautiful pieces after he became deaf. It is hard for anyone to be deaf. But it is even worse for a musician than for (13) else. Think of not being able to hear the music you have written!As a child Beethoven did not have a happy life. His father drank (14) .When the boy was only four,his father decided to make a musician (15) him. Hour after hour he had to practice (16) the violin. He learned so fast that he was able to make a concert tour when he was eleven. When he was seventeen,the great Mozart praised him. After he studied with Haydn. Beethoven was writing a great deal of music (17) .Beethoven had an ugly face and a bad temper. He was often invited (18) the homes of wealthy people. They forgave him when his temper flared up. Illness made him become deaf when he was (19) thirty-one.Beethoven wrote long pieces and short ones,gentle ones and (20) ones.A. hearB. listenC. listen toD. hear of

考题 A CAR STOPPED JUST IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET Joan has been charged with a misdemeanor by asking her 13-year-old son to drive, putting her child in a dangerous situation. It was Joan's 32ndbirthday, so she decided to go out for dinner with her 35-year-old boyfriend, Donald, as well as her 13-year-old son, Mike. Joan was so happy that she drank two bottles of wine with her boyfriend.When it was time to go home, both Joan and Donald were too drunk to drive.They knew it clearly that both of them couldn't drive home safely after that much wine, so they sat in the back seat and asked Mike, Joan's 13-year-old son, to drive the 2008 Land Rover. Being a driver for the first time in his life, Mike could receive no help from his mom or Donald.They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do. He started the car nervously, but when he realized he couldn't control the car at all, he was scared and depressed. He decided to stop the car and refuse to drive any further. He called the police for help. When the police arrived, they found the car was stopped right in the middle of the street.1. Joan has been charged with driving after drinking.()2. Mike was 35 years old.()3. Joan and Donald were both too drunk to drive.()4. It was the first time for Mike to drive.()5. The police stopped Mike in the middle of the street.()

考题 EFFECTS OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT Child abuse may leave lasting scars. Some scars are physical, but some emotional scars may affect a child's whole life. The effects of child abuse include Lack of trust. The child needs safety physically and (1). If a child suffers from abuse, he won't feel safe, so it is very difficult for him to learn to trust people. This may lead to difficulties when the child has to (2)good relationship with the others, because he is afraid that someone may control him. Feelings of being “worthless”. If you tell a child over and over again that he is stupid or no good, it is very hard for him to overcome the feelings, and he will accept them. When he grows up, he may not work hard for a (3) life, because he doesn't believe he can make it or he thinks of himself as worthless. Trouble in(4) emotions. If an adult once suffered from abuse in his childhood, he can't express emotions safely. (5), the emotions are coming out in unexpected ways. He may easily get angry, even turn to drugs to numb out the painful feelings.1.A. emotionalB. verbalC. emotionally2.A. keepB. formC. have3.A. betterB. goodC. nice4.A. to controlB. controllingC. control5.A. In additionB. By contrastC. As a result

考题 When we talk about intelligence we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows to do.For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can do, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it all works out, but at least he tries. And if he cannot make things work out right, he doesn’t feel ashamed that he failed, he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook in life, a special feeling about life, and a special way of how he fits into it.If you look at children, you’ll see a great difference between what we call ”bright” children and “not bright” children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amounts of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life—he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general1、According to this passage, intelligence is the ability to______.A、work by oneself do well in anyB、situationC、know what is right and wrongD、adapt oneself to a new situation2、In a new situation, an intelligent person ____________.A、knows more about what might happen to himB、is well-prepared for his actionC、pays greater attention to the situationD、completely ignores himself3、If an intelligent person failed, he would ________A、feel ashamed about the failureB、learn from his experiencesC、find out what he can’t doD、make sure what’s wrong withhis outlook in life4、An intelligent child ________A、learns more about himselfB、shows interest in things around himC、studies everything that may be interestingD、looks down upon unintelligent children5、Why does an unintelligent child seem to have a wall between him and life in general?A、Because he can hardly see the outside world.B、Because life is far away from him.C、Because he knows nothing about life in general.D、Because he has little interest in things around himself.

考题 He saved the child’s life at the _______ of his own life.A、spendingB、serviceC、costD、value

考题 My husband Christopher was once a financial planner. Even though he couldn't balance our budget,his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel secure. In exchange they paid him very well. We had a nice life then. At that time,my yoga studio(瑜伽馆)was just starting to make a profit,and I had recently decorated it. At last,I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into making it succeed.When we first met,I fell hard for Christopher right away. although I wouldn't call it love. I'd never been with a man who was prettier than I was,but after a while I got used to this. and it didn't bother me so much. I was recovering from a broken heart and needed something to help me move on. If it wasn't love,it was good enough,and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance. knowing that it might be my last.Things started out so well. I was working steadily and Christopher was patiently climbing up the ladder in his department. Then,without any warning,one gray winter afternoon in year five,he just upped and left his desk at the bank,handed in his resignation,and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design business.He has always loved mixing and matching,and has a real eye for color,texture,and shape,but the idea of turning a hobby into a business wasn't something we had ever discussed. I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of his system. I didn't believe he could be serious. But once he had a few clients,he began to draw up plans,ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall. After spending a lot of time and money on all of this preparation,and really doing quite a nice job of it,he called each client in turn and apologized,saying he wouldn't be able to design their living spaces after all.As a financial planner,Christopher______.A.paid his clients very wellB.was trusted by his clientsC.was making his yoga studio profitableD.could make his family's budget balanced

考题 How often one hears children wishing they were grown up,and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains,and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities. If a child has good parents,he is well fed,looked after and loved. It is unlikely that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition,life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their,interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain,or in the snow. His first,visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure. But a child has his pains:he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are;he is continually being told what to do and what not to do. Therefore,a child is not happy as he wishes to be.When the young man starts to earn his own living,he becomes free from the discipline of school and parents;but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities. With no one to pay for his food,his clothes,or his room,he has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child,he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents,he may get himself into trouble. If,however,he works hard,goes by the law and has good health,he may feel satisfied in seeing himself make steady progress in his job and in building up for himself his own position in society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be;but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age comes wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life;they can watch their grandchildren growing up around them;and,perhaps best of all,they can,if their life has been a useful one,feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest,leaving everything to others.The happiest people should be those who______.A.face up to difficulties in lifeB.hope to be young againC.enjoy life in different agesD.wish to be grown up

考题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语阅读课教学方案。 教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major steps and time allocation activities and justifications 教学时间:45分钟 学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中二年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》六级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材: A Master of Nonverbal Humour As Victor Hugo once said,"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face", and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. Not that Charlie's own life was easy!He was born in a poor family in 1889. His parents were both poor music hall performers. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Such training was common in acting families at this time, especially when the family income was often uncertain. Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. By his teens, Charlie had, through his humour, become one of the most popular child actors in England. He could mime and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. No one was ever bored watching him--his subtle acting made everything entertaining. As time went by, he began making films. He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world. The tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round black hat. He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick. This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties. He was the underdog who was kind even when others were unkind to him. How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? Here is an example from one of his most famous films, The Gold Rush. It is the end of the nineteenth century and gold has just been discovered in Alaska. Like so many others, the little tramp has rushed there in search of gold, but without success. Instead he and another man are hiding in a small hut during a snowstorm with nothing to eat. They are so hungry that the little tries boiling one of his leather shoes for dinner. Charlie cuts off the leather top of the shoe and shares the shoe with the other fellow. He tries cutting and chewing the bottom of the shoe as if it were the finest steak. Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti. He eats each mouthful with great enjoyment. The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted. Charlie Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972 he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films. He lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977. He is loved and remembered as a great actor who could inspire people with great confidence.

考题 He rescued the child( )the risk of his own life. at

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."Some of Spielberg's most successful movies came from________A:making children laughB:almost everythingC:a lot of moneyD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:a number of reasons

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."Paragraph 3______A:Getting Into the Movie BusinessB:Inspirations for His MoviesC:An Aim of LifeD:Telling Stories to Make FriendsE:The Trouble of Making MoviesF:A Funny Man

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."When Spielberg was a boy,he used to be scared of_______A:making children laughB:almost everythingC:a lot of moneyD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:a number of reasons

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."Paragraph 1______A:Getting Into the Movie BusinessB:Inspirations for His MoviesC:An Aim of LifeD:Telling Stories to Make FriendsE:The Trouble of Making MoviesF:A Funny Man

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."Spielberg says he makes movies for_________A:making children laughB:almost everythingC:a lot of moneyD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:a number of reasons

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1 Steven Spielberg has always had one goal:to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist,Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2 Even decades later,Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years,which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' 5 1966 divorce.He commented,"It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors(流星).His mother remembers,"He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house,he would jump into my bad.And that'5 just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist."3 Spielberg was 1 1 when he first got his hands on his dad'5 movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影)about flying saucers(飞碟)and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning,he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling, he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips,when night fell,young Steven became the center of attention."Steven would start telling his ghost stories,"says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294,"and everyone would suddenly get quiet so hat they could all hear."4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there,but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5 Now,many years later,Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas,and Spielberg will shrug."The process for me is mostly intuitive,"he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it's for a variety of reasons,for personal reasons,or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool,and I think that my kids will like it."Spielberg is very good at_________A:making children laughB:almost everythingC:a lot of moneyD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:a number of reasons

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal;to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist , Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2.Even decades later , Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years , which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' s 1966 divorce.He commented , "It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors (流星).His mother remembers , " He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house , he would jump into my bed.And that ' s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Pottorgeist.3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad's movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影) about flying saucers(飞碟) and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning , he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling , he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips , when night fell , young Steven became the center of attention." Steven would start telling his ghost stories , says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294 , " and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear.4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there , but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid,non-credit internship(实习) in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5.Now , many years later , Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas , and Spielberg will shrug." The process for me is mostly intuitive , he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it ' s for a variety of reasons , for personal reasons , or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool , and I think that my kids will like it.Spielberg is very good at______. A:a lot of moneyB:a number of reasonsC:almost everythingD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:making children laugh

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal;to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist , Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2.Even decades later , Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years , which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' s 1966 divorce.He commented , "It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors (流星).His mother remembers , " He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house , he would jump into my bed.And that ' s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Pottorgeist.3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad's movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影) about flying saucers(飞碟) and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning , he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling , he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips , when night fell , young Steven became the center of attention." Steven would start telling his ghost stories , says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294 , " and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear.4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there , but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid,non-credit internship(实习) in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5.Now , many years later , Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas , and Spielberg will shrug." The process for me is mostly intuitive , he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it ' s for a variety of reasons , for personal reasons , or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool , and I think that my kids will like it.When Spielberg was a boy , he used to be scared of______. A:a lot of moneyB:a number of reasonsC:almost everythingD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:making children laugh

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal;to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist , Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2.Even decades later , Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years , which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' s 1966 divorce.He commented , "It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors (流星).His mother remembers , " He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house , he would jump into my bed.And that ' s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Pottorgeist.3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad's movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影) about flying saucers(飞碟) and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning , he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling , he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips , when night fell , young Steven became the center of attention." Steven would start telling his ghost stories , says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294 , " and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear.4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there , but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid,non-credit internship(实习) in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5.Now , many years later , Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas , and Spielberg will shrug." The process for me is mostly intuitive , he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it ' s for a variety of reasons , for personal reasons , or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool , and I think that my kids will like it.Spielberg says he makes movies for______. A:a lot of moneyB:a number of reasonsC:almost everythingD:his childhood memoriesE:telling scary storiesF:making children laugh

考题 共用题干 The Storyteller1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal;to tell as many interesting stories to as many people as possible.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist , Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and then Arizona.Some of his childhood memories became the inspiration for his filmmaking.2.Even decades later , Spielberg says he has vivid memories of his earliest years , which are the origins of some of his most successful films.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent ' s 1966 divorce.He commented , "It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life."Close Encounters of the Third Kind was inspired by times when the four-year-old Steven and his father would search the skies for meteors (流星).His mother remembers , " He was scared of just about everything.When trees brushed against the house , he would jump into my bed.And that ' s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Pottorgeist.3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad's movie camera and began shooting short flicks(电影) about flying saucers(飞碟) and World War II battles.These homemade movies gave him a way to escape his fears.From the very beginning , he had a creative imagination.With his talent for scary storytelling , he could terrify his three younger sisters.It also made it easier for him to make friendships.On Boy Scout camping trips , when night fell , young Steven became the center of attention." Steven would start telling his ghost stories , says Richard Y.Hoffman.Jr.,leader of Troop 294 , " and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear.4 Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there , but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him,so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies,and he managed to get an unpaid,non-credit internship(实习) in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract and he dropped out of college.He never looked back.5.Now , many years later , Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as when he was a boy.Ask him where he gets his ideas , and Spielberg will shrug." The process for me is mostly intuitive , he says."There are films that I feel that I need to make.And it ' s for a variety of reasons , for personal reasons , or because I just want to have fun.Or maybe because the subject matter is cool , and I think that my kids will like it.Paragraph 1______A:An Aim of LifeB:A Funny ManC:Inspirations for His MoviesD:Telling Stories to Make FriendsE:The Trouble of Making MoviesF:Getting Into the Movie Business

考题 问答题Practice 1  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

考题 单选题概括大意与完成句子: The Storyteller 1.Steven Spielberg has always had one goal: to tell as many great stories to as many people as will listen.And that’s what he has always been about.The son of a computer scientist and a pianist, Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and, later, Arizona.From the very beginning, his fertile imagination filled his young mind with images that would later inspire his filmmaking.    2.Even decades later, Spielberg says he has clear memories of his earliest years, which are the origins of some of his biggest hits.He believes that E.T.is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent’s 1966 divorce, “It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life.”“He was scared of just about everything,” recalls his mother, Leah Adler.“When trees brushed against the house, he would head into my bed.And that’s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist.” 3.Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad’s movie camera and began shooting short flicks about flying saucers and World War ΙΙ battles.Spielberg’s talent for scary storytelling enabled him to make friends.On Boy Scout camping trips, when night fell, Spielberg became the center of attention.“Steven would start telling his ghost stories,” says Richard Y.Hoffman Jr., leader of Troop 294, “and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear it.” 4.Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there, but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated.Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him, so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood.Spielberg was determined to make movies, and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(实习)in Hollywood.Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college.He never looked back. 5.Now, many years later, Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as the kid in the tent.Ask him where he gets his ideas, Spielberg shrugs.“The process for me is mostly intuitive (凭直觉的),” he says.“There are films that I feel I need to make, for a variety of reasons, for personal reasons, for reasons that I want to have fun, that the subject matter is cool, that I think my kids will like it.And sometimes I just think that it will make a lot of money, like the sequel(续集) to Jurassic Park.” Spielberg is very good at _________.A making children laughB almost everythingC a lot of moneyD his childhood memoriesE telling scary storiesF a number of reasons

考题 问答题练习4  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

考题 单选题The author most likely mentions James Joyce’s childhood, family, and education to serve what purpose?A To suggest that he had to write in order to make a livingB To suggest that he became a writer because of his father’s influenceC To provide the background and cultural context for his literary workD To provide evidence that his literary genius was present when he was a childE To explain his opposition to Catholicism and socialism in his later life